Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 172: 172 I want to go to the gate of the academy to sell cold cakes

   Chapter 172 172 I want to go to the gate of the academy to sell cold cakes

   "Okay, we're almost done shopping, let's go back now." But Li Xiao asked her to go back in time, and it would take two quarters of an hour to go back.

   "Hmm." The two responded.

   Lin Xiaoyue then drove the ox cart to turn around and headed back towards the West City Gate.

   Back home, the two children went to the field to find Li Xiao.

  Lin Xiaoyue went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

   It was another hearty meal. After eating the fragrant food, the Liu family felt very fulfilled.

   Lin Xiaoyue then told Liu Shi and Li Xiao that she was going to set up a stall in Qingyun Academy to sell cold cakes.

   "There are a lot of people in the academy when school is over, but it's possible to do business. But it's late. If it's delayed for a long time, it will be dark when you come back." Mrs Liu said worriedly.

   "It's not too late. Qingyun Academy is dismissed at 1:10 a.m. I finished delivering the goods from Ruyi Building, and I was almost in time to catch up. At that time, the stalls will be sold for an hour, and the stalls will be closed before 14:00."

   "Now it's getting dark at 4:00 a.m. I'll be back from town in 2:50. When I get back, I might be able to add firewood to my mother."

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at Liu.

   "If I go to set up a stall, you will come to cook at home in the future."

   Mrs Liu looked back at her daughter, "Cooking is a trivial matter, I'm just afraid that you will be too tired."

   Go to the West Market in the morning, come back in the afternoon to make cold cakes, then go to deliver, and then set up a stall. After all, there is no rest time from day to night.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled, "What are you afraid of when you're tired? Let's make more money while the cold cake can be sold now. Otherwise, when winter comes, I'm afraid this thing won't be able to sell."

   The Ruyi Building may still ask for some at that time, after all, this thing is greasy. But setting up a stall to sell cold cakes is not enough.

   Liu Shi was taken aback.

   "That's the truth." He nodded with difficulty.

  Cold cakes can’t be sold in winter, and they are afraid they will have to think of other jobs.

If    doesn't work, then she will still do embroidery work.

   I went to Jinxiu Pavilion to pick up a big job, how could I survive the winter.

   Now that the environment at home is better, she is not afraid that she will fail the embroidery work. That is, it is best to buy an embroidery frame back.

   "I'll go with you." Li Xiao suddenly said.

   A weak woman, he is not at ease when he comes back too late.

   Liu Shi immediately nodded.

   looked at Li Xiao with some admiration in his eyes.

   Lin Xiaoyue frowned.

   Just as he was about to talk about planting pepper seedlings, Li Xiao had already spoken again.

   "The pepper seedlings are already planted. I'll add some ash tomorrow morning and water it again."

   "I'll go to town with you in the afternoon, and drop by the pier. If I can find a job, I'll go to the academy to pick you up and come back with you."

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   "Okay." It should come down.

  Although she is not afraid of any gangsters or the like, but with Li Xiao around, it can really save a lot of trouble, right?

   So, the matter of going to Qingyun Academy to sell cold cakes was settled.

  After the meal, Lin Xiaoyue ground another 12 catties of rice and made 10 pots of cold cakes.

   and Li Xiao sent the cold cake to the creek. After washing up, Lin Xiaoyue went back to the backyard to rest.

   There are a total of 26 pots of cold cakes in the pool. The Ruyi Building sent four pots. She planned to bring more at the stall. She brought 16 pots, and a total of 20 pots to go to town.

  Sixteen pots are four hundred bowls of cold cakes, and I don’t know if they can sell out.

  It doesn't matter, it's as much as you can sell at that time.

   With anticipation, Lin Xiaoyue closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

   Waking up is dawn.

   (end of this chapter)

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