On the second floor of the bowling alley, the killing continues.

The members of the Tosuka Goban team are like messengers of hell, and the katana in their hands transforms into the scythe of death, constantly reaping the lives of violent angels.

Although Yasuhiro Muto serves as the captain of the Goban team, the training and main management are all handled by Mito Haruchiba.

Therefore, all the members of the Goban team were inevitably influenced by the three paths of Haruchiba, and once the battle started, each became cold-blooded and ruthless.

At the beginning, the members of the Wuban team just cut the violent angel to the ground, so that the violent angel members lost their combat effectiveness, but with the smell of blood and the strong adrenal hormone surge, a few members of the five-way team became uncontrollable, and their hands began to be neither light nor heavy, resulting in the second floor being full of stump and broken arms.

Under the influence of these team members, more and more members of the Wuban team became ferocious, turning their bitter pleas and kneeling down to beg for mercy from the members of the violent angel as if they were nothing, and fiercely swung their knives towards the key points of the violent angel members.

When Mito Haruchiba and Junya Akuzu were fighting, the second floor of the entire bowling alley was like a hell on earth.

The tragic situation and wailing of the members of the Rampage Angel, and the ferocity and blood of the Tosukuga Goban team, all caused a very serious impact on Fujisaki Shinomi.

Because of the melee between the two teams, Junya Akuzu himself was also overwhelmed, and Shinomi Fujizaki, who was unattended, had completely retreated to the glassless floor-to-ceiling window at this time, holding himself tightly with his hands, his face pale without a trace of blood.

Hidekichi Onizuka was hidden in the bushes not far from the clearing in front of the bowling alley, watching the round head of UGO being chopped to the ground by the Ten Thousand Servants Legion like chopping vegetables and melons, and his face was extremely solemn.

Before today, although he knew about the Ten Thousand Servants Empire. But in his heart, he was not impressed, thinking that even if there were many powerful people, they were just a team of violent tribesmen.

But what he saw and heard today made Onizuka Hideyoshi realize that he was very wrong.

In broad daylight, Wan Shi could actually slash at the enemy's body with a bladed katana without hesitation, and did not care at all whether it would cause casualties.

Such a team has completely exceeded the boundaries of bad and rioters.

The Ten Thousand Servants Empire is a true and true Extreme Dao organization!

After realizing this, Onizuka Hideyoshi retreated, intending to leave the place and go back to tell Ryuuji Danma everything he had seen.

Just as Onizuka Hidekichi was about to leave, out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a figure by the window on the second floor of the bowling alley.

Onizuka Eikichi moved, his eyebrows furrowed, and he hurriedly fixed his gaze.



Onizuka Eiji's eyes suddenly widened, and an uneasy emotion surged in his heart.

This abandoned bowling alley is the branch of Wei Taotsujido, and Shino Fujisaki, that idiot, turned out to be a member of Wei Taotian Women's Unit, and she hasn't come to school these days...

No way?!

That woman wouldn't be Shino Mi, would she?!

As soon as this idea appeared, it lingered in Onizuka Eikichi's mind.

At the moment, Onizuka Eikichi didn't care about thinking carefully, and he almost determined that the figure was Fujisaki Shinomi.

Hidekichi Onizuka turned and quickly left the bushes, dashed to his locomotive, got on the car and ignited, twisted the accelerator and rushed into the clearing.

In the clearing, a large number of Ten Thousand Servants were driving the UGO Round Heads to a corner, and the Round Inch Heads, who were seriously injured and unable to move, were grabbed by their ankles and dragged on the ground, leaving countless blood marks on the dirt.


The roar of the locomotive with the exhaust pipe muffler removed suddenly sounded, followed by a red and black Kawasaki ZEPHYR11OO rushed into the clearing, rushing towards the bowling alley.

