Chapter 210 210 Deed

  Lin Xiaoyue was amused by Aunt Wang.

   "That's it, the wages are one hundred cents a day." He said.

   If Erya can come to help, her mother can have some free time.

   It's good for her mother to sell cold cakes with her two children, but her mother is really not good at rough jobs.

   In the future, she will bring Erya and Aunt Wang to make cold cakes at home, which will be more efficient.

   "She didn't even set up a stall, so what's the salary?! Wait for her to set up a stall with you!" Aunt Wang said with a smile.

   Having eaten so much of the Liu family’s meals, it’s right to help.

   "This can't be done, one yard is one yard. If you don't get paid, don't ask Er Ya to come here." Lin Xiaoyue deliberately sullen.

   Aunt Wang's face was full of smiles.

   "Success! I can't tell you, do as you say!"

   Lin Xiaoyue and Liu Shi said a few more words to Aunt Wang before going to the kitchen to cook.

  After dinner, the family was busy making cold cakes.

   By the time Lin Xiaoyue washed and lay down, it was already nine o'clock.

   Lin Xiaoyue didn't sleep after returning to her room, but took out her notebook and drew the design of the snack bar.

   In fact, it is mainly the design of the console and the design of the kitchen utensils.

   Although the snack bar only sold cold cakes in the early stage, but in the later stage, when she had chili in her hand, she wanted to sell hot food.

   In this era, there is no natural gas, and it is not easy to build a kitchen in the store. She can only go to the blacksmith shop to customize some kitchen utensils, and then use charcoal to keep the spicy skewers warm.

   Now she just draws an outline of the prototype, and the specific size design has to be measured on the spot before deciding.

   There are also tables and chairs in the store. Her shop is too small, and putting the square tables and chairs in Boss Qin's restaurant is a bit of a waste of space.

   She plans to refer to the tables and chairs in the 21st century school cafeteria and make three rows of long tables, with benches matching the long tables on each side of the long table, so that more people can sit.

  Lin Xiaoyue draws on paper, revising it from time to time, and redrawing it from time to time.

   It took almost an hour to be basically satisfied.

   Then, he put away the manuscript paper and went to bed.

the next day.

  Aunt Wang and Shuanzi Wang came early again.

  After breakfast, Li Xiao drove the ox cart, took Lin Xiaoyue and Aunt Wang, and set off to town with thirty pots of cold cakes.

  After all the twenty pots of cold cakes were sold out in the West Market, Lin Xiaoyue drove the ox cart to Qin's restaurant.

   As a result, Li Xiao arrived earlier than them and was already waiting at the door of the restaurant.

  Lin Xiaoyue asked Aunt Wang to wait outside, and followed Boss Qin and Li Xiao into the restaurant.

  Lin Xiaoyue heard what Boss Qin said, and knew that the landlord had agreed and the rent had not changed, so she felt a lot more at ease.

   After a while, the landlord came.

   Boss Qin introduced the landlord to Lin Xiaoyue, and after clarifying the situation, the three signed a contract.

   "I paid next year's rent a year ago, and I will come to collect it then." The landlord said to Boss Qin and Lin Xiaoyue.

   He doesn't care if the shop is rented out. As long as the renter can get it, he will try his best to meet the requirements of the tenant.

   After all, his shop, compared with some nearby shops, is actually not that easy to rent out.

   "Okay! Hard work, Mr. Zhao, stay for dinner!" Boss Qin looked attentive.

  The landlord glanced at Boss Qin, "No, there are still things at home, so I'll leave first."

   "We will send you off!" Boss Qin said quickly.

   "No, stay." The landlord said and left.

   Boss Qin turned around only after the landlord had gone all the way.

   Then, Lin Xiaoyue communicated with Boss Qin about the next arrangement.

   paid Boss Qin's rent for 12 taels of silver before leaving.

   (end of this chapter)

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