Chapter 216 216 Busy earning life

   "Don't worry, I will definitely settle the money before the furniture is taken away!" Lin Xiaoyue added quickly.

   "Haha." Uncle Sun smiled.

   "There's nothing to believe about the folks in the village. I've also heard about your cold cake business. You sell a lot every day, and the cost is probably a lot. It also costs money for shop decoration.

   "Okay, I'll make it for you first. When you come to pick up these furniture, pay for it!"

   "Thank you uncle!" Lin Xiaoyue quickly thanked.

  Uncle Sun only Lin Xiaoyue, you're welcome.

  Lin Xiaoyue chatted with Uncle Sun for a few more words before going home.

  Wang Erya came to help today. The lime water she mixed in the morning has been filtered, and the soaked rice has also been ground into rice slurry.

   Later, when Wang Erya and Aunt Wang come over, they can start making cold cakes.

   Lin Xiaoyue had just arrived in the yard when she saw Wang Erya and Aunt Wang already coming.

   Aunt Wang was talking to Mrs Liu, and when she saw Lin Xiaoyue coming back, she immediately urged her to make cold cakes.

  Lin Xiaoyue followed helplessly to the kitchen.

   If she didn't know that the cold cake business was her own, she would suspect that it was Aunt Wang's business.

  After all, she is more concerned with doing things than her client.

   Next, Lin Xiaoyue took the two to work again.

   is another work that takes more than an hour. After finishing it, everyone will be free.

After   , Aunt Wang and Wang Erya did not go back, but went to talk to Liu Shi under the big tree.

  Lin Xiaoyue also went under the big tree, and while chatting with everyone, she also went to swing.

   Not only did he play by himself, but he also invited Wang Erya to play on the swing with him.

  Wang Erya was a little reserved at first, but later, she was not too reserved. I really played with Lin Xiaoyue.

  Liu's yard was lively.

   It was almost four o'clock. At the urging of Aunt Wang, Lin Xiaoyue went to set up the carriage and was about to set off for the town.

  Everyone went to the stream to get cold cakes, Lin Xiaoyue went to get other things, and then set off when he was ready.

   Went to Ruyi Building to deliver the goods, and when we arrived outside Qin's restaurant, before getting off the ox cart, someone came to ask to buy cold cakes.

  Lin Xiaoyue asked everyone to wait a moment, and hurriedly shared with Aunt Wang.

   Then got busy.

   Today's weather is relatively hot, it is almost five o'clock now, and the sun is still hot.

  Those who have eaten cold cakes want to try a bowl.

  I haven’t eaten it before. I heard that the cool cakes cool off the heat, so I came over to try it.

  Many people felt that one bowl was not enough, so they ate two bowls.

   The main thing is to get 20% off for two bowls. Anyway, the cold cake is delicious, and it is more cost-effective to eat an extra bowl.

   So Lin Xiaoyue's cold cakes sold very quickly.

  As the long queues started to form in front of the cold cake stand, the number of people packing gradually increased.

  Lin Xiaoyue knew that Qingyun Academy was about to drop out of school. Everyone was going to take the packaged cold cakes and pick up the reading man at home to go home.

  Lin Xiaoyue called Aunt Wang over to collect the money and cut cold cakes for everyone, and quickly got busy.

   After waiting for no one to line up, only to find out that there are only two pots of cold cake left.

   The speed of this sale is even faster than yesterday.

   "I'm going to collect the bowls and wash them out." Aunt Wang wiped the sweat from her forehead and said to Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Yes." Lin Xiaoyue responded.

  Suddenly, not far away, there are several reading clerks coming towards this side.

   The reason for special attention is because there is a familiar face to her.

   "No, I really have no interest in roadside stalls!" Lin Yuanshan's voice.

  Lin Xiaoyue saw that Lin Yuanshan was being dragged towards her by three reading men of the same age.

   (end of this chapter)

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