Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 188: 188 against lime water

   Chapter 188 188 against lime water

   "Where's my auntie, you exaggerate, the dishes are delicious because I put too many seasonings."

  Is she still not sure how much she weighs? With his own craftsmanship, it's easy to set up a snack shop or open a restaurant. How easy is it?

   "Yes. You girl is really willing to put so much oil in the ingredients of meat dishes. My aunt is not afraid of your jokes. The oil in your dish is enough for me to make three or four dishes!"

"Also, onions, ginger, and garlic, etc. I think you put them in every dish, and it's too reluctant!" Where would she usually put these? There are green onions in the vegetable field, but they occasionally add some **** and garlic. Hardly let go.

   "Hehe, isn't making money just to eat better and dress better. If I wasn't busy with business, I'd rather spend more time on food."

   Having suffered so much in the last days, and finally came to this world, of course you have to be kind to yourself.

   "That's right, you girl, at a young age, lives more thoroughly than my aunt!"

  Making money is to eat well and dress well, what a simple truth.

   There are too many people who don't understand, including herself.

   Even if she agrees with the girl Yue, she can't live as casually as this girl.

   After all, it was because the family was too poor.

   I hope next year, when Shuanzi becomes a relative, their family will be more relaxed.

   After talking, the three of them quickly washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen.

   After doing all this, Lin Xiaoyue, Liu Shi and Aunt Wang sent the soaked milled rice to the mill.

   "Auntie please help push the mill, I'll go get the lime water first." Lin Xiaoyue said to Aunt Wang.

   "Go, leave this to me and your mother." Aunt Wang said immediately.

   She knows that in addition to rice milk, Lime water is also used for Moon Girl's cold cake.

If it wasn't for the construction of the house, she had seen the moon girl mixed with lime water with her own eyes, and then made cold cakes with lime water and rice milk. She couldn't believe that such delicious cold cakes were made of lime water. .

  After Liu's house was built, Erya's family was greedy, and Shuanzi and his father also missed the taste of cold cakes. She and Erya once tried making cold cakes at home.

   made it, but found that it could not be eaten at all.

   That girl later asked Yueyue the reason for her failure to make cold cakes.

   After listening to the explanation of the girl Yueyue, I realized that it turns out that making cold cakes requires very strict control of lime water, including the concentration of rice milk, etc. There are also requirements.

   She and Erya watched Yueyatou make cold cakes simple, but in fact, the proportion of ingredients is very particular.

  This cold cake, if no one teaches you how to make it, and determines the proportion of ingredients, it will not be possible to make it at all.

   Even if you can make it, the taste is hard to swallow.

   At that time, when they knew that the girl Yueyue was going to do the cold cake business, they were not curious about her recipe.

   The things that people use to make money, they are not suitable for making inquiries.

   Now, when she hears that girl Yue says she is going to adjust lime water, she will not be curious.

  Girl Moon trusts them so much and takes care of their family, she won't calculate those things that don't belong to them, and ruin the friendship between the two families.

   "I'll add grinding." Liu Shi said.

   Without even looking at her daughter, she picked up a long-handled spoon.

   "Then I'll go. I'll come and help when I prepare the lime water." Lin Xiaoyue then left.

   After leaving the mill, Lin Xiaoyue went to the kitchen backyard to configure lime water.

  To make about thirty-two pots of cold cakes today, a lot of lime water is needed.

  Lin Xiaoyue went to the backyard of the kitchen, used a wooden bucket to get water from the large water tank in the yard, and then began to add lime water to the bucket.

   (end of this chapter)

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