Chapter 493 Where is It?

Tick. TOCK. Tick TOCK!

The race for priceless artifacts began just like that.

The stakes were high and everyone knew just how valuable the tomb in search was.

But as many forces around the world gathered teams to leave for Cygypt, the enemy they hated had already long landed and even had several days of preparation before today's final meetup.

News would not have reached the hidden exclusive online group, had it not been for a backstabber within the team, who gave out information today for big money.

Since they arrived, their phones were confiscated to ensure no one gave information out.

But someone had snuck into the room where the phones were being kept, wasting no time to send word out for good pay in his account.

The man knew that was the only opportunity he would get to do it, so he took the shot.


As they say, money makes the world go round.

But just as some people had spies or backstabbers in the team, the Britannia group also had theirs in the outside world.

So once news got out, their superiors and those leading the teams already knew of the leak.

The culprit was found and quickly kicked out of the group, lest he continue leaking more vital information that keeps them ahead of the game.

Finally, only after taking out the trash in their group and ensuring maximum preparations, did they begin their mission.



The vase Cygyptian desert stretched endlessly, with its monotonous gold and yellow grains only broken occasionally by a few singular rocks and distant mirages.


Very hot. Many thought, as the relentless sun scorched the sand making every step a tremendous endeavor.

A team of determined archeologists and scholars all stood confounded, and behind them were the locals and guards, also looking at them perplexed.


What's with the hold-up? Why did they stop here?

The archeologists and scholars twisted their faces joking they had reached the mapped coordinates. n..o)(V..E(.1((b)-1--n

So why was there no sign of the tomb's entrance?

Dr. Eldora Hagtove adjusted her hat and wiped the sweat from her brow in annoyance. "This doesn't make any sense. The manuscripts were clear. The tomb should be here. So what is going on? Or could it be that those bastards gave us fake manuscripts?"

"Fake manuscripts?" Another exclaimed. "They dare tick off our great Britannia Museum? We are the most powerful forces when it comes to this profession in today's world. So who will dare piss us off in their right senses?"

Dr. Miguel Sanwodal furrowed his brows while spreading out the ancient scrolls and secret parchments to cross-check things.

They had set up foldable tables on the sands for the time being.

Looking at the many ancient documents, Dr. Miguel's frown deepened even more. "I don't think they're fake. Remember that we already carbon-dated these documents and know they aren't fake."

Switching to another document, Miguel continued. "It's true that the ancients might've created various fake copies to decker the masses into never finding where the tomb was located. But look here..."

Instantly, many people crowded around the table.

"Look This symbol and this particular word puzzle are identical to the ones we found in Mygo Country, adding perfectly with the cut-out section of that one."

"Ahhh!" Someone exclaimed. "Yes! Yes! When all 5 documents are grouped, they create a map. So, Dr. Miguel, it's this map that led us here, right?"

"Correct. There are other pieces of evidence to prove it isn't a decoy map but now is not the time we dive into that. Remember, we have enemies on our tail who want the same thing as we do --- To find the tomb first!"

Understand that their world of archeology was brutal and cruel.

Typically, anything found in a country belonged to that country.

However, the strong have always been an exemption to this rule.


Should they be the ones to find the tomb, you best believe they will carry almost everything out leaving the scraps for the poor people of Cygypt.


Who asked them to be weak?

Who asked them not to have a determined and strong enough team to explore and gather information about these places across the world?

Do you think it was easy to find this location?

Do you know how many resources they burned out just to screen the dupes from the real ones and successfully find the artifacts and treasures?


You must be joking to think they would give it all up after finding them.

Understand that even the mummified bodies will be taken to their museums should they want.

Well, maybe they'll leave a few slave-mummified corpses to the people of Cygypt as pity for robbing them of what belongs to their nations.



Bottom line, Miguel and a few others felt the documents they had were true and not dupes.

"That's why I said we are missing something, Eldora. The ancients were smart, so there must be a clue we are just not seeing."

At the same time, Dr. Ashaku, another renowned archeologist and scholar, was in his own corner, still examining a curious rock formation nearby.

To the untrained eye, it looked casual, and nothing to write home about.


Even many very well-trained researchers and scholars might not find it odd, as the desert continuously blew with sand, burying the rocks underneath.

But to him, who was always alert and had a remarkable ability, very keen to details, he felt there was something not quite right with the rock formation, though he couldn't put his hands on what it was just yet.

Sure enough, after searching for clues on his own, he finally found something noteworthy.

"Everyone, come overnight, come take a look at this!" Ashaku called out, pointing out the faint remnants of the carvings on them.

The language was in ancient Cygyptian, one they have studied very profoundly too.

Everyone gathered around, following Ashaku's hands running across the peculiar symbols (words).

[Yara giveth and Yara taketh. Without Yara, darkness emerges. Yet, even in Yara, the darkness never fades.]

Everyone looked at each other, knowing this was a riddle.

Instantly, they knew this must be the key to revealing it all!

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