Chapter 184 184 Save Money

   This kind of small wooden pot is normally sold for thirty cents.

   When she went to the grocery store, she stared at the guy who was loading the goods, and didn't pay attention to how the girl Yue and Boss Jin settled.

   If you buy a lot more, it will definitely be cheaper, but this... just six cents less!

   "Yes." Liu Shi replied.

   thought of something, and then looked at Aunt Wang with a smile.

   "What do you want to buy in the future, you can ask the girl first. During the construction of the house, our family's purchases and purchases are all handled by that girl."

   "Because there are a lot of things to buy, that girl is familiar with the owners of several shops in the town. If she goes shopping, maybe she can save you some money."

   If it was someone else, she wouldn't look for trouble for her daughter.

  But Mrs. Wang has a different relationship with their family. She used to help them, and now she helps her daughter.

   This kind of good thing to save money, naturally, they must be considered. By the way, it can be regarded as helping the girl to have more goodwill.

   Sure enough, when Aunt Wang heard this, her eyes lit up.

   "That's right, today I went to Qian's grain store to buy brown rice noodles. Boss Qian just looked at the girl's face and gave me zero!" Aunt Wang said excitedly.

   "Your girl, Yue, is really good!"

   "Where is it? This girl is solid!" Liu Shi smiled modestly.

   I am actually very proud.

   Then, Mrs. Liu chatted with Aunt Wang about hiring someone to cut the cattle and grass.

   "If Xiao'er goes to work in the town, then I and these two children will really not be able to do it. When the cold cake business is started, I don't have so much time to do anything else."

"I'll see if sister-in-law Jiang will come in the afternoon. If she doesn't come, I'll go to the door and ask. I'll see if her family is willing to take over the job. When the time comes, the cattle grass and firewood will let her family help me with the work for a while, which can save me trouble. little thing."

   Liu Shi smiled and looked at Aunt Wang.

   "Why don't you just ask about the two pigs in your family. Let Sister Jiang help you feed them for two months."

   Liu's meaning, Wang Erya will follow her daughter in the future.

   Even if you ask someone to cut the hogweed, it will take time to cook the hogweed.

   After being busy, the Wang family might not be freer than theirs.

   Aunt Wang was taken aback for a moment, but she was actually a little moved.

   "Not in a hurry. We'd better wait for the grandfather to come back in the evening. We will make a decision after discussing with the whole family." After thinking about it, he still said.

   "Okay! Then I can ask Sister Jiang first." Mrs Liu said.

   "Go, go! Sister-in-law Jiang and the three girls are all at home anyway, so I can't find a job to do."

   The two laughed and quickly washed the tub.

   Afterwards, the two children had not finished moving, and the washed wooden basin was moved back to the backyard of the kitchen and placed on the shelf.

   At this time, Lin Xiaoyue was already cooking.

  The fragrant smell of food wafts from the kitchen, making people thirsty.

  Aunt Wang saw that the tub was washed, and Lin Xiaoyue didn't want to make cold cakes now, so she said goodbye.

   Where would the Liu family let people go and leave Aunt Wang for dinner.

   Lin Xiaoyue also came out of the kitchen when she heard the sound.

   "Auntie, don't be polite to us. There are many things to do in the afternoon, so I have to trouble you to help me after dinner." Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   "Let's have a quick meal together, Erya will bring it to her later, so you don't waste time when you go back to cook."

   "Where does this come from?" Aunt Wang was about to leave.

   was held back by Liu Shi.

   "Where can't it be? Be polite to my family."

   Seeing that Aunt Wang still wanted to leave, Mrs. Liu hurriedly said: "You left, I can treat you as meeting me." The tone was still colder.

   (end of this chapter)

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