The sudden locomotive immediately attracted the attention of the Ten Thousand Servants Legion, and the members of the Ten Thousand Servants Legion, who had not cleaned the battlefield, hurriedly erected the katana in their hands, and densely straddled it in front of the bowling alley, looking at the rapidly approaching locomotive with a tiger eye.

"Get out of the way!"

"Get out of the way for me!!"

Seeing that the way forward was blocked, Onizuka Eikichi immediately tore open his throat and yelled, but the accelerator did not release.

In response to Onizuka Eikichi's shouts, the Mansaru Legion not only did not give way to the road, but instead made them wait for Onizuka Eikichi to cut him off the locomotive with a knife when he rushed in front of him.

Seeing this, Onizuka Eikichi clenched his teeth, screwed the throttle to the maximum, cocked the front wheel of the locomotive, and rushed straight towards the 10,000 Warriors Legion lined up in front of him.

Although the Ten Thousand Servants Legion fought bravely, they would not stupidly stand in place and let Onizuka Hideyoshi drive and collide, and when the two sides were about to collide, the members of the Ten Thousand Servants Legion standing in the front row moved sideways left and right, gave way to a gap, held the handle of the knife with both hands, and then swung the knife towards Onizuka Hideyoshi.

After rushing into the crowd, Onizuka Eikichi moved very quickly to stand on the seat, and then kicked his legs hard, and the whole person jumped in the air and jumped towards the back of the crowd.

The locomotive that lost control suddenly fell in the middle of the crowd, causing a riot in the Ten Thousand Servants Legion.

Onizuka Eikichi's explosive power is very strong, and this whimsical act is successfully completed, and when the 10,000 Attendant Legion that blocked him is scattered by the locomotive, he lands steadily, and then shoots out like a cheetah.

After hearing the movement, the ninth dragon god who was dealing with Yoshizawa Yumi turned to look and found that it was Onizuka Hideyoshi, who had a relationship with each other, who broke in, although his face was puzzled, but he would not let Onizuka Hideyoshi do nothing, so he waved his hand, and immediately a cadre led his team to chase towards Onizuka Hideyoshi.


Just when Onizuka Hideyoshi was about to rush into the first floor, a girl's scream suddenly sounded above his head, Onizuka Hideyoshi stopped after sliding a scratch on the ground, looked up, and saw a girl wearing Wei Taotian special attack suit descending from the sky.

Shino Fujisaki!

It's Shino Mi!!

Seeing that the girl whose facial features were wrinkled and yelling because of weightlessness was Shino Migo,

Onizuka Hideyoshi didn't have time to think about it, hurriedly turned around, and opened his arms to hug Shinomi Fujisaki, who was about to land.

When Takashi Mitani led his team around, he also found Shinomi Fujizaki who had fallen from the second floor,

Gentle in nature, he hurriedly drank to stop his team, preventing people from stepping forward to affect Onizuka Eikichi to save people.


After a loud bang, Onizuka Eikichi was smashed to the ground by Fujisaki Shinomi, grinning in pain.

"I... I..."

Fujisaki Shinomi's eyes were a little confused, and her body was trembling.

Originally, Fujisaki Shinomi stood peacefully by the window on the second floor, and no one bothered her.

Until Jun Akuzu was also cut by the three paths of Haruchiba, and ran not far in front of her with blurred blood stains, when she looked towards her, Shinomi Fujizaki, who was already terrified, was frightened by Junya Akuzu's hideous expression, subconsciously stepped back, stepped on the air under his feet, and fell weightlessly from the second floor.

When Shinomi Fujisaki came back to his senses and found out that the person who saved him was actually Hidekichi Onizuka,

Her eyes immediately turned red, and she cried out with a wow, hugging Onizuka Hideyoshi tightly and not letting go.

"It's okay... It's okay..."

Onizuka Hideyoshi also patted Fujisaki Shinomi's back with some fear, and opened his mouth to comfort.

At the same time, he was very fortunate that he came here because of the guidance of the underworld,

Otherwise, he would not have been able to save Shinomi by ghostly sending him.

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