Chapter 180 180 I have an idea

   "There must be no problem!" Aunt Wang laughed.

   "Now all the people who have land in the village are going to the land, and they are willing to spend money. Besides, if your price is cheap, everyone will definitely be willing to buy it."

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled, her eyes moving slightly.

   "Auntie, I have an idea, can you listen?"

   Aunt Wang's eyes were filled with curiosity.

   "Hehe, you said." He smiled.

   After going out with Lin Xiaoyue today and seeing how Lin Xiaoyue does things, Aunt Wang is now very convinced of Lin Xiaoyue.

   "You said just now that everyone is willing to spend money during the busy farming season. I just thought that my cold cakes not only have a market in our village, but they should also be sold when they are sent to other villages."

   Aunt Wang was taken aback.

   She didn't understand words like "market" and "marketing", but it didn't affect her understanding of Lin Xiaoyue's meaning.

   "Well." After thinking about it, Aunt Wang nodded.

   "So, Girl Moon, do you still want to go to other villages to sell cold cakes?" asked Lin Xiaoyue suspiciously.

   "No." Lin Xiaoyue smiled and said, "I don't have the time."

   "However, if someone is willing to earn this money, I can help him provide cold cakes." After saying that, Lin Xiaoyue looked at Aunt Wang again.

   Aunt Wang was startled, as if she understood something.

   "Moon girl, you—what do you mean?" But I didn't fully understand.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   "To be honest with my aunt, I actually wanted to ask if Brother Shuanzi would like to do this."

   Aunt Wang's expression stiffened.

  Lin Xiaoyue continued: "Our family has limited hands, and Li Xiao is not familiar with the situation in Shili Ba Village. I think Brother Shuanzi is very suitable."

   "If Brother Shuanzi is willing to do this business, I can give him the cold cake at the price of three cents per bowl."

   "He went to Shiliba Village to sell at the price in our town, and he could earn at least one cent per bowl. If he sold four bowls a day, it would be a hundred cents up."

   Aunt Wang was shocked.

  Her family Shuanzi is now working with his father on the pier in the town, but the work is not always there, and only 100 letters a day, which is similar to selling four pots of cold cakes.

   She went to sell cold cakes with Girl Moon today, and she has seen it before.

   Those who come to buy cold cakes, many of them buy a few bowls at one time.

   If this is going to the countryside, the people who come across are basically family members. If you buy cold cakes, you will definitely buy several bowls at one time.

   In this way, it seems that selling 100 bowls of cold cakes is not that difficult.

  If you are lucky, if you sell more a day, you will earn more than this amount.

Lin Xiaoyue saw that Aunt Wang was a little moved, smiled and continued: "Brother Shuanzi, if he wants, the money for the cold cake can be given after he sells the cold cake that day, and the wooden tub for the cold cake is also provided by our family. ."

   "Also, at the pier in the town, I think it's possible to set up a place to sell cold cakes."

   "Auntie, if you are willing, I will go to the pier to get some later, and you can go there alone to guard."

"At that time, I will not pay you 80 cents a day, but directly count the amount of cold cakes you sell every day. Selling a bowl is worth one cent, and a hundred bowls is one hundred cents. How much you sell is how much you sell. , the top is not capped.”

   Aunt Wang was heartbroken.

   Earn a penny by selling a bowl? Today, she and Yueyatou are in the West Market, but they sold 250 bowls of cold cakes. This is still less than an hour.

   There are people all day at the pier, and she works all day, so she doesn't just sell a hundred bowls of cold cakes!

   "I'm going to the wharf, then your side..."

   (end of this chapter)

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