Like so, Dorian kept his mind empty and stayed focused on improving his strength.

But back on the other side of that strange wall, countless people were now listening to his men with so much seriousness, as if listening to the most important lectures of their lives.

Raulin, Zhulyn and Butler Sheng all stood calmly while looking at the crowd gathered before them.

In the vehicle, the Grandmaster had told them that they could answer any questions that the Gia family asked... But of course, some particular topics were out of bounds yet.

So they knew what to ask and what not to say.

In short, anything on automation was out of bounds.... After all, these people hadn't taken the heavenly oath yet.

But in general, they could talk about the Exorcism profession too.

Butler Sheng had long brought in tea and had served the gathered crowd as if they had come for some tea party.

Hey. No matter what, they still had to show that their Tian family had the proper teachings of any wealthy Family.

It was just that after going through what they went through today, the gang wasn't very interested in drinking any damn tea.

Old Gi held his cup of tea and pressed his lips together as if building up his courage.


"Mr. Gia... You may call me Butler Sheng."

"Yes. Yes... Of course, Butler Sheng!" Old Gia exclaimed while secretly taking note of the name.

Luckily, the name was very similar to his own Butler... Butler Feng. So his old brain should be able to recall it better.

And after Raulin and Zhulyn introduced themselves too, everyone else also took note of their names.

What a joke!

These people were closest to the Grandmaster, so knowing them was also a good thing.

Just remembering how the wall had magically opened up now, made everyone feel that the entire mansion might be animated and could come to life too.

Hey! These couches and chairs they say on wouldn't be like that, right?

Wait! Could they magically swallow them up too?


Everyone was lost in their own little world.

And the more they thought of tonight's affair, the more they realized Dorian's brilliance.

But most of all, they also realized how scary the world truly was.


The air grew tense with the nightwalkers constantly singing their nightly tunes.

But one would think that the owl was singing from outside the building, but that would be wrong.

The owl had been here since the start and seemed to be the family's pet.

If it were before, they wouldn't bother with the owl.

But after tonight, they began suspecting everything within the Tian house.

They looked at the owl as if trying to communicate with it.

... Mr. Owl... Can you talk?



Pretend. Pretending!

The group of people were not convinced!

And for this, Dorian would only be speechless.

The owl was just an ordinary one.

But hey! You can't tell people anything once their minds begin their imaginative journeys.


Old Gia and everyone less looked at the hang curiously.

"Pardon me... But what is it that you all do?"

The trio all smiled mysteriously at the crowd: "You want to know more about our profession?"

Everyone froze for a second before nodding slowly: "Y-Yes... We want to know."

Butler Sheng looked at their innocent faces and chuckled a bit: "I know you all have a lot of questions, but you see... our profession entails a lot of things. But in a word, we are Exorcists."


What kind of word was that?



Everyone felt like their dictionaries didn't hold such a strange, bizarre word in them.

But for sure, they knew that this exorcism thing meant that they should be monster killers?

Well, not exactly.

Killing these things wouldn't necessarily stop them from coming back.

Each underworld creature was different. Be it evil spirits, Ghouls and so on, they all had their own way of doing things.

So what if they possess another person for payback? Killing them only sent them to the underworld.

And when that happened, it's not like they would start off as babies again.

No! They were just sent back to the underworld as if vacationing there.

Only when an underworld being killed another Underwood being would the deceased creature get rebirthed as a demon baby again with no memories.

Once forced to leave the human world and go back to the underworld, it only meant that it sustained some injury and would need to heal in the underworld.

Of course, once it was done healing and had planned its return, then you best believe that it would rise again as usual.

But exorcism was different.

They were proofing their entire existence with holy light and sending them to a vicious cycle of incarnation.

There was a big difference!



Everyone's eyes widened in alarm while listening to the mention of several different strange things existing in this world.

Lying trough. How can the world be so dangerous?

Scary... Too scary!

Now they felt like there was danger lurking around them no matter where they looked.


Why did they have to share their world with such things?

In short, today's matter had also made them mature a bit too.

Well, at least now they were aware of the paranormal.

And in the meantime, Pandrol had long sent a transmitted message to the trio to get the stuff his master had him prepare.

Of course, Raulin took on the task. 

He quickly went to the 2nd floor, entered the portal through another wall and came out with 3 bizarre boxes with several symbols on them.

Blink. Blink.

Target locked.


With laser-focused eyes, everyone looked at the scene intensively.

What was in these boxes?

What did they want to do with them?

They felt like some great mystery was found within them.

And soon enough, the wall opened up again.


Dorian stepped out with a brand new attire that made him look all the more majestic.

Sleek. Bluish-black, and very unique... The entire get-up fitted his body exceptionally well.

Dorian glanced at the crowd who now stood up hastily, and nodded at them calmly with his hands in his pockets.

"Let's go!"

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