Alright. He placed the bone finger away and looked at the floating cage of black smoke that seemed to draw anyone who looked at it into a hypnotic state.

The black cloud was continuously working around, the closer his body got to it.

That's right.

It acted like it had a mind of its own, trying to frighten Dorian back after feeling the Holy aura emitting from Dorian's hands.

~Hup! Hup! Hup!

Dorian's fingers continuously moved as if he were some ninja. 

And as he continuously stretched his fingers in all positions, the gold coin in his hand floated on its own and began emitting various colours ranging from red to orange. 

The coin stayed in place in the air for a bit before spinning on the same spot faster and faster until it became leaving after images of itself..

Whoop! Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!

The coin then floated to an even higher height, gathering substantial Holy energy from above.

The spinning coin soon turned into a massive spinning ball of light that could blind anyone that peeked at it for long.

What the hell was going on there?

Both the creature and everyone else suddenly felt an intense pressure pressing onto their bodies like crazy.

Their bodies, as if not their own, refused to move an inch no matter how much they tried to make it move 

Even the creatures felt stagnated as well.

Their expressions turned grim as they felt their entire bodies itch uncomfortably. 

Now, they felt like vampires who weren't strong enough to stay out in the sun.

No. That wasn't even the best comparison because True blood and strong enough vampires could last in the sun for months.

But weak and lesser vampires would burn from just a single ray of sunlight.

No! It would be better to say that they felt like an ant that had been subdued to torture when one placed a magnifying glass on them during a boiling summer.



A sizzling sensation echoed out, causing the creature's body to tremble in anguish.


They flared their hands about, shaking from side to side and using their hands to hide the back of theirs as though everything was just a bad dream that would go away!

With their backs facing the bright light, they felt several burning rays of light burn them mercilessly.

And the most painful thing of it all was that the pressure from the light made them feel too weak to flee. 


Dorian, who still has his eyes closed and his fingers working, speeded up his chants the larger the holy ball grew: "Shshshshshshsh~!!!"

His chants caused the air around him to turn vigorously.

But that wasn't all. The rays of light quickly affected the Black smoke cage, making it seem as if it was bubbling as well.


The sounds grew louder and louder until Dorian seemed satisfied. 

And soon enough, he opened his eyes and stared at the black ball coldly: "Holy Inferno Light of Limbus! Extinguish the Darkness Within!"


Like lightning, the gigantic Holy Ball followed with the black ball.


The clash happened like a movie!

And before everyone knew it, a massive surge of white light surged out throughout the entire Park, accompanied by a strong wind that threw several fish out of the lake's water.


Everyone was soaking wet from the tidal wash.

And at this moment, one might think that they were pleased or excited by it all.

But f***! No!

Right now, they couldn't hear or see a thing!

That's right. The catatonic decision that seemed more like a holy nuclear one had taken away their sights and hearing.

It was as if the entire world, including the insects, had decided to go to sleep.

And this alone made their hearts race with horror.

Blind and deaf at a time like this?

What if the creature takes advantage of them, gobbling them up in one bite?

Several people higher themselves tighter than before, as they earnestly wanted to awake their human senses, hoping and praying for the best.

At this point, there was no denying that their entire stomachs felt knotted as a wave of acid swelled up within it too.

'Calm yourself, man!' Old Gia reminded himself while clutching the now wet ground in panic.

Worrying won't solve anything!


Like so, countless people were afraid, brave, petrified, still held hope in their hearts, wishing that their sights would return to them sooner rather than later.

And as if the heavens had heard them, the sight and hearing returned to normal.


Their hearing seemed to be the first thing that returned to them.

As for their sight, it slowly took form, first starting hazy until it became clear and clear by the millisecond.

And before they could blink, Dorian was already standing before them with the girl.


Dorian didn't bother about their dazed expressions and calmly handed the girl over to her Mother.

Pia, who touched the pale-looking girl, couldn't stop her lips from trembling hard, suppressing all her emotions locked up within her.

You look at me, I look at you.

She stared at Dorian eyeball to eyeball, as if wanting to get the truth from him: "Grandmaster... Say it as it is... Is she my daughter?"

That's right. Was she really the darling Gia princess?

Even though Pia could instantly feel the motherly connection, she still wanted to be 100% sure. 

Heh. Who knew if these monsters could replicate the feeling and make her take in another fraudster?

Only her daughter deserved the best things from her. So why in heaven's name would she be willing to pamper another monster?

If she made the same mistake twice, then she didn't deserve to be a mother.

Of course, the other Gia men were also looking at the girl suspiciously.

They really couldn't afford to go through the same thing again.

Of course, the security guards who heard this started feeling suspicious of It all as well.

Wait! It was now that a few of them pierced a few things together.

In particular, Nemo felt like he had solved the case. But it was just that his thoughts shook him to the core!

'Nemo! Nemo! You smart son of b**ch! Your mind has done it again!... That's right. A few days ago, if the Gia girl went missing in the park. Everyone looked for her. And when they found her, she was dripping wet from leaving the water. Again, it was reported that the Gia family did take her home. So doesn't this mean that she got switched with a monster?'

Neno opened his trembling mouth in a daze, feeling all numb from the shock his mind gave him.

'Well, I'll be damned. The Gia family took back a freaking Minster home?'

Holy Cow!

A few people who understood the truth were even more frightened about being out in society now.

If these things could look like others, then who's to say that their wives, husbands, children or anyone close to them hadn't been switched up as well?

Smoke... Smoke... Smoke...

Some of them wanted a cigarette to calm their anxiety.

And all these thoughts passed through their heads in no more than 2 seconds.


Dorian was still in a staring contest with Pia: "She's your daughter."

Drip. Drip.

Tears flushed out of Pia's face as she tightened her group around her unconscious daughter: "Thank you... Thank you, Grandmaster." Pia then looked at her daughter in fear.

"Don't worry. She's just unconscious. We'll finish her matter later on. For now, it's time to end this."

In a flash, Dorian vanished and blocked the creature's attempt to carry one of the guards away.



The creature screamed in pain when seeing one of its hands get sliced off.

It wailed and packed away in pain, only it quickly fell to the ground on its butt while looking at Dorian in horror.

How... How... How was this possible?


Dorian calmly jumped in the air and smiled cruelly.

"10 swords of death, Finish him!"

~Slash! Slash! Slash! Slash! Slash!~

Like a massive combo attack, all link floating blades dashed towards its enemy like crazy, causing the creature to pierce multiple screams the harder the combo attacks landed.


~Slash! Slash! Slash! Slash!~

"No! Stop! Stop for us, Mortal! We have a boss! We have a powerful boss who will kill you if we die!"

Dorian, as if annoyed, suddenly decided to change his attack: "Hammers of Justice, 5-Style Dance!"

~Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!~

[Creature]: (:T0T:)

Dammit! Dammit!

The attacks rained harder and harder as giant mallet-like hammers continuously pounded the creature mercilessly.

And once again, those watching honestly felt like shedding a tear for the creature.

Just from the way these creatures acted, one could see their fear when dealing with Dorian.

That is... Even when the creatures all broke away and dismantled from their giant forms and tried to flee, Dorian used several golden cowboy ropes to hook and reel them in: "Where do you all think you're going? Get back here!"


"No! Stop!!!"


"Mortal... What you're doing is a crime!"


"Please spare us! We are only children at 180 years old."

~Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!~


[Dorian]: Noisy.

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