The gang of 3 began fighting the many minions as swiftly as they could.

And just like them, Dorian and the big boss reached the crucial part of their battle too.

~Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!

Tension filled the air as Dorian found himself evenly matched against the creature.

He couldn't lie. Just holding on for this long at this speed was very risky and self-sabotaging.

Since coming to this world, this demon was the first to make him go above his overall method of fighting.

Dorian took a deep breath and called himself while thinking of his plans. If he was going to defeat this demon, he needed to conserve his strength for his last move. 

The boss demon swiftly moved across the scene, stretching her lengthy limbs towards Dorian as fast as it could. 


Its hand pierced through the ground, instantly creating a massive crack on the floors.

And Dorian who avoided the attack by a few milliseconds now hovered in the air like a feather.

Dorian's face was still calm, but it was clear that his movement had been slower than before, causing the demon to laugh eerily, while still sending countless swift attacks at Dorian.

"Hahahhahahah! I can see that this is all you've got, exorcist! Your powers are weak! And your movements are getting slower. Hahahahahahaha! Exorcist, it's clear who'll end up being the victor here. So why don't you just LAY DOWN AND DIE!!!"

With that, the Demon's head launched out like the tongue of a frog towards Dorian.

Its mouth opened murderously, revealing its spiky teeth and 3 layered tongues feared out, ready to have a taste of the juicy food before it.

This time, it meant to swallow Dorian's upper half whole.

That's right.

For this move, the Demon decided to use its full speed and launch itself forward.

It didn't believe that it wouldn't be able to eat its prey after seeing how slow Dorian had become.

Yes. Yes. Yes. 

It seemed like the perfect plan.

But how could it have known that its prey was one of many tricks too?

The audience, especially the direct Gia family members who had been watching Dorian's battle, could only see several bluish streaks of light glow out the already dimly lit room.

It all happened so fast that their brains hadn't had time to process it all yet.

~Slash! Slash! Slash! Slash!

Dorian's sabre moved ruthlessly.

And just like the audience, even the demon was shocked as well. It had tried to pull away, but was too late in avoiding Dorian's move.


It wailed in pain after getting its tongues and mouth cut by the heavenly light emitting from the sabre.

~Drip. Drip.

The monster covered its mouth in agony as if having a bad toothache, as black blood dripped and oozed out from the corners of its mouth.

Too painful. Too painful. Too f**king painful!

The touch of heavenly essence on a demon's body was one of the most gruesome and horrifying things for them. What the hell?

Countless shivers erupted from within the creature as it subconsciously feared that heavenly essence.

F***! Those in the underworld weren't lying.

The pain was too unbearable!

You have to know that even though the underworld was chaotic, it was still somewhat systematic.

If one wanted to go to any of the billions and gazillions of human worlds, it wasn't their call where they would go.

They needed permission, and then they would randomly get sent out to any of the worlds.

The rule was that after a demon got randomly sent to a particular world, they could only associate with that world and not go to another world to interfere with the demons there.

Of course, this rule is only for lesser or moderate demons.

The stronger ones could go anywhere and always had assignments to do. So what they did in the human world was very classified. 

In fact, even if lesser demons saw strong demons in the human world, they wouldn't be able to tell.

Stronger demons could live like ordinary humans and even take big roles.

Imagine targeting a string demon thinking it's a human?

Anyway, since it was born and randomly sent to this world, it had never actually seen an exorcist before.

It always heard about them and even had read up on the general knowledge about exorcists.

The underworld provided itself in creating demonic soldiers so even the young fledglings that got birthed heard about exercises, even if they hadn't left the underworld yet.


The demon held its mouth in agony after getting a taste of what being hit by an exorcist's holy attack was truly like.

More than that, why did it seem like this exorcist had also become faster as well?

Dorian, who had long seen that the Gia members and guards were safe, was now ready to battle with his all.

'If I don't end this soon, my strength will soon be exhausted by 70%. I always end a battle at 30~50%. So I can't drag this on!' Dorian thought while taking out a golden coin from his pockets.

[Bloodmoon Demon. Strengthens and lives under the essence of the 'blood moonlight.'

Habitual location: likes living underneath lakes or other water sources that are relatively small but deep. Moonlight essence directly falls on the water's surface, forests or buildings blocking its way.

Weakness: After revealing its true form, it will wither and die within 3 minutes without moon essence, just like a flower withers and dies without light]


Dorian smirked cruelly before flipping the golden coin in his hands.

And by the time the monster could understand what was going on, both itself and Dorian were now trapped underneath a pale pinkish film.

Its eyes shuddered while feeling the strength of the film.

A formation!... But not just any kind of formation. It was a void formation. Or in simpler terms, a vacuum!

"What? What?"


It tried breaking the formation with its hands but found that its own hands almost shattered from the attack instead.

Dammit! Dammit!

The creature suddenly realized that it had been played by this exorcist that it looked down on earlier.

And the most annoying thing was that just a second after the formation was put up, the creature started feeling its body grow numb and weak.

That's right. Moonlight Essence was like air to it.

But it wasn't talking about the human moonlight.

Humans didn't know it, but there were always a total of 3 moons in the sky. One physical, and 2 spiritual. And when these 3 moons like up, it being a Blood moon Demon, would become one of the strongest existences on that night of alignment. In short, this was its perfect chance to rank up. 

Another point to note was that while the human moon disappeared in the day, the other 2 moons had always been there even when the sun was up... Even though the daytime gave out the faintest moon essence of all.

Nonetheless, it could still breathe and live during the day.

That said, Dorian's move of creating a vacuum that could block the moonlight essence from coming in, was akin to officiating it to death.



The creature began holding its neck like Buzz Lightyear when his space helmet got taken off.

And its body also began withering away too.


It wailed and screamed, soon turning its entire rage at Dorian, the real culprit for its demise.

"You!... You damn exorcist! What happened to fighting fair? Are you the demon, or am I the demon? How dare you use this despicable trick on me? You set me free now, you hear me!"

Dorian looked at the creature calmly while doing several sacred signs with its hands. 

Of course, it was about to exorcise the sh** out of this bastard.

The creature didn't know it, but the air in the space had also been sucked out.

But Dorian was a cultivator and could last underneath water without breathing for hours.

In his previous life, he could last for months with the kind of strength he had.

So what more of waiting for a few minutes to finish off the demon?

Of course, the demon who saw how disadvantageous things had become was naturally unwilling to die like this. 

No. Even if it died, it had to drag this damn exorcist with it.

But Dorian who was no longer holding back, now looked like the demon amongst the 2 instead.

The Bloodmoon demon shuddered in plain terror at the murderous waves of Dorian's aura.

This... This... Impossible!

Fear choked it hard as it watched Dorian inch in step by step with a sadistic smile on his face.

And soon, the entire box was filled with thunderous screams that no one out of the box could hear.


Dorian was now in overkill mode.

And even though those outside couldn't hear anything, the image before them still made them shudder in fear as well.

The Tian boy was truly ruthless!

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