Li Shuangqi's cheeks twitched a few times, and then he turned his head and spat out a mouthful of blood, and then slowly stood up from the ground.

"Well, I admit to underestimating you, Yong Match!" Li Shuangqi raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said to Jin Yong with a gloomy face: "But even so, you don't want to stop me!"


Jin Yong cursed and roared angrily: "Marin, why do you have to live with this young master?!

Jin Yongbi is going crazy at this time!

Li Shuangqi, this bastard and idiot, does he know that his actions are likely to cause war?!

"I know!"

Li Shuangqi said in a deep voice: "I will ask the president for guilt afterwards, but now, I must know where he can be stronger than Young Lord Taixiu!!"


Jin Yongbi was stunned when he heard this.

What did I just hear?!

The reason why this idiot provoked the ninth young master is specifically to see if the other party is stronger than Park Tae-so?!

What is in this guy's head?!


Jin Yong stomped his foot in place, just wanting to rush up and screw Li Shuangqi's head off.

He didn't think at all that Li Shuangqi's outburst was all because of his too dog-legged licking of the Ninth Dragon God.

If Kim Yong knows it, then it must be... Will continue to lick!

As mentioned earlier, Kim Yong-pei's status in the Park family is very low.

Although he was adopted by the power of the Park family since he was a child, he was given a warm soil for food and clothing and talents.

But he has always been on the fringes of the Park family and has not received attention.

In order to become a useful person and to repay the nurturing grace of the people in power of the Park family, Kim Yong-bie has suffered a lot since he was a child, and learned a lot of knowledge that ordinary people have difficulty mastering in their lifetimes.

Whether it is language or martial arts, Kim Yong is the best.

Especially after the people in power of the Park family decided to bid for the right to operate casinos open by the country, they worked hard and mastered all the means that casino dealers would have.

All of this is Kim Yong-pei's efforts to become a person who can help the Park family in power.

Now, seeing that the Sakurajima Kowloon Group and its own organization are about to build a huge casino together, Kim Yong Pei, who plays a key role in it, is very happy.

Therefore, he will never allow the slightest mistake in this matter, and he will never allow anyone to destroy the ambitions of the people in power of the Park family!

"Marin! I'm angry. "

Jin Yong's face was gloomy, and the whole person revealed a yin aura, and said in a calm tone.

Li Shuangqi chuckled when he heard this, raised his hand and hooked his finger towards Jin Yong, and his contemptuous demeanor was self-evident.

"I said, are you two a little too down on me?!"

Just when Jin Yongbi and Li Shuangqi were tense, the low and magnetic voice of the Ninth Dragon God spoke leisurely.

Jin Yong was startled when he heard the sound, and before the anger on his body dissipated, he felt a breeze blowing, and a figure flashed in front of his eyes.


A muffled sound suddenly sounded in Jin Yongfu's ears, and when he fixed his eyes on the sound, he saw the right arm of the young master of the Sakurajima Nine Dragon Group, the young master of the Ninth Dragon God, slammed into Li Shuangqi's abdomen in a hooked fist posture.

Li Shuangqi's pupils suddenly dilated and protruded at this time, his eyes were bloody, and his face was purple and blue.

He half-opened his mouth and made a "ho-ho" sound coming out of his mouth.


As if time was tentatively scheduled to suddenly return to the right track, Li Shuangqi suddenly let out a scream, and the whole person rose up and flew out upside down like a cannonball.


In total, there are four Jin Yong sized Li Shuangqi after flying backwards for several meters, his back hit the iron fence by the river, and the collision of meat and iron released a piercing roar.


Li Shuangqi slipped off the iron fence, half kneeling on the ground, his throat surging, his mouth open, and he spewed out a large pool of blood mixed with minced flesh of internal organs.

His red eyes stared at the blood spat out of his mouth on the ground, his eyes full of disbelief and horror.

As the personal bodyguard of the Park family in Seoul for generations, Li Shuangqi has never been beaten into such a tragic situation by anyone.

Li Shuangqi has served as the bodyguard of the two generations of the Park family, and his strength is obvious to all.

And even such a gold-medal bodyguard beater could not receive a punch from the Ninth Dragon God, which made the onlooker Jin Yong also full of shock.


The Ninth Dragon God took a step at this time, strolled to the kneeling Li Shuangqi, glanced at Li Shuangqi condescendingly, and did not say a word.

Jin Yong, who was afraid that Li Shuangqi would be killed by the Ninth Dragon God, suddenly hit a spirit, hurriedly trotted over, and said to the Ninth Dragon God: "Young Master Nine, please spare him!

For Jin Yongbai's defense, the Ninth Dragon God ignored it.

He raised his eyes to look at the iron fence by the river behind Li Shuangqi, stepped forward, and said: "Next time, this is the end!"

Just when Jin Yong was suspicious, the Ninth Dragon God suddenly raised his right leg and stomped down against the iron fence.

Bang! Gah!

A roar that was louder than Li Shuangqi's back to the fence just now resounded through the heavens and earth, and a solid iron fence with a horizontal forearm thickness suddenly broke from the point of focus under the foot of the Ninth Dragon God, and exploded left and right in the direction of the river, and countless rust splashed.


Two swallowing saliva sounded, and Jin Yongbi and Li Shuangqi both looked at the broken iron fence with confused faces.


Is it really the extent that people can do it?!

As extreme Taoists, the two have experienced a lot of bloody storms and feuds in both explicit and covert ways.

But I have never experienced such an eye-popping impact.

At this moment, Li Shuangqi's heart was full of luck, and he felt as if he had picked up a life.

Although Jin Yongbi did not personally experience the fist of the Ninth Dragon God, just the punch of the Ninth Dragon God and causing Li Shuangqi to spit blood in his mouth and kick off the solid iron fence was enough to prove that this young master of the Sakurajima Kowloon Group was not easy to mess with!

This matter must be reported to the president!!


Just when there was silence, a series of car roars sounded on the riverside road, followed by a convoy of seven black peninsula local brand Ssangyong cars rushing towards it, and stopped next to the black Mercedes-Benz car driven by Li Shuangqi.


The sound of the door opening was connected, and a big man in a black suit and sunglasses walked out of the car,

Then quickly line up and stand with your hands down.



Footsteps sounded behind the black-clothed men, followed by the black-clothed men's neat left and right steps, flashing a gap.

A handsome boy wearing a well-fitting black suit and long black hair was revealed.

Seeing this person, Jin Yongbi and Li Shuangqi both showed respectful faces and bent down to salute the visitors.

"Young Master Taixiu!"

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