"It looks like they've arrived!"

"Faster than expected!"

Jiuneng Ryushin and Mito Ryuya said one after the other, as if they were asking and answering.

Fangya Chundao was stunned for a moment when he heard this, turned his head to look at the two with a confused expression, and said very suspiciously: "Uh, what are you talking about?

Tian Zheng stood beside Fangya Chundao and also looked at the two eldest brothers with a curious face.


Mito Ryu also exhaled a breath of smoke and kept silent. 、

Kuno Ryuno put his leather jacket back from Tomoyuki Oshima's head, put it back on himself, took out the cigarette case from his pocket, and first scanned the hundreds of people in the surrounding snakehead team before saying to Fangya Harudo: "Harudo, do you really want to rely on the strength of the three of us to solve the hundreds of people in this factory?"

Fangya Harudao nodded very resolutely when he heard this, and replied with a look of deservedness: "Of course, the people who fought with these guys, but P.A.D!"


Jiu Nenglongxin sighed and lit the cigarette in his mouth, took a deep breath and slowly exhaled a cloud of smoke, and said: "You are really a hopeless guy..."

"Long Xin, danger!!"

Before Jiu Nenglongxin's words were finished, Fangya Chundao's face suddenly changed drastically, and he roared.

A hint of surprise flashed on Jiu Nenglongxin's face, and then he noticed that there was a sound of breaking air behind him, and just twisted his head halfway, the aluminum baseball bat that Fangya Chundao brought flew in the air, smashed heavily on Jiu Nenglongxin's head, and smashed Jiu Nenglong Xin to the ground on the spot.

As soon as Jiuneng Longxin fell to the ground, before Fangya Chundao could step forward to check, Tian Zheng's cry also sounded.

"Brother Ryuya!

After Tian Zhen's voice sounded, Mito Ryuya was about to check the movements of Jiuneng Ryushin, and the next second he was grabbed by the collar by a big hand, followed by a huge iron fist that slammed into his face, knocking him to the ground.

Makoto Tetsuji, who had a red birthmark on his left face, stood between the two who fell to the ground, and grinned at the stunned Fanya Harudo: "The war is not over yet, you actually stand here and talk, you may look down on us too much!"

The corners of Chen Neijie's mouth, who was sitting on the wooden box, raised the corners of his mouth and said loudly: "Tieji!

"You bastard, I'm going to kill you!!"

Fangya Harudo yelled angrily at Makoto Tetsuji.

Makoto Tetsuji showed disdain and hooked his palm towards Fangya Harudo.


Just as Funya Haruichi was about to rush forward to fight with Makoto Tetsuji, the small door on the left made a loud noise, and the entire iron door twisted and deformed and flew out upside down.


An all-over snow-white thump rushed in, a drifting tail, and the tire scratched a black mark on the ground.

The sudden change attracted everyone's attention in the factory, even Mito Ryuya and Kyuno Ryushin, who had just sat up from the ground.

"Yo~ How are you doing?"

On the locomotive, Kuiichi, who was wearing a white trench coat special attack suit, had long hair over his shoulders, and greeted the three of Mito with his tongue sticking out at the corner of his mouth.

"Hey, it's just in time. "

Mito Ryu also chuckled, his face relaxed.

Fangya Harudo screamed strangely, pointing at Kui and shouting, "Ahhhh, aren't you the guy next to that stinky little ghost?!"


The sound of footsteps suddenly sounded, followed by a group of black dragon guards dressed in white and blood-stained and wearing black masks, and walked in through the small door where Kui Yi entered.

The calmness on Chen Nei's fair face disappeared the moment the black dragon entered, and he stood up from the wooden box with his brows furrowed.


There was another loud noise, and the iron door on the right side was also knocked flying, and Xiangyue Jian, whose back was marked by the armed front, walked in leisurely.

Chen Neipong took his gaze away from Kuiichi and the black dragon and turned his head to look over.

"Brother Long Xin, the trash fish outside has been cleaned up by us!"

Xiangyuejian put his left hand in his pocket, pointed his right thumb behind him, and said with the corner of his mouth crooked towards the Nine Energy Dragon Xin who was sitting on the ground.

Jiuneng Longxin moved his neck, the corners of his mouth raised, and replied: "Hard work." "


As soon as Jiuneng Longxin's voice fell, a group of big men wearing black motorcycle leather suits rushed in from the iron gate on the right.

Although there were not many people, only about a dozen, each of them exuded a terrifying aura from the inside out.

"These guys..."

Chen Neipong just wanted to express his shock, when another "bang" sounded.

The two large iron doors of the main entrance of the factory were pulled open from the outside left and right,

Under the gaze of Chen Neipeng and the members of the snakehead team,

Showing Hideyuki Mito with a cigarette in his mouth and bald heads lined up with chests and breasts.

"Big brother, we're not late, are we?"

Mito Hideyuki let out a breath of smoke and asked Mito Ryuya.

Mito Ryu also shook his head, showed a hint of a smile to his brother, and said, "No." "


At this time, the last iron door in the factory behind Chen Neipeng was kicked open,

Saburo Hanazawa, who had a gauze on his face, walked out from behind the door first, followed by Yasuda Yasuo and others who arrived at the last minute.


Fumaya Harimichi, who had been in shock, finally shouted, pointing at Yasuda Yasuo and shouting: "Yasuda!

Yasuda Yasuo was still nervously turning his head left and right to look for the shadow of Fangya Harudo, and after hearing Fangya Harudo's voice, he immediately shouted excitedly: "What the hell are you doing?!

Fanya Haruichi did not go to pick up Yasuda Yasuo's words, turned his head to look at the bald heads who blocked the main entrance, turned his head to look at the lined armed front, and finally looked at Kui Ichi, who was sitting on the locomotive seat again, and roared in disbelief: "Why is the phoenix fairy! armed front! Black dragon! Lily of the valley are coming?!

Compared to the surprise of Fangya Harudo, Tian Zeng, who was standing next to Fangya Harudo, was the most shocked person in the factory.

He always thought that the big brothers of P.A.D. were all powerful lone rangers, but he didn't expect that each of these big brothers had a lot of power!

It struck him.

The shock and panic of Chen Nei Fair and the members of the smugglers were no less than Tian Zengzheng,

Especially when looking at the astonishing number of bald heads opposite them, one by one, like angry arhats,

The sense of security that the number had brought them was gone.

"No wonder... I will find a few of you as helpers!"

Looking at the crowd surrounding the front and back, Chen Neipong clenched his teeth, clenched his fists, and his forehead was bruised.

When Zhao was stabbed and hospitalized, he visited his former partner.

That was Zhao told him that the helper he had invited was a very powerful and powerful man.

At that time, he was dismissive, and now it seems that it is as powerful as he said,

Not only does it refer to their personal force, but it also vaguely points out the power they each have!


During the stalemate, a car horn sounded at the main entrance.

The bald heads heard the sound and gave way left and right, and then bent down to salute the black Mercedes-Benz sedan that slowly drove in.


The door of the car opened, and the ninth dragon god, wearing an expensive handmade casual suit, walked out of the car unhurriedly.


"Big brother, you worked hard!!"

"Chief, you worked hard!!"

At the moment when the Ninth Dragon God got off the bus, the Black Dragon Guards in the other direction, led by Jiujing Yi, bowed towards the Ninth Dragon God.

Then amid the chorus of the Phoenix Immortal Bald Head and the Black Dragon Guard, the Ninth Dragon God slowly walked towards Chen Neijie, who looked terrified.

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