Yokohama Honma, the former seventh warehouse.

The influential band "VEBEJAIL" in Yokohama will hold a grand music festival here tonight.

Except for the band's loyal fans, most of the rest are through word of mouth, with a hilarious mentality or want to be stimulated by a night and hot songs, to see if they can hook up with a girl.

Therefore, the people gathered in the old seventh warehouse can be described as a mixture of fish and dragons, and there are all kinds of people.

With a large number of people and limited space, it is inevitable that some people will be complicated and angry because they cannot enter the warehouse.

It was originally a group of hot-tempered young people, who were seven disobedient and eight dissatisfied on weekdays, thinking that they were the lord of the sky and my second eldest and the second, squeezing around, and the anger came up.

"What are you squeezing for?!"

"Put your mouth clean for Lao Tzu!"

Want to fight?!"

"Come on! I'm afraid of you!"

"Nima's! Beat him up!"

Swearing and arguing were heard in the crowd, and gradually riots began to occur in small pieces, either fighting each other or in groups.

The few strong men guarding the door of the warehouse are not professional security guards, and the gangsters invited by a bar owner where the [VEBEJAIL] band often resides, as long as no one comes to storm the warehouse door, they generally don't care about fighting, and even bet with interest on who wins and who loses.

The singing in the warehouse had not yet begun, and the warm-up outside the venue had already begun, except for a few waves of dry rack people, and the crowd walking towards the warehouse whistled and cheered at the people who were fighting from time to time.

Under such circumstances, a black-haired boy wearing a light gray casual suit and a good length walked slowly from not far away, and his expressionless cold face made the little sisters and sisters who noticed the black-haired boy look like peach blossoms.

Under the peach blossom gaze of the young ladies and sisters with different shapes, the black-haired boy walked to the back of the crowd, twisted his neck, and suddenly rushed into the crowd like a hungry tiger.


"What is he going to do!?"

"Oh my God, is this little handsome guy trying to break in?"

After the young ladies and sisters saw the black-haired boy's actions, they covered their mouths with their hands and showed surprise.

The black-haired boy's movements did not stop at all because of the exclamations that came into his ears, and his two hands leaned forward like a crane to grab the back collars of the two bad boys, and then when the two bad boys looked confused, they threw the two bad boys backwards.

This action was repeated dozens of times by the black-haired boy, and before the crowd could react, he was almost in the middle of the crowd.

At the end, Kadena Nanfeng, who had been waiting for what the Ninth Dragon God was going to do, looked at the Ninth Dragon God who was rampaging through the crowd like a bulldozer, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Such a man is simply invincible, okay!

Kadena Nanfeng raised his hand to wipe the non-existent saliva on his mouth, and hurriedly locked the car and ran towards the Ninth Dragon God.

The rampage of the Ninth Dragon God finally caused a huge riot, but the most important point for those who came out to mix was to have a pair of eyes that could distinguish the strength of the other party.

Although the Ninth Dragon God did not beat a person in the whole process, he could easily throw people away just by grabbing and throwing his arms away, and this seemingly harmless teenager was definitely a very terrifying existence.

Based on this, even if the Ninth Dragon God was about to walk to the door of the warehouse with Kadena Nanfeng, no one dared to step forward to humiliate himself, and even the crowd who had already lined up at the door of the warehouse, after seeing the Ninth Dragon God walking over, would take the initiative to give way and signal the Ninth Dragon God to be advanced.

"Little brother, you are very powerful!"

Kadena Nanfeng came to the side of the Ninth Dragon God and said with a look of surprise.

The Ninth Dragon God ignored how attractive Kasho Nanfeng's flower-mad face was, walked straight to the stunned guards of several strong men, and said to one of them: "Can I go in?"

"Can... Please... Please come in!"

After hearing the Ninth Dragon God's question, the guard quickly woke up from the shock, sincerely feared and opened the warehouse door through a gap for only one person to pass, and nodded to the Ninth Dragon God and said with a smile.

Naturally, this music festival is not free.

Otherwise, why would the bar owner hire these street gangsters as guards at his own expense?

But the force displayed by the Ninth Dragon God made none of these guards dare to ask for money,

Just hope that the other party can play peacefully after entering the field, and stop making big movements.

They don't charge tickets, and the Ninth Dragon God doesn't want to give them.

If it weren't for boredom this time, I would have been fooled by the south wind of Kadena,

In this kind of place like a heavy metal music festival, even if you give him money, he will not necessarily come.

Ignoring the sycophancy of the guards, the Ninth Dragon God swaggered into the warehouse, and the Kashou Nanfeng behind him was already ready to pay for the ticket, and when he saw this, his face was overjoyed, and he followed closely.

The ticket money for this kind of music festival is not necessarily expensive, but it is a sum to save, and she is very short of money.

As soon as the ninth dragon god and Kadena Nanfeng entered the warehouse, their eardrums trembled by the bursting heavy metal music.

"Oh roar!"

Kadena Nanfeng is the kind of woman who loves everything fashionable and fresh,

She likes anything that causes an adrenaline rush.

Drag racing and listening to heavy metal music are often the favorite things for young people today.

The crowd inside the warehouse was no less than the people outside, almost all shoulder to shoulder, shouting along to the music.

Because of his height, the Ninth Dragon God easily crossed the crowd and looked at the improvised stage not far away.

On the stage, the lead singer of the band, who stands upright like a sea urchin on his head, is singing selflessly,

The guitarists and bassists around him also wear weird hairstyles, and everyone is punk-styled.

Under the interpretation of the band, the crowd in the warehouse shouted continuously, releasing themselves to the fullest.

Even Kadena Nanfeng, who was standing beside the Ninth Dragon God, seemed to be infected by this atmosphere, and he stretched his arms in spite of the image and shouted wildly.

The Ninth Dragon God frowned slightly, he always felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

But something was wrong there, and he couldn't say it.

As one after another powerful heavy metal music sounded, the atmosphere in the warehouse became heavier and heavier, and the air began to become a little thinner.

At this moment, the Ninth Dragon God's face began to be solemn, because he finally understood why the atmosphere at the scene was wrong.

Because from the very beginning, this rally was filled with a riot-like atmosphere!



"Naz !!"

Suddenly, someone in the warehouse began to shout a name, and then the voice of shouting this name became more and more,

Gradually, it converged, and in the blink of an eye, only the echo of "Naz" remained in the entire warehouse.

Finally, someone made a move, and a punk man rushed onto the stage,

His behavior was to launch the stormtrooper, and more and more guests ran onto the stage,

Push and shout, and instantly make a mess.

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