Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 476 The Great Ranking Competitions!

Chapter 476 The Great Ranking Competitions!

Today was bustling wherever one turned.

The academy was boiling with excitement, as many gathered to watch and participate in the ranking competitions.

For someone like Ghu Sota who had an extremely high rank already, he wouldn't be competing yet.

He was ranked among the top 30 most powerful Inner Sect disciples.

At present, almost everyone has become an inner disciple.

Their cultivation speed increased thanks to the boundless pure heavenly qi surrounding the space.

Sometimes, it even shocked Ghu Sota how strong he had become.

He felt at his current strength, he could stop a moderate-sized plane in mid-air like Superman.

Never in his life did he feel that such a thing was possible until he saw Dorian's true identity.

As one of the top inner sect disciples among thousands, how could he be allowed to fight now?

No way.

The thousands and thousands would have to fight among themselves for the next 4 days. And the last 10 standing would have a chance to compete for any of the top 100 seats.

If they should win again, let's say the 100th person or 99th person, those people will immediately be swapped out.

After their competition, then... the competition among the top 100 will begin.

This was the competition many were most looking forward to watching.

From the 11th position to the 100th position, these people could challenge themselves for a chance to climb up their ranks.

A person from the 50th person could challenge a person in the 41st position if they felt they could do it.

If you loosen you'll still maintain your position.

This was just a chance for everyone to advance to one or several positions if feeling confident.

And finally, once the ranking from 11th place to 100th place is determined, the battle room would then be opened for these people to compete with the top 10.

Hey... maybe number 11 feels they can challenge the person in the 10th rank.

You never know.

Once again after their chance for competing with the top 10 was over, it will then be the moment for the top 10 to compete with themselves.

Number 2 can choose to fight against number 1 or number 5 can choose to fight against number 3.

Either way, everyone could only challenge those above them

Why would you want to challenge anyone with a lesser ranking?

If you unexpectedly lose, won't you get demoted in rank instead?

Such a thing would be very shameful to experience, even for them.

This was the summary of how Ranking competitions were done.

Everyone was fighting to be at least within the top 100 because that was where the perks truly awed the masses, especially if one was in the top 10 or top 30.

Today was the opening day for the competitions. n0velusb.c0m

Ghu Sota was among the top 30 but had to show his face only for today.

Within the next few days, he could choose to be absent until the battle between the top 100 began.

Well, he also had to be present because certain people in his family would kill him if he didn't show up.

Yes, he was talking about his grandmother, his father and his grandfather.

His father, Ghu Dwo, was among the top ten, alongside Wei Gia, Jung Hou and a few others.

Donghai Gia was surprisingly in 11th place, and a few people from their Ghu clan also showed great promise too.

Reaching a distance away from the scene, Ghu Sota and one of his buddies Yangdor, immediately adjusted themselves, raising their heads high to not disgrace their titles.

"Look! Look! It's senior Ghu Sota! He's ranked 21 on the list!"

"Amazing! I heard his ultimate skill, Hurricane Chaos, is so strong it not only destroyed an entire stage but also KO'd his opponent with one strike in the last ranking competition."

"Damn! So bad?"

Several disciples looked at Gu Sota in awe.

Do you think they were talking about the destruction of any ordinary stage or battle platform here?

The first thing to know is that all battle stages were divided in rank too, depending on how strong they were.

These stages were meant to withstand heavy attacks.

If they were as flimsy as ordinary cement or floorings in the outside world, the attacks launched by the disciples would not only easily destroy these platform stages, but also create deep craters underneath the floors.

And as they say, no house can stand on an unsteady foundation.

These platforms were greatly fortified to withstand the pressure and the heat, with disciples only leaving a few cracks and stomps on the many platform battle stages.

So for Ghu Sota to destroy one in all directions from a single attack made many feel their scalps tingle.

F***! Even from afar when watching in the audience Space, many felt the pressure from his Hurricane Chaos.

Sure enough, as the heir to the Ghu clan, this guy wasn't a kid to be trifled with

Many wouldn't help looking at him with awe and reverence, feeling extremely honored to have their eyes graced with his presence.

For some who were at the 4000th to 4200th positions on the ranking list, do you know how much their eyes were twinkling when seeing Ghu Sota in the 21st position?


It was like seeing a God God himself descend.

No matter how silly, foolish or idiotic Ghu Sota might seem to those within his strength group, those below had filters in their eyes, blind to his silly nature.



"Sota, you are here!"

A few more friends within his strength group called, inviting Sota and Yangdor over.

Yandor was in the 17th position.

He and Sota had become very good friends.

They were like berries that came in twos because where you see one, another wasn't far off, unless on missions or rare occasions.

Ghu Dwo who saw his son appearing from a distance, felt his unsteady heart finally settle.

Well, so long as the boy was here that was all that mattered. Their Ghu clan can't lose face!

"Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah~"

The competition grounds were full to the brim and rowdy as thousands and thousands of people gathered to watch and compete in the first set of battles.

Everyone was both anxious and excited, especially when the elders accompanied by Dorian, slowly flew in.

Words alone couldn't describe how thrilled and ridiculously excited the crowd became.

Some even had to place their hands on their mouths to stop themselves from screaming and fanning out like school girls seeing their crush.

You don't understand.

Seeing the elders was a near-impossible feat unless they decide to show up once in a while to teach what they know.

Most of the time everyone deals with the lion-head Pandrol and his many clones.

Since when did they see the elders eyeball to eyeball? They have only been here for almost 2 months, but they already knew just how rare it was to see any elders, talk less of seeing the Grandmaster.

His case was worse than the elders.

Many hadn't seen him for so long it seems it was thousands of years ago they last saw him.

In fact, at this point, he might even be a myth.

But with myth comes stories.

Those disciples were fortunate enough to join some of his missions, came back and retold his great deeds, once again making many tempted to build temples in his name.

There was no helping it.

The Grandmaster was someone they felt unworthy to even be in his presence, talk less of breathing the same oxygen as him.

Their bodies couldn't help trembling, and their entire beings couldn't stop breathing hard when looking at the youngster above whose image was greatly magnified in their hearts.

"Someone pinch me... I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"F***! I thought like the last ranking competition, the Grandmaster wouldn't grace us with his divine presence, but how could I have known I would be so wrong? Luckily I didn't disrespect him by showing up late."

"Wipe! Does anyone know a way to burn images into my eyes? I'm afraid I might forget such a feat one day"

"Mommy... why does the Grandmaster look so handsome again? At this point won't he be competing for Mr. World?"

"Idiot, who else in this world can be the most good-looking if not for the Grandmaster? And does he even need to compete with others for us to know how great he is?"

"Damn! I must study hard to one day become an elder. Only in this way can I be close to the Grandmaster!"



Like so, the crowd went wild, watching Dorian and the elders finally take to their seats.

And just like that, the host took to the stage, announcing the perks and purpose of the competition.

"Everyone competing should please stand around your appointed battle stages!"

With over 80 small battle stages around many quickly found their stage numbers, knowing their time had come.

Pumping their fists together, they quickly jumped on the stage, ready to give it their all.

"Let's do this!"

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