Host, Please Be Honest! What Exactly Are You?

Chapter 65 - A Wannabe Exorcist


Dorian and his gang burst into the room, completely stunning the frightened survivors who felt that only a breath away.

Eh? Who was this?

Some of the guards didn't know. But the Gia family members, who sometimes held parties and invited all the top big families and clans, instantly recognized Dorian in disbelief.

They must be dreaming or something... or else how come this person looked a lot like that Tian boy?

Of course, Dorian did catch everyone's attention. But sorry, he wasn't the star of the show now. 

Nope. Everyone was more focused on the opened doors behind him.

Instantly, their eyes shone in determination as they started at the doors with shocked eyes.

Hahahahahha! It was open. It was open!

"Hurry! Hurry! Everyone, flee now!"

Flee. Flee. Flee. Flee... 

Those were the only words running through their heads when starting at the doors.

And in a blink of an eye, many stumbled, got up, fell, got up, and repeatedly moved like this while making their way towards their salvation.

At the moment, they didn't even think or want to understand how Dorian got the doors open.

Please! Their minds were focused on staying as far away as possible from this creepy monster, alright?

But unbeknownst to them, at the moment, the safest place for them would actually be in here.

Hulan, who had been hiding behind several guards like a coward, finally crawled away in agonizing fear as she forced her trending legs to move as fast as they could.

Of course on the way, she didn't mind pushing or tripping anyone who dared to stand in her way.

"Move! Get out of my way! Don't you know the famous saying that women and children first? Get away! Get away! Clear the oath for me now!"

Her anxious voice had raised several notes high as she screamed her orders at the men standing in her way.

Forget about identities. Who the hell would care about one's identity in a time like this?

Hulan felt that even if someone offered her a billion Vyns after today's matter, she would never even think of coming to work here again.

Bullish**! What amount of money can be worth her life? She had seen that thing eat people with her very 2 naked eyes. So she dared not play with these Gia family members anymore.

Now, she couldn't help slapping her former self in the face when she thought of how she secretly made her top competitor have a stomach ache during the interview for the job position of a nanny.

Who knew that her actions had saved that person from tonight's fiasco? Hulan was at the brink of despair when she thought of how she had been spending time with that thing during these past few days.

Oh, God! What if it had wanted a snack and decided to eat her instead?

Shiver. Shiver. Shiver. Shiver.

Now, Hulan's mind was firmly made up. She quickly killed her dream of marrying into the wealthy Gia family and decided to stay as far away as possible from them. No. At this point, even the other wealthy families might have such enemies. And to her, the entire didn't feel safe anymore. So once she was out, you best believe that she would be on the next train back to the next city.

Yes. Yes. She would leave. But for now, the most important task was fleeing the scene. Thus, she gritted her teeth, rolled up her sleeves and was even more prepared to fight through the crowd of well-trained men.

By hook or by crook, she had to leave. Very quickly, she took out her long hairpin, and a flash of cruelty flickered through her eyes briefly.

It wouldn't be a crime if she killed someone now, right? Yes. Team Bo own would really even know. The thing had already killed half of them here. So what does it matter if she kills a few? Was she supposed to stay in wait for these people to pass her by first? What if the thing got her in the end? 

Hulan gulped her saliva while holding the shaking hairpin with troubling hands.

A moment of hesitation made her pause. Of course, when she thought of how they treated her earlier on, she quickly regained her murderous spirit.

If she killed a few, she wouldn't feel guilty. After all, her actions were very justified!

Heh. Who asked them to mistreat her before? Deserve it!

But just when she was about to take her hairpin out and start stabbing people, she immediately spotted someone who made her body freeze in its tracks.

Blink. Blink. 

Mr. Divination Master?


Dorian walked forward amidst the crowd dashing his way and only had his eyes focused on the little girl ahead.

Likewise, the little girl had long stopped her killing when Dorian came in and had her long giraffe head twisted to the side, as if trying to observe and scrutinize Dorian too.

Well, she was looking at him as if looking at dinner. And more importantly, she seemed extremely curious about Dorian too.

This world wasn't supposed to have someone like Dorian in it. Everyone paranormal beings or things in the underworld knew this. It was basic knowledge 101 that had existed since the beginning of this world. Since ancient times, it has always been like that. So suddenly finding one was an extremely shocking matter. But even at that, no one would believe that any exorcist here could be powerful.

Why? Because they would need the guidance of the heavens if they wanted to understand the profession's real essence and grow stronger.

The underworld beings weren't fools.

For centuries they had been monitoring the heavens and their influence in this world. In short, once an oath gets taken, the underworld leader had a risky and taboo way of feeling the impending danger. Thus, they could only risk it in one world, lest they get discovered by the angels. 

Anyway, they had been monitoring things and found that no oaths had been taken. So it was impossible for this world to ever come up with a powerful exorcist, even if there was one.

It was just that they failed to know that with the system's private space and functions, for some reason, things were going to take a different turn in the end.

And this was why the heavens sent the system to assist in doing the job instead.

Of course, the little girl had no idea of this and could only look at the wannabe exorcist in disdain.. Without a doubt, she felt like it was a weak chicken.

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