N/nêw n0vel chap/ers are published o/n n0v/e/(lb)i(n.)co/m

Chapter 538 True Pain

The General stabbed himself a bit with his dagger, to eradicate the terrible inside voice that was telling him to grab the items standing beautifully on the stands. "Sir, you hear them too? The whispers?" "Ye-yeah..." "I-I hear them also," Miguel added, truly feeling this wasn't normal at all. The whispering gave him goosebumps as if something was talking to him directly in his head. Take it! Take it! Take it!... It said, with an enticing whisper, as it laid down why taking it was important too. [Com'on~... You need to win honor for your country. Take it, and your promotion is guaranteed.]

Ahhh! Shut up!

The General and a few screamed to themselves, refusing to abide by whatever whispers were now plaguing them. Son of a bitch! What sort of evil was this? Everyone was plagued with the matter, except the disciples and... wouldn't you know it, Harvey and Ashaku. No matter what voice bellowed, it won't change the fact that they witnessed firsthand the cruelty of what happens when anyone takes or touches anything. You might as well be preaching to the dead in their own case. The whispers wanted them to take it, damning everyone in here. Sadly, it miscalculated when it came to them.

The whispers came but were instantly driven away by their awakened sense of reality. Now, they heard no whispers. Dorian threw his head behind his shoulders, staring at the high ceilings with a slight smile on his lips. Interesting... .

The group walked to the far end, sending no dangers yet. However, the gruesome sites and revealed boobytraps made their throats tremble with every large gulp of saliva they forcefully swallowed.

Oh... he could see it now. Sigh~

General Obediah massaged this left brow, also feeling the burden Harvey felt earlier when thinking of whether to report truthfully or not. Nonetheless, he decided to support Harvey if any military personnel took him in for questioning. Seeing Harvey crying so hard his voice was choking, Obediah couldn't in good conscience allow anything bad to happen to Harvey after knowing the true loss Harvey had. .

Hitchcoff also felt the same, as well as Miguel, who moved closer to Ashaku. "I'm... I'm sorry, old friend.... I should have believed you." "_" [Everyone else from other countries]

What's going on? Why was there a crying festival happening here? Believe what? Is there something these people know that they don't?

And what did that guy mean when he said the corpse was a friend of his? How is that possible?! That corpse has definitely had its fair share of time. Oh, look! There are other shriveled corpses scattered around too. Oddly, they are all wearing clothes of this era... no... era was too long.

They were wearing clothes from this decade. While Harvey and the others were busy with thoughts of their own, Landon had already opened the giant door ahead. This door was different from the last. It was more complicated. However, it was easily solved by Dorian.

"Let's go... We are getting close." Close? Yes! Close to the Mummy!

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