Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 50 - A GrandMaster At Work!

"Just look at her? No shame at all!"

"Heh. What do you expect from these youngsters nowadays? Such a woman should be very disgusting, right?"

"Oh my! I pity her poor parents instead. If they knew that their daughter could sacrifice her brother for riches, wouldn't they be too disappointed?"

"Tch! Who said it's her brother? Shameless girl's like this would've already hooked up with several young masters before."

"That's right. In my village, there are a few of them who gave birth at 15 with no husbands. So I won't be surprised if she's the same as them too."

"Hey! Who knows if she got the child from some old Gold Master? I bet the man's wife probably kicked her out and gave bet he'll after finding out her despicable ways!"


Presently, everyone was very much appalled by this young girl's attitude.

The more they thought about it, the more they felt that it was true. Or, how else could they explain the girl's strange behaviour?

They scoffed at her but still perked up their gossiping radio-antenna ears to tune in to the frequency and listen in on the gist.

What a joke!

Even if they were a hundred percent sure, how could they still not listen?

Like so, everyone quieted down and started 'working.'

Some began wiping their stalls, so much so that they accidentally started wiping some of their food items too.

But they didn't even notice it all. Their attention was all on the conversation between the shameless girl and the rich young master.

Why did they feel like they were about to what some soap opera here?


Chiyou's ears were red with shame when she thought of all the shameful things these people had said about her.

F.Y.I... If you want to whisper, then why not do it well?

She only felt like she had completely lost face out here.

Luckily, she didn't know these people here. And hopefully, she would never have to meet them again.

She thinned her like and tilted her head down in embarrassment, only to meet her brother's painful expression, bringing her back to reality.

With that, she firmed her thoughts and looked at Dorian squarely.

She referred that these people called him Grandmaster. So that's what she decided to address him as.

"G-Grandmaster, please save my younger brother!"

"Hmmm..." Dorian answered, looking deeply at the boy in her arms before turning his focus back to her.

The Grey aura around her had a swirling and facing yellow air within it. But again, there were several colours around her that indicating a clash around her.

Grey showed depression, and the swirling fading yellow streaks, indeed showed the heavy prominence of death looming over her.

But what alarmed Dorian was that the other auras contradicted this, showing life instead.

It was as if her auras were battling with one another, the Yin and yang fighting head-on.

And the lines on her face, the clearness and veins in her eyes, furrows above her face and several other visible traits were also conflicting as well.

Again, the lines on her palms and several other points showed Dorian her fortune and misfortunes in this life. But somehow, the lines also seemed forcefully broken too.

As for the boy, there was also a problem with his side as well.

For now, Dorian couldn't see clearly what the issue was.

"Name, Date of birth. Place of Birth."

"Chiyou XX... Date of Birth... XXXX... Place of Birth, Netaji Village."

"And the boy?"

"Chindu XX... Date of Birth... XXXX, Place of birth, Netaji Village," the girl said nervously.

Could this boy who looked around the same age as her save her brother?

Everyone was also watching curiously as well.

How exactly was this young master going to save the boy?

And what did he need with their date and aces of birth?

Looking at the scene, they didn't know if it was their imagination or not, but they suddenly felt that the air around them had turned serious.

They didn't even know when, but there was already a massive crown surrounding the place.



Dorian stared at the girl, deep in thought.

"Chiyou XX... Born... XXXX. Your father is a factory worker, and your mother is a cook at a restaurant. From an early age to now, though your family is ordinary, you all have never truly suffered any catastrophes, having a somewhat smooth sailing in life. And even with the surprising arrival of your younger brother, things were still going in the right path, with almost no stumbling blocks on your way. But just a month ago, everything should've gone wrong for you, right?"


On hearing this, the Chiyou's mind exploded in shock, as she started at Dorian with big widened eyes: "Grandmaster! It's indeed as you said! So what should I do? How do I get back on track?!!!"

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