Chapter 235 235 Add a stove

  Aunt Wang and Li Juanzi were warmly received and treated equally.

  Readers got a good deal and had a good time.

   For a while, the Liu's Snack Bar was very lively again.

   During the lunch rush hour, there are many reading and passersby who come to eat cold cakes, but despite this, the cold cakes sold are not as much as during the morning rush hour.

   This is also understandable, there are fewer people who mainly pack.

When    arrived, there were finally no customers in the store.

  Lin Xiaoyue then went to the Qin's restaurant next door to order food, and everyone had lunch in the restaurant.

  After dinner, Lin Xiaoyue went to the backyard to count the remaining cold cakes, and then called Li Xiao to go back to Dashi Village.

  The weather is hot, and I'm afraid there won't be any business in the store before you go to Qingyun Academy to leave school.

  You will definitely usher in the biggest wave of peaks in the store after the time.

   Also, business is not too bad until the evening. After all, the night market on Qingyun Street is very lively at night.

  Thinking like this, the cold cakes made by Wang Erya and Aunt Jiang at home may not be enough.

   Today is the first day of opening, and Lin Xiaoyue naturally does not want to close the door early at night.

   So he decided to bring Li Xiao back to help.

   Liu Shi learned about the situation and also went back.

   "I can't help you if I stay here, I might as well go back with you guys and help me out."

   As a result, the two children listened and went back together.

  Lin Xiaoyue thought about it and agreed.

   Then the family got on the ox cart and returned to Dashi Village.

   Back home, Lin Xiaoyue arranged for everyone to get busy.

  Li Xiao directly set up two temporary stoves in the front yard, and Lin Xiaoyue took Liu Shi to make cold cakes in the front yard.

   Grinding rice milk and transporting cold cakes are handled by Li Xiao and Xiao Qing.

  The Liu family was busy.

   When it was four quarters of Shenshi, Lin Xiaoyue went to Li Xiao and asked him to deliver goods to the town.

   "My mother and I will continue to work at home, you can deliver to Ruyi Building and the store." Lin Xiaoyue said to Li Xiao.

   "The ox cart can hold up to fifty pots of cold cakes in one trip. You fill the ox cart."

   "Don't be in a hurry to come back after you go to the store, try to come back at the end of the day. Check the situation and determine how much to make up at night."

  Li Xiao nodded.

"it is good."

   Lin Xiaoyue asked Li Xiao a few more words before continuing to work.

   She also has to make cold cakes, the more the better, do it now, and make it easier at night.

   Although today is the opening of a new store, the sales will be much higher than usual. But it also proved that the purchasing power of the residents of the town is really great.

  According to this situation, their family is afraid that it will become a workshop in the future.

   Then, can she consider teaching another apprentice to make cold cakes?

   Lin Xiaoyue hurriedly interrupted herself, there is no hurry.

   Before dark, Li Xiao came back.

   The business in the store is really booming during the peak period. Not only are there many reading clerks who come to eat cold cakes, but there are also many customers who pack cold cakes to take away.

   When Li Xiao came back from the store, there were only fifteen pots of cold cakes left in the store.

   "Then you can bring another twenty pots of cold cakes. If you can't use them up, bring them back." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   "Okay." Li Xiao quickly set off again.

After    Li Xiao left, Lin Xiaoyue did not continue to make cold cakes.

   After confirming the amount of wages for today with Wang Erya and Aunt Jiang, they also went back.

   Then, Lin Xiaoyue started to cook dinner with Liu Shi.

   "After dinner, let's continue making cold cakes and wait for Xiao'er to come back." Liu Shi said to his daughter as he set the fire on fire.

   "Tomorrow, the event is over, and there will be fewer people buying cold cakes. We'll make six cauldrons later."

   (end of this chapter)

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