Chapter 502 Strange Behaviors

Fleeing the tomb, Ashaku and Harvey were instantly bombarded with several people anxiously waiting for their retelling of what went on down there.

Miguel in particular, was worried, having never seen Ashaku this flustered.

Who were they? Professors and renowned archeologists who have seen all sorts of boobytraps and also lost several people when digging for ancient artifacts before.

They have seen their fair share of death and despair, sometimes meeting pirates, mercenaries, criminals and vicious treasure hunters/thieves of all sorts who would stop at nothing to steal these treasures and send them to their private employers.

They have been on enough journeys to make books and stories out of. So believe him when he says he has never seen Ashaku this shaken up like now.

Ahsaku's eyes were unfocused, and his gaze wandered into a list daze, as though his mind was getting sucked away into another dimension.

No matter how much Harvey explains, he and a few others still felt the duo were hiding things from them.

Eldorado, on the other hand, seemed blinded by their shakiness, twisting her face in worry for the priceless arctic acts that might get crushed in the room Harvey and Ashakj just escaped from.

"You imbeciles! So you fled like rats with tails between your legs and didn't even bother taking out a single artifact with you?"

"Fools! If the black coin has already been taken off the high pedestal, why not bring it out with you all? Who still leaves it in the hands of that local man?"

"Fools! Imbeciles! Idiots! A bunch of good-for-nothings!"

Eldorado went on and on, almost crying when thinking of the precious artifacts that were left behind.

If eyes could kill, Harvey and Ashaku would've been long dead by now.

Very quickly, everyone twisted their faces in annoyance. Even the locals who didn't understand what she said, found her endless talking to be irritating.

"What's up with this lady? Why does her mouth have no zip?"

"This one again... Is she sick? Does she have a condition that will worsen when she stays quiet?"

"I don't know what she's saying, but I wish I could shovel up sand and fill her mouth with it to the brim!"

"Honestly, how can she have so much energy?"

"I know right? This is the damn desert. The sun is high, we are losing body water crazily and no matter how much you drink, you still feel parched after a few minutes. So how?... How does this woman have the energy to keep talking the way she does without getting tired?"

"Damn! Have these westerners now developed extra body parts that keep them cool during the desert day?"

"No way! Can't you see everyone else on her team is tired and pale from the booking sun? They might be seated under tents, but they're still boiling nonetheless."


One by one, the locals complained about Eldora's annoying mouth, whisking they could sew it up themselves.

Dumbfounded, annoyed and just plain tired, many on Eldora's team chose to ignore her, allowing her to tweet like a bird.


Hasn't she shut up now?

45 minutes later, she was sitting in the corner, too annoyed to even look at Ashaku and Harvey.

Anyone with a brain can tell these 2 have gone through something life-changing, unforgettable, and painful. So what sort of insensitive person brings up treasures at a time like this?

If many could? They would've loved to pound Eldora hard to the ground.

To hell with the saying that good men don't beat up women.

Some women were just too annoying not to beat up.

And what happened to equality?

Many of them have ever laid their hands on a woman, but Eldora was making their hands throb with the will to give her one smack in the face for humanity's sake.

Yes! That's right... Humanity!

They felt such a girl was just a menace to society.

Before today, many heard she was spoiled, thinking the rumors were exaggerated.

Only now do they know how mildly downplayed the rumors were.

45 minutes later, her mouth was shut and everyone could finally take a breather, going over Harbey's report once more.

Harvey told everything as it happened, except for the part where there was a towering monster chasing after them.

"The traps were just too many. And as the footage shows, everyone can see what happened when the locals took them out from the ancient pillow."

The tech people and everyone else nodded, finally believing the rest died from the many traps that got triggered.

Understand that some deaths were also captured on footage, and even the scene where the floors were closing in also showed.

But for some reason, not long after they began sprinting to the door, everything went static.

This was very odd...

What could have caused it?

Many quickly came up with all sorts of scientific excuses, but Ashaku and Harvey knew they had an inkling of why everything went static.

They looked at each other, seeing the shock in their eyes. And suddenly, they seemed to have the ability to communicate telepathically.

'From the footage shown before it went static isn't that the exact time the--'

'Monster showed!'

Only now did they understand how difficult it would be for them to gather proof of its existence and report on a national security scale.

"Are you sure you can't do anything about it?"

The tech guy shook his head from side to side, "No. It's all mumbo jumbo from there... there's nothing we can do."

"Then what about the audio?"

"I don't... Hold on... give me a second."

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap~

Fingers flew across the keyboards, making those around Ashamu and Harvey grow more and more suspicious of what these 2 were hiding from them.

What are they not telling them?

The tech guy had his fingers dance around manically, until it finally stopped, followed by a very slowed-down version of the audio track just at the millisecond before turning static.

"It's odd... look at how high in frequency the sound waves spiked before going off."

The spike was indeed insane, and that's not all.

After listening to the audio, there is a faint trembling noise almost nonexistent, as if blending with the natural sounds in the surroundings.

The rippling effect and the bizarre frequency made certain something happened just before their connection was intercepted.

So why won't the duo say something?

Thinning his lips, Harvey faced the group. "We're not certain what happened, but we are certain something else is down there. Could be a desert animal, or something unknown... All we know is that we were not alone down there!" nove(lB-1n


Like so, the Mummy saga began unfolding.

Days soon passed in a blink of an eye, with Dorian finding he now had a swarming number of peculiar cases popping up now and then.

As an exorcist, he should be happy to eliminate these troublemakers at once.

But it was bizarre...

"They are up to something."

These underworld creatures were not acting their usual selves!

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