Chapter 192 192 Swing

  Li Xiao has good skills and great strength, so he hung up the swing without much effort.

  Lin Xiaozhi was the first to sit.

   Lin Xiaoyue hugged the little doll up.

   told him to pull the rope and push him behind him.

   "Giggle cluck..." The child's jubilant voice spread quickly.

   After a while, the little baby still disliked her elder sister's poor push, and asked his nephew to push him.

  Xiao Qing took the initiative to step forward, took Lin Xiaoyue's place, and really pushed the little baby.

  Lin Xiaoyue and Li Xiao looked at this scene and smiled at each other.

   I think it's worth it to be busy.

  Li Xiao saw that the two children were having a good time, so he didn't mention taking them to work.

   said to Lin Xiaoyue and left.

   "Okay, that's almost it. Let Qing'er also sit down." Lin Xiaoyue suddenly knew to Lin Xiao.

  This little guy has been sitting on his head for a long time, he is not ready to let others enjoy himself.

   Sure enough, as soon as Lin Xiaoyue said this, the smile on the little baby's face disappeared.

   But he still stopped and gave up the throne.

   "Qinger's nephew, it's yours!" Chong Xiaoqing said.

  Xiao Qing's face was a little red.

   "I... don't need to." said with some embarrassment.

  This kid's stuff, he doesn't need to play.

   He is twelve.

   "Sit down and let Xiaozhi push you. You're playing, it's my turn!" Lin Xiaoyue laughed.

   She didn't forget that the main purpose of making this swing by herself was to play for herself.

   In order to make money, it is not easy for her to be around all day.

   In addition to eating well and dressing well (well, the clothes are comfortable to wear, even if there are no patches in her eyes.), there must be entertainment, right?

   Speaking of entertainment, Lin Xiaoyue's heart moved.

   and let go of his thoughts again.

   Let's talk about it after a while.

  Wait until winter, when she has more time to rest, she will come out with some fun.

   Xiao Qing was startled by Lin Xiaoyue's words and looked at her in surprise.

   "Come on, I'm going to the town for delivery later!" Lin Xiaoyue urged with a smile.

   "Quick, Qing'er nephew, I'll push you!" Lin Xiaozhi stepped forward and took Xiao Qing's hand, and took him to the side of the swing.

   Xiao Qing froze, seeing her aunt laughing at her, she didn't refuse.

   Then the boy was sent to the swing.

   Then, amid the exaggerated noise of Lin Xiaozhi, a swing was thrown.

  Lin Xiaoyue was silent when she saw Xiao Qing, her face was restrained, but she couldn't relax.

   looked at Lin Xiaozhi and said, "Xiaozhi, you are too weak. Let me do it!"

   "Hehe, okay, sister!" Lin Xiaozhi agreed.

   Then Lin Xiaoyue quickly replaced Lin Xiaozhi's position, increasing her strength and pushing towards Xiao Qing's back.

   "Wow, Qing'er's nephew, so tall!"

   "Sister! Sister pushes me later, I'm going to swing so high!"

   "Haha, nephew of Qing'er, raise your legs!" Lin Xiaozhi kept making noises.

   "Ah, auntie, stop pushing me!"

   "Too tall, Auntie!"

   "Hahaha..." After a while, the calm boy was not calm, and he played on the swing with fear and joy.

   After about ten minutes, Xiao Qing took the initiative to step aside, saying that it was his aunt's turn.

  Lin Xiaoyue was also welcome and sat on the swing.

   Then instructed the two children to push her behind her back.

   "Add some power!"


   "Haha! I can fly even higher!" Lin Xiaoyue swayed on the swing with a crisp and sweet smile.

  The two children pushed each other on her back.

  The yard was full of laughter.

  Liu took the purse and went under the tree, ready to do embroidery work for a while.

   (end of this chapter)

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