Chapter 208 208 Open Store

   then paid.

   "Young master has taken it well, you are satisfied with your meal, and I hope you can help promote one or two in the academy." Lin Xiaoyue smiled playfully.

  The money was received in the money box.

   "Naturally, naturally!" Dushu Lang replied with a smile.

   took the cold cake and continued to eat it.

   Well, refreshing and refreshing, really good!

   Suddenly, Dushulang remembered what Lin Xiaoyue said just now.

   "Little lady, did you just say you want to open a store?" Chong Lin Xiaoyue asked.

   "Yes. Just behind me is the Qin's restaurant. Boss Qin agreed to give me some space and let me open a snack bar next to him. At that time, I have to trouble the two of you to take care of me!" Lin Xiaoyue said with a smile.

   The eyes of the two reading men lit up.

   "It's natural! Your cool cake tastes good and the price is affordable. We will definitely come here often in the future!" a reading man has already said.

   "When you open a snack bar, business is absolutely good!" Another reading man followed.

   "Hehe, I borrowed the two sons Ji Yan!"

   With the reading man and passers-by coming to eat cold cakes from time to time, Lin Xiaoyue's few cold cakes were quickly sold out.

   Lin Xiaoyue and Aunt Wang put away the stall.

   As a result, Li Xiao came back before the stall was closed.

   Boss Qin had already been waiting, and when he saw Li Xiao appear, he quickly joined up.

  Lin Xiaoyue asked Aunt Wang to collect the rest, and while watching the bullock cart, she and Li Xiao followed Boss Qin into the restaurant.

   Lin Xiaoyue had the opportunity to understand the structure of Qin's restaurant more clearly.

   Qin's restaurant is indeed very large, with twenty tables in the hall in front.

  Because there are too many tables and people are almost full, when there are only a few tables of guests, business often seems deserted.

   In this case, not only does it affect my mood when I see it. Some customers see that the store is deserted, and sometimes they are reluctant to enter.

  This store is not only large in the front hall, but also in the backyard.

   There is also a well in the yard, and the back kitchen of the restaurant is located in the back yard.

   "Since you don't build a kitchen, I don't think there is any need to divide the backyard. Our two share it." Boss Qin said to Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Sure! However, I have to build a shed here to put some sundries." Lin Xiaoyue pointed to a corner of the yard on the right.

   "Yes." Boss Qin nodded.

   Boss Qin told Lin Xiaoyue something else before leading the person to the front hall again.

   "That's it. If you are sure on your side, I will go to the landlord at night. He agrees, and we can conclude a contract tomorrow." Boss Qin said.

  Lin Xiaoyue's eyes lit up, "Naturally there is no problem."

   "But in terms of rent and deposit..." Lin Xiaoyue looked at Boss Qin.

"Can Uncle Qin help to get one or two? The rent is paid on a quarterly basis, and can the deposit be appropriately smaller?" Lin Xiaoyue looked embarrassed, "I still have to spend some money on the decoration of the shop. Tired."

   Boss Qin thought about it and said, "It is more expensive to pay rent on a quarterly basis, let's pay it on an annual basis."

   "I paid the rent for the entire shop at the time, and there are still five months' rent. You don't need to pay rent to the landlord for the time being. The deposit is two months' rent, and I also paid it at that time."

   "If it is really difficult on your side, you can give me a quarter's rent first, and I will pay the deposit for you. But before you open your business, you must give me the deposit."

   After he went back last night, he discussed with his wife, only to find out that her uncle's errand that he could introduce has come to an end.

  In this way, they might as well continue to operate the restaurant.

   (end of this chapter)

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