Chapter 246 246 Roll Together

   "It's just that you spoiled her, that's why this happened! I said don't provoke the Liu family, don't provoke the Liu family. She wants to go!"

   "Go and go, even the eldest and the second will be unlucky together!"

   "Now Master Hei has appointed her to apologize, but she won't go—" Lin Dachui looked at Lin Lanhua angrily.

   "If we don't go and suffer with our family, I—my old Lin family can't afford to support you like this! Don't go—well, get out if you don't go! Get out together, don't stay at our old Lin family!"

  Lin Sledgehammer was so mad that he couldn't choose what to say, and even directly asked Mrs. Lin to roll with Lin Lanhua.

   In the past, he didn't care about family affairs, and he didn't know about Mrs. Lin's sparring with the third daughter-in-law.

After   , the third child died. The third daughter-in-law left the Lin family with their two children.

   After a series of things, he didn't take it seriously.

   Until later, the second granddaughter and the younger grandson broke off the relationship with the Lin family, the third house was completely separated, and a female household was established.

  For this matter, people in the village poked Talin Sledgehammer in the spine a lot.

At the beginning of   , he was angry with Sanfang, and felt that Sanfang would not have a good life after leaving the Lin family, and he didn't take it seriously.

   But later, Sanfang built a big house, started a cold cake business, and went to the town to open a shop.

   There is also the son-in-law that Sanfang bought, and now he has also set up a team at Qingshi Town Wharf and set up a transport team. He also became friends with the black man.

   In just two months, Sanfang has changed a lot.

   The current three-bedroom, who dares to despise it in the village?

   not only dare not look down, but even give a thumbs up.

   And he, now he said that Lin Dachui didn't have eyes, which made the most promising Sanfang divorced from the old Lin family, and even separated.

  The more developed the three houses, the stranger the villagers looked at him.

   He also began to feel more and more unbalanced in his heart.

  The villagers are right, if the three rooms are not divided, the big house built by the three rooms will belong to the old Lin family.

   When he gets old, he can live in the best house in the village.

   They all said that the house was built in style, not to mention the many rooms, and they all had the kang.

   Even the ground in the yard is fully embedded with bluestone slabs.

   Clean, even when it rains, there will be no mud.

   Even if you can't live in that big house, the money for the three-bedroom house is still from the old Lin family.

   That's more than three hundred taels. How many good things can you buy?

   The most important thing is the cold cake business of Sanfang.

  The second granddaughter delivers cold cakes to the town several times a day. Wang Shuanzi from the Wang family and Li Laishun from the village chief’s family also sell cold cakes from the Sanfangjia.

  The three-bedroom family has also hired so many helpers that it has become a small workshop.

   Not to mention that he can earn a lot of money every day, the helpers he hired, relying on the three houses, have now become the envy of the villagers.

  If the three rooms are not divided out, where can I hire helpers?

   There are so many people in the old Lin family. How long does it take for the whole family to turn over by relying on the cold cake business?

The more    thought about this, the more angry Lin Dachui felt.

   It's all because of this evil woman!

   After so many years, it’s not a problem for him to gain the reputation of fear. Now it has ruined the future of their Lin family!

   Mrs. Lin was shocked on the spot, she didn't expect Lin Dachui to talk to her like this.

After    came back to his senses, he was immediately furious.

   He couldn't think about anything, he picked up the crutches at hand and hit Lin Sledgehammer.

   "You have no conscience, you are talking **** to the old lady! You let the old lady go away? The old lady fights with you, and if you die, the Lin family will not make you feel better!"

   The people in the room were shocked, and they didn't expect that Mrs. Lin would fight with Lin Dachu.

   (end of this chapter)

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