Chapter 253 253 Cheeky Black Gang

   "My mother died early, and seeing my aunt today makes me feel cordial. If my mother is here, she should look like my aunt!"

   "If my aunt recognizes me, I will respect you as my mother. In the future, sister Xiaoyue will be my sister, and Li Xiao will be my brother-in-law!" Hei Gang's eyes lit up when he said the last sentence.

  Sister Xiaoyue he admires very much, as for Li Xiao, he really wants to learn from him!

   When Li Xiao becomes his brother-in-law, can he still guide himself?

   Liu's face was a little panicked.

  This...Do you want to recognize her as a godmother?

   With a terrified face, he looked at his daughter and son-in-law.

  Lin Xiaoyue was surprised.

  Li Xiao frowned and looked at Hei Gang.

   His actual age is only ten years younger than his mother. It looks rough and looks, and the age gap with his mother is even smaller.

   Where did he get the thick skin, saying that his mother looks like his own mother, and he still recognizes the godmother?


  Thinking of something, Li Xiao held back and said nothing.

  It is thanks to this person that the Lin family can be handled so docilely.

   In addition, Hei Gang is also considered to be a tyrant in Qingshi Town. Their Liu family has a good relationship with him, and it is only beneficial.

  Lin Xiaoyue and Li Xiao glanced at each other, and instantly understood each other's thoughts.

   So, Lin Xiaoyue smiled at her mother.

   "Mother, I think Brother Hei is very sincere. If you don't mind, just add a brother to me and Xiaozhi!"

   She already knew that the two children got Hei Gang and one golden peanut.

   This is not related to their Liu family yet, so generous. If you really want to become the godson of their Liu family, there will be many benefits in the future.

   Recognizing the godmother, in a word, it was their Liu family who took advantage.

   "This..." Liu Shi was still hesitant. Actually a little embarrassed.

   "Yeah, godmother! I'm sincere!" Hei Gang, the shameless man, had already shouted directly.

   Liu's face flushed red again.

   "Then... well..." He finally said.

  Since the daughter supports and the son-in-law does not object, then she will accept it.

   The daughter was in the kitchen just now and told her about Hei Gang.

   This man has helped his son-in-law a lot, and also introduced a lot of business to his daughter.

   I came to their house this time to help them with the Lin family.

   It is rare for people to look up to her, so what is there to pick on her?

   Hei Gang looked happy.

   Immediately knelt down on one knee for Mrs. Liu and handed the wine glass to Mrs. Liu.

   "Godmother, please drink!" said excitedly.

   Liu Shi glanced at the crowd, but did not refuse this time, took the wine with a smile, put it to his mouth and drank it.

   Then, he started to help Heigang.

   "Just now, get up." As if he immediately entered the role of godmother.

  Hei Gang's heart moved, looking at the Liu family who was supporting him, he actually felt a bit of maternal love.

   "Hey, thank you godmother!"

   After that, Hei Gang was not in a hurry to return to the big table to eat.

   Sitting at the small table next to Mrs. Liu, while helping Mrs. Liu with dishes, she talked to Mrs. Liu, cultivating the mother-son relationship.

   Liu Shi was still a little unfamiliar and afraid of Hei Gang at first, but Hei Gang was familiar with him, and because Hei Gang was already her godson, Liu Shi gradually became more relaxed.

   After a meal, there is almost no sense of estrangement.

   This meal, the Liu family enjoyed the meal.

  The three brothers and sisters of the Lin family in the courtyard are different.

   When the three heard that Hei Gang actually recognized Liu as the godmother, they all ignored their hunger, only fear.

   Mr. Hei turned out to be Liu's godson. Then they bullied Liu's three mornings, can it still be good?

   Especially Lin Lanhua, she really wants to cry now.

   (end of this chapter)

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