

On the national highway, a small van slammed the accelerator madly and ran wildly,

Behind the pickups, there were nearly hundreds of motorcycles one after another, each with two people sitting on it.

"Buzz! Stop!"

"Slaughtered you!!"

"Accelerate Accelerate Accelerate !!"

The people on the locomotive hung behind the pickup truck, cursing and shouting one by one.

Tian Zengzheng, who was squatting in the cargo compartment, turned pale, and his hands tightly grasped the edge of the cargo compartment left and right, looking straight at the approaching locomotive group.

"Brother Beruk, hurry up! They're coming!!"

Tian Zheng shouted loudly.

"Got it! got it!" replied Beruk, who was driving intently, pulling his throat, and then his feet heavier, and the speedometer suddenly soared.

Speaking of which, Fangya Chundao and the three of them are really a little back.

The nine-headed Shenlong man was not in a very good mood because of Mito Ryuya, and when he learned that the three of Fangya Harudo were most likely Mito Ryuya's accomplices, he decided to vent his anger on the three of them.

As a result, the members of the Kuzuryu Association gathered more and more, and in the end, almost all of them mobilized, posing as if they were going to overturn the whole of Tokyo.

The streets full of Kuzuryu people naturally easily bumped into Fangya Harudo and the others, after all, they didn't run far.

Just as Fangya Haruichi tricked Tian Zheng's wallet to go to dinner, he met the members of the Kuzuryu Society who were searching for their tracks.

Then the two sides started a chase battle, running all the way from Tokyo to the national highway.

It was late at night, and there were not many vehicles moving on the national highway, and only the shouts of the Kuzuryu members and the roar of locomotives remained in the empty and quiet area.

Don't look at the fact that Beruk is driving a small truck, but this small truck is loved by Beruk, and he has spent a lot of effort on the car.

Run at full strength, and the speed is not inferior to the sedan.

"Wow~ Beruk, borrow me to drive this car for two days after I go back?!"

Harudo Fangya poked his palm out the window, feeling the fullness of 36D, and the corners of his mouth rippled.

This little fun is simply wonderful for Fanya Harudo, who has never carried out real guns~

"Let's talk about it then, whether you can go back alive is not certain!!"

Beruk gripped the steering wheel with both hands, and looked out of the corner of his eye through the rearview mirror at the densely packed locomotive behind the car.

Is the Nine Heads of Ryu Club all out of the way!?

This is really dead!!

The distance from Tokyo to Toariu is long, and it takes several hours to keep going along the way.

Beruk was fine, because they were driving a truck, and they were still comfortable. However, the members of the Nine Dragon Society who were chasing behind on motorcycles sat up one by one, and their bodies were a little stiff.

The members of the Kuzuryu who rushed to the front still had the strength to shout at first, and gradually one by one, their faces became a little pale, and their expressions were silent.


At six o'clock in the morning, the sky gradually brightened, and the gentle breeze blew everywhere in the awakened streets of Huarieu, and the smell of dew remained in the air.

Many old people who were barely awake had just woken up, and when the young people were still immersed in sleep, the roar of locomotive resounded throughout the world.

"Buzz ~ boom!"

"Where's it!? Find me!!"

"Turn people out!!"

"What's special! I'm tired Lao Tzu for a night! I have to kill them!!"

The roar of the locomotive was accompanied by the sound of cursing, which disturbed the dreams of the residents of Huariu.

Many hot-tempered residents cursed and turned over from the bed, walked to the window, pushed the window open, and just wanted to drink and curse, they saw groups of fierce gods on the road outside the window, wearing storm servants and black special attack uniforms, riding motorcycles around, as if looking for something.

"Look at you!"

After discovering that someone had probed out, a rioter immediately cursed loudly.

"Smith Marseille~"

The awakened residents instantly recovered from their rage into little sheep, nodded one by one and hurriedly closed the windows.

After the members of the Kuzuryu Society dispersed into Toariu, the Nine-Headed Divine Dragon Man and the Elder Man were sitting on a bench in the street, each swallowing clouds.

"What's special, these bastards can really run!"

The older man exhaled a breath of smoke and cursed, got up and kicked out a monkey-headed boy kneeling in front of him.


Tian Zengzheng screamed and fell to the ground.

The unfortunate Tian Zengzheng seems to have a hidden skill in his body, that is, once there is a war, he will be captured by the hostile forces of the prefecture strength one hundred percent.

As Beruk drove the pickup truck into Huariu, the hapless bastard somehow fell out of the cargo compartment, and before he could get up from the ground, the members of the Kuzuryu Society who arrived later caught Tian Zheng without much effort.

"Hey, are you dead?"

The older man shouted at Tian Zhen, who was lying on the ground and had lost his motion.

As soon as his words fell, four members of the Nine-Headed Ryu Society immediately rushed up to Tian Zeng's side, and before they could make a move, Tian Zengqiang sat up in a moment.

"Not dead, not dead..."

"Tell me, who are you! Where is this?"

All the way to chase the three of Beruk, the older man really didn't pay attention to the national road they came from, and now where they were.

"Tokyo is the territory of your ten thousand servants, but this is the territory of our big brother Harudo, you better release me quickly, otherwise, hehe, the crow of the lily of the valley is not easy to mess with!"

Tian Zengqiang laughed strangely twice, pretending to put on an arrogant posture and looked at the older man on A.

"Nima, why are you still pretending to be?!

As soon as the old man gave an order, the four members of the Nine-headed Ryu Society who surrounded him instantly kicked out and kicked Tian Zheng in the middle of the circle.

"The crow of the lily of the valley? It's a little familiar..."

The nine-headed divine dragon man exhaled a breath of smoke, and a thoughtful look appeared on his face.

While the nine-headed dragon man tortures Tian Zheng, and the members of the Nine-headed Ryu Society look everywhere in Toariu for traces of the pickup truck driven by Beruk, Beruk and Fanya Harudo must have knocked on the door of an abandoned car park.

"Bang bang!!"


With a knock on the door, a burst of drinking sounded from inside the junkyard, followed by a bird's nest head in a leather jacket coming out of it.

When he saw Fangya Chundao and Beruk standing outside the gate, he was stunned and asked stunnedly: "Fangya Chundao?

Belluk grinned bitterly: "Genba, hurry up and open the door, we have something to find Haocheng!"

The head of the bird's nest is none other than Genba Shou, a member of the fifth-generation armed front,

And this junkyard is the base of the armed front.

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