Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 190: 190 Looking for Aunt Jiang

   Chapter 190 190 Go to Aunt Jiang

  Yes, after making one pot of cold cakes, you have to wash the pot before making the second pot.

   This is to prevent the overcooked cold cake from remaining in the pot, and it will become mushy if you continue to heat it.

  The cooked rice milk is really easy to paste, and the slightest paste taste will affect the whole pot of cold cakes.

  In this way, Lin Xiaoyue worked in the stove for more than an hour before she made all the eight pots of cold cakes.

   When the last pot is out, Lin Xiaoyue washed the pot and tidy up the kitchen, and then the work is done.

  Aunt Wang has already gone out with two pots of cold cakes.

  Lin Xiaoyue muttered while taking off her apron.

   "I'll go to the town for delivery later, I'll make another trip to the grocery store. Come back with a few buckets and a cauldron."

   Liu Shi didn't stop it this time, and he agreed.

   "Boil two pots together, faster." He added.

   They make more and more cold cakes, and the tools at home are indeed not enough.

   In fact, it’s okay to prepare some more things and store them, anyway, the place at home is big enough.

   The cold cake business is not only for this year and one year, but the things purchased can be used next year.

   "One water tank in the backyard is not enough, so I'll bring another tank back." Lin Xiaoyue said again.

  Unfortunately, there is no way to bring water directly to the house. He could only rely on Li Xiao to fetch water from the creek every day.

   But fortunately, the stream is right next to their house, but not far.

   "Okay! You can do it yourself." Liu Shi said with a smile.

  Lin Xiaoyue chatted with Mrs. Liu again, and then told Mrs. Liu about asking the Jiang family to help cut cattle and grass and collect firewood.

   "We don't need to use thick firewood, Xiaohua and the others are not a problem to pick up some fine firewood. Our family needs one or two picks a day. As for cattle and grass, one basket is enough." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   Liu Shi nodded.

   "Okay, then I'll go to Jiang's house and tell you about this, Aunt Jiang. Let's see if her family is willing to take on this job."

   "Wait, mother." Seeing that Mrs. Liu was about to go out, Lin Xiaoyue hurriedly stopped her.

   "What else?" Mrs Liu turned back and looked at her daughter.

   "By the way, ask Aunt Jiang to see if they are willing to help pick saffron. We can't spare any time to pick saffron. If Aunt Jiang and the others are willing, our family will charge them at the price of three cents per pound."

  Lin Xiaoyue thought for a while, and then said, "'s just two hundred pounds."

   "Success!" Liu Shi replied with a smile.

  The soap soap made by my daughter is very useful, and it is good for shampooing and washing clothes. Get 200 catties of saponin and save it. After the saponin liquid is used up, they are not afraid of running out of saponin.

   "By the way, remember to remind them to be careful of the thorns. Erya's example can be placed there!" Lin Xiaoyue thought of Wang Erya and reminded again.

   "I know!" Liu Shi smiled. ready to leave.

   Then he stopped again and looked back at his daughter.

   "Is there anything else?" asked the girl.

   made Lin Xiaoyue smile.

   "No, no, mother, go quickly."

   Liu Shi just left.

   Lin Xiaoyue put on her apron, put the two pots of cool cakes left on the chopping board, and went out.

   As soon as he walked to the side of the road, he saw that Aunt Wang had already placed the cold cake and was walking back.

   "Oh, it's my business, why did you bring it out?!" Aunt Wang hurriedly ran two steps and came to pick up the cold cake.

   "It's okay, these are the last two pots." Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   "I'll do it. It's all right here, auntie, go back."

   Aunt Wang has not only sick people, but also livestock and two pigs to serve.

   (end of this chapter)

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