The battle had indeed been won, but not everyone had come out as spotless as Dorian.

Old Gia and Wei Gia quickly stood up and bellowed their guards to act fast: "Quickly! Quickly! Get medical help! Can't you see that they need their injuries taken care of?"


As if receiving a cosmic order, the guards all acted sharply, trying to get medical supplies as fast as they could.

They weren't fools. In matters like this, going to the hospital might raise suspicions.

For example, with the teeth marks and other bizarre injuries on Raulin, Zhulyn and Butler Sheng, what would be their response if asked what they were beaten by?

No animal in the country could cause such injuries. So it would raise suspicions and would also be very troublesome to deal with.

That's why it was better to get help to deal with this privately instead.

Dorian calmly flipped an overturned couth with 'magic,' before calmly taking a seat on it as if he were the boss here.

And even the injured trio still limped and stood by his side with calm faces, though their injuries still plagued them.

Maybe it was everyone's imagination, but they seem to see Dorian as some ruler seated on a throne instead.

The imposing existence of the Tian boy was sort of lazy but scary.

His every action was that of someone who was always in control.

And just remembering how he could make that demon from before wail and scream in agony as if it were terrified... Was enough to show just how powerful he truly was.

Yet, though a dangerous man, his lazy gestures gave them the feeling of someone who hated unwanted troubles, like a lazy beauty that only showed his ruthless side when provoked.

They could be wrong, but this was their first impression of Mr. Dorian Tian.

Of course, they were also impressed by his men as well.

Just look at how they stood there like statues as if their injuries were nothing?

No doubt about it, these men should also be strong in their own rights too.

And from their actions tonight, this wasn't their first time on the job.

Unlike them, who could only be desert for the many demons, these people who were utterly outnumbered, did what so many of them couldn't.

And for this, they deserved their thanks.


Everyone nervously moistened their dry lips while calmly advancing towards Dorian and his gang, with Old Gia, Wei Gia, Butler Feng and Head Guard Renjin taking the lead.

Dorian looked at them calmly before flipping 2 other couches very far away and making them fly towards them.


Everyone's heart drummed with even more anxiety while staring at the magical scene before them.


Old Gia and Wei Gia sat on one separate one, while the ladies and children sat on another one.

They stared at Dorian with awe, gratitude and all sorts of countless emotions in their minds.

And even the youngsters couldn't help clenching their fists, wanting to follow Dorian's footsteps instead.

No matter how grown and disciplined they were, as 7 or 11-year children were, seeing such a fantasy-like scene had already started swaying and broadening their minds to other possibilities that existed out there.

It was clear that from today henceforth, their outlook in life would be completely different from before.

They were Gia men. They didn't back down from troubles but faced them head-on!

So even with the fear of the unknown, it was better to be prepared than to end up as prey just like today's situation.

What if the same incident one day repeats itself?


Dorian revealed a slight smile while staring at the famous Gia Family members that he already knew of.

It was just that the former Dorian used to be on his own and never truly mingled with anyone during major parties and events held by the Gia members.

Old Gia cleared this throat while trying to calm himself: "Tian boy. Thank you for your work today. You not only saved my life... but that of my entire household. So if there's anything you need that is within our capabilities, just say the word and I promise you that it shall be done!"

Yes. Yes... Just say the word, and they will do it!

Dorian looked at everyone and waved his hands casually: "I'm only doing my job. You see, this is the job of my Tian household. So I will only charge you according to my principles."

Eh? Everyone was taken aback.

Was this the real job of the Tian household?


Old Gia and everyone else fell deep in thought from Dorian's words.

Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!!!

So was he saying that all these years while they had been attending events with the Tian couple, they had been demon slayers then?

Damn! This revelation was just too shocking.

They, the Gia family, thought that they held all information and had eyes everywhere within the nation. 

But who knew that all of it was just their wishful thinking?

Looking at today's matter, who knew if there were other strange and bizarre things happening around?

What about the strange deaths around the country? What about the unusual sightings that everyone typically brushed off with a scientific explanation?

Yes. After today, they knew that the supernatural did exist.

So now, how could they not look at things from that perspective too?

Their Gia family had a sworn duty of protecting the entire nation. And they also had toes within the Navy, police, Military and every security region you could think of.

So after today's discovery, they had to find a way to join the supernatural sector too.

For the safety of the entire nation and the protection of their household, it was paramount importance that they got in.


Like so, countless worries flooded their minds deeply.

But just when they were about to find out about today's affair, Dorian's following words made them freeze in place.

"Your Gia Daughter is still alive... But not for too long."

Instantly, The Gia members all stood up abruptly.


"What did you say?!"

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