Chapter 238 238 is coming

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   "This--Auntie, I don't mean anything else. It's just Xiaohua and Sister Chrysanthemum coming over, then your family's work--"

  Aunt Wang went to the snack bar to work, but she simply sold the pigs at home to her parents.

   Therefore, the Jiang family is helping to do the work of mowing cattle grass and collecting firewood in her family.

  Uncle Jiang is working in the town, Aunt Jiang and Jiang Lamei are helping her. Now Jiang Xiaohua and Jiang Juhua are in charge of family affairs.

  The family has a pig and a dozen chickens, and they also help their family cut cattle grass and collect firewood.

   The two little girls have a lot to do every day.

   She was actually quite optimistic about these two girls, because despite the many things at home, the two girls delivered enough cattle, grass and firewood to their house every day, and they did not fool anyone.

  , speaking, now their family uses a lot of firewood every day, and the two girls only come with Uncle Jiang to deliver firewood almost every day when it is dark, which is not easy.

  Aunt Jiang smiled embarrassedly.

   "My pig weighed more than 200 kilograms. Now it's not a loss to sell it. There is no food at home, and I feel that there are more livestock. I'm going to sell it. Only three hens are left."

   "After all these are dealt with, my family will be fine."

   Aunt Jiang looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "My sister-in-law Luo's house next door is a sincere person. If you agree, you can give her the work of mowing cattle and grass and collecting firewood in the future."

   "The two sisters-in-law of the Luo family, the older one is 14 and the younger is 12. Heavy work is not easy to do, such as mowing cattle grass and collecting firewood, there is no problem in doing it!"

   Come to Liu's house to work, the wages are high, and it is close.

   For such a good job, I recommend others to come, of course, it is better to let my daughter come.

  Look at the Wang family, which is the best example.

   Now Mrs. Wang is working as the manager of a snack bar in the town, and she earns several taels a month.

   Her family Erya has won the trust of Yueyatou again, and she is paid one hundred cents a day.

   plus overtime money, one hundred and thirty wen in a day.

   As for Wang Shuanzi, it is even more incredible.

   Do business with Li Laishun from the village chief's family, and sell cold cakes from the girl Yue.

   The money you make in a day is probably close to a tael of silver.

  The Wang family, leaning on the Liu family, is afraid that they will be able to turn over soon.

   Now there are more than one or two people in the village who envy the Wang family.

   Although her family is not comparable to the relationship between the Wang family and the Liu family, they still had some friendship with the Liu family before.

   She also doesn't want to be like the Wang family, with as much support from the Liu family, she just hopes to take this opportunity to have a better relationship with the Liu family.

   Let Xiaohua and Chrysanthemum come to work, even if they only work for more than a month, the family can make a lot of money.

   Once you have saved enough money, you will have to worry about building a house at home.

  Lin Xiaoyue nodded.

   "It's done! Let Xiaohua and Chrysanthemum come, and I'm more at ease."

   "As for the matter of cattle grass and firewood, please ask Aunt Luo to ask Aunt Luo. If her family accepts this job, my family will receive cattle grass and firewood at the price I gave you before."

   Aunt Jiang looked happy.

   "Hey!" He responded quickly.

After   , only one day later, Aunt Jiang brought Jiang Xiaohua and Jiang Juhua to the Liu family to work.

   With the addition of newcomers, Lin Xiaoyue gradually calmed down.

   On this day, in Dashi Village, Lin Lanhua, the aunt of the Lin family, suddenly brought the eldest Lin and the second Lin to the Liu family.

  Lin Xiaoyue came back from town at noon and learned about it.

   said that three people came to Liu's house to make trouble, and Lin Lanhua accused her of ruining her marriage.

   (end of this chapter)

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