The little leader of Tianzhu was so satisfied that he put the envelope into his pocket, spat at the boy who covered his forehead on the ground and wailed, and snorted coldly with disdain: "Isn't it good to obediently hand over the money at the beginning?

"Hey, let's go!"

The little leader raised his foot and kicked the boy's abdomen, slightly turned his head and shouted softly to his subordinates, and was about to turn away.

Today's business is off to a great start.

Take advantage of this opportunity and try to rob him ten or eight more people!


As soon as the little leader took one foot, the other foot felt restrained by something. When he turned around and looked down, he saw a blood-stained left hand clutching his left ankle tightly.

The boy with his forehead broken and bloody face was fierce with his facial features, with difficulty half-lifting his head, his eyes staring directly at the little leader of Tianzhu, although his face showed pain, he still said strongly: "Return the money to me!!"

This money, he will definitely not let people snatch it!

Bet on the dignity of a man!


The little leader of Tianzhu was instantly irritated by the boy's behavior, he cursed, turned around and kicked the boy's ribs with his right foot, and cursed in his mouth: "Bastard! Bastard! Bastard!

The boy whose ribs were kicked suddenly suffered from unbearable pain, but he still grabbed the left ankle of the little leader of Tianzhu, and his eyes were determined to gaze.

"You're a dead man!!"

After the little leader of Tianzhu saw that his attack had no effect, he roared angrily at the surrounding Tianzhu members: "Don't hurry up to help?!"

The surrounding Tianzhu members hurriedly hugged up, and punched and kicked the boy again.

Under the beating of several people, the boy finally couldn't hold on.

The strength on his hand began to gradually decrease, and he slowly released the left ankle of the little leader of Tianzhu.

The little leader of Tianzhu, who was trapped on his left foot, hurriedly took a few steps backwards, and glanced at the boy with confused eyes and about to fall into a coma.

The little leader of Tianzhu spat on the ground and whispered: "It's really difficult enough!"

"Okay, don't fight, if you fight again, you will really kill you, withdraw!"


The little leader of Tianzhu waved his hand and turned with his squad members and walked towards the other end of the path.

"Station... Stop!"

But before they could go far, the boy's weak shout suddenly sounded behind them again.

When the little leader of Tianzhu heard this, his pupils suddenly dilated, his forehead was bruised, and he quickly turned his head to look.

The boy with a bloody face and scarred trembled and slowly got up from the ground, half of his body leaning against the wall, his eyes scarlet like a dangerous beast.

"I... I let you guys... Stop! Put... Pay me back!"

The boy's persistence and fearlessness made this Tianzhu squad finally fearful.

It was clear that they were almost killed by them, but they could actually stand up.

They had never met a guy who was not afraid of death like this boy.


The little leader of Tianzhu roared with some annoyance, and with two hands, he ripped the squad members away from the left and right, and strode back towards the boy.

"Slaughtered you!!"

After walking a few steps, the little leader of Tianzhu began to accelerate and trot, raising his fist while roaring in his mouth, and punched the boy in the cheek after rushing in front of him.


This punch directly flipped the boy who was already unstable to the ground, lying on the ground and coughing violently.


The little leader of Tianzhu gasped, glared angrily at the boy, and roared: "If you dare to stand up, I will definitely kill you!!"


The boy spat out a mouthful of blood from his mouth with his head sideways, and then struggled to get up from the ground again under the panicked and uneasy gaze of the little leader of Tianzhu.

The boy who stood up stumbled first, he arched his back, put his hands on his knees, used his strength to stand firm, and then raised his head, exposed his blood-stained cheeks to the sight of the little leader of Tianzhu, and said in a hoarse voice: "Take the money... Give me back!"

The boy stood up again and again, so that the members of the Tianzhu team exchanged heads and ears with ugly faces, and talked about it.

At this moment, they are a little afraid.

Although they have seen many tough enemies, they have never seen such a desperate guy.

This kind of person is even more frightening to them than the person who can kill them.

Because this kind of person symbolizes trouble and immortality.

The eyes of the little leader of Tianzhu flickered, and he looked at the boy with a cold breath.


"Bastard over there!"

"You guys are Tianzhu's people, right?!"

Just when the little leader of Tianzhu wanted to punch the boy again, an arrogant shout suddenly sounded.

"What kind of bastard is it!!"

The distraught little leader of Tianzhu turned around and cursed when he heard the voice, and the words stopped abruptly before they fell.

In the direction they were about to leave just now, there were dense footsteps.

A group of bad teenagers wearing Tsujido high school uniforms, led by a teenager with blond hair, walked towards the Tianzhu team with great momentum.

"Lao Tzu is a ghost bursting ghost!"

"Hidekichi Onizuka!"

"I'm here to settle accounts with you!!"

The leading Onizuka Hideyoshi roared, and after roaring, he rushed out in an instant, rushing into the Tianzhu team like a hurricane, killing four people in an instant.

After Hidekichi Onizuka rushed out, he yelled at the KT troop members behind him: "Give it all to me!!


There were a total of eleven people in the Tianzhu team, and in the face of dozens of people's bad luck, they were beaten beyond recognition after a while, and they fell to the ground breathlessly, wailing and wailing.

Onizuka Hideyoshi grabbed the little leader of Tenzhu by the neck with his left hand, pinned him against the wall, and squinted at the scarred boy.

"Who are you?"

Onizuka Eikichi asked curiously.

The boy looked at Hidekichi Onizuka with swollen eyes, but he could only see a patch of gold.


Before the boy could speak, suddenly a girl's surprised cry sounded first.

Yui Ito, a second-year student in Tsujido, pedaled through the crowd, ran to the boy with his eyes wide open, and looked at the boy with a bloody face and flesh all over his body and said in shock: "How can Onisan fight with someone here!?"

Ito Yui's licking dog No. 1 Sukaii also followed at this time, and after hearing Ito's words, he immediately asked in surprise: "Xiao Yui, this is your brother?!"

"It's my cousin!"

Ito Yui quickly pointed out the relationship between the two, and then nervously supported his cousin, and asked very anxiously: "Why is Oni-san here!?"

After hearing his cousin's voice, the boy's tense nerves were also relieved, his eyes began to be confused, and he said weakly: "Xiao Wei... Yours... Cost of living...... I...... protected..."

Before he finished speaking, the person directly relented and passed out.


Yui Ito was startled and hurriedly shook her cousin's body.

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