Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 194: 194 There is a restaurant for sale

   Chapter 194 194 There is a restaurant for sale

  According to his prediction, it will be prosperous for at least ten days.

   After the heat goes down, the amount may be less, but it won't be much less.

   "Haha, borrow Uncle Liu your auspicious words!" Lin Xiaoyue smiled and took over the receipt.

   "Go to the cashier to settle the bill. For those ten wooden tubs, I'll let you send them to the ox cart." Chef Liu said cheerfully.

   "Okay, thank you uncle!" Lin Xiaoyue hurried to the account.

   This time, she brought a total of twelve pots of cold cakes, a total of three hundred bowls, and you can get nine coins.

   After receiving the money from the accountant, Lin Xiaoyue returned to the back kitchen yard.

   Then he went out, got on the bullock cart, and drove the bullock cart to the street of Qingyun Academy.

   When Lin Xiaoyue arrived, there were already many stalls and hawkers on the street.

   Parked outside Qingyun Academy, there are not a few horse-drawn carts and ox carts waiting for them.

   There are also many people who did not bring transportation, waiting for people at the door.

  Lin Xiaoyue got off the ox cart, led the ox to find a place that looked good, and then got on the ox cart, moved the table, and prepared to set up a stall.

   As a result, as soon as the table where the cold cakes were placed, was taken off the ox cart and placed on it, someone in the store behind it came looking for it.

   "Go, go, no stalls are allowed here!" It was a middle-aged man who should be a shop owner.

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at the other party and then at the store behind.

   It was a restaurant, and the store was not small, almost 1.5 times the size of the adjacent store.

   But it is obvious that the business of this store is not good, or that the profit is not enough.

   Because she saw the transfer information posted on the door.

  This street can be regarded as one of the most prosperous neighborhoods in Qingshi Town, and this store is next to the entrance of Qingyun Academy, so the location is very good.

   Lin Xiaoyue understood again when she noticed that several nearby stores were all in the restaurant business.

   It is close to Qingyun Academy, and most of the business still depends on the students in the academy.

   With so many restaurants, the competition is definitely not small.

   And this store has a larger area and higher rent, so it must be difficult to operate.

   Lin Xiaoyue's heart moved, but she had some ideas.

   "Hey, uncle, I'm sorry! This is my first time here to set up a stall, and I don't know the situation!" Lin Xiaoyue stepped forward and apologized to the middle-aged man.

   Her bullock cart occupies a large area. Although it is a little far from this uncle's shop, it is indeed blocking others.

   The middle-aged man's expression improved when he heard Lin Xiaoyue's apology.

"But it's not too early, and Qingyun Academy will be dismissed soon. I have a lot of stuff, and it's hard to find a place. Look, I'll pay some money, can you make it easier today?" Lin Xiaoyue begged road.

  The middle-aged man was taken aback.

   Hearing that Lin Xiaoyue was willing to pay, her eyes changed slightly.

   "Twenty words." Then he said solemnly.

   In fact, this little girl is not particularly blocking his shop, and the impact is not that big.

   But since the other party is willing to give money, he naturally wants it.

   "Success! Thank you uncle!" Lin Xiaoyue quickly thanked.

   Then he took out his own money box with copper plates, counted twenty copper plates from it and handed them to the middle-aged man.

   "Thank you uncle!" Thank you again.

   The middle-aged man felt a lot more comfortable when he saw Lin Xiaoyue happily taking the money.

   "Be careful, don't get too dirty here," reminded.

   "Don't worry, uncle, I will pay attention!" Lin Xiaoyue said quickly.

   If you go to the West Market to set up a stall, you will be charged 10 cents for sanitation.

   She is standing outside the shop now, and she might dirty the area in front of the shop later, and asking them to clean up, it's not too much money to pay.

   (end of this chapter)

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