Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 259: 259 The stubborn Liu family

   Chapter 259 259 The tough Liu family

   Everyone, wait for Boss Lin to come back.

   It didn't take long before Li Da returned with Boss Lin.

  Lin Xiaoyue noticed that, after a while, Boss Lin's face was actually bright.

   "This... this is thirty-one taels of silver, Yue... girl, you take it." Boss Lin held the silver cloth and brought it to Lin Xiaoyue.

   In order to get the money, he was beaten by his mother.

   is still a father, and the two sons and two nephews helped together, and only restrained his mother.

   After forcing his mother to open the lock, he got the money.

   He came over when he got the money. He didn't have time to ask about his wife.

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at Boss Lin, but didn't answer.

   "My mother was the one who was frightened. Give her this silver."

   "Also, the three of you apologize to my mother separately. If she nods her forgiveness, you can leave."

   Boss Lin's expression changed.

   Then, he didn't care about any shame.

   Holding the silver, he came to Liu Shi.

   "Third siblings, please accept this money. I'm sorry for the morning thing." Boss Lin felt his face burn badly.

   When the elder brother apologized to his sister-in-law, his uncle's face was completely gone.

   Mr. Liu saw Boss Lin's appearance and took the money, but he didn't feel too embarrassed.

   Seeing Liu's taking the money, Boss Lin was relieved and quickly stepped aside.

   Lin's second child stepped forward and apologized to Liu Shi.

   is followed by Lin Orchid.

  When Lin Lanhua finished apologizing and was about to retreat.

  Unexpectedly, Liu Shi, who had not spoken for a long time, actually spoke up.

   "The Wu family's withdrawal from relatives has nothing to do with my family Yue'er."

  Lin Lanhua's body trembled.

   bowed his head and did not dare to answer.

   "In the future, don't provoke my Yue'er again." Liu's tone was not very hard, but he tried to make himself a little more imposing.

   Feeling that several eyes were focused on him, Lin Lanhua's lowered eyes flashed with anger.

   Is this still the most useless Liu family from the Lin family? Now I dare to talk to her like that.

   "Yeah." Lin Lanhua could only answer in a low voice despite her resentment.

   "Also, don't come to Liu's house in the future. Otherwise, I-I won't let you go!" But she expressed her determination.

   Although she has a soft temperament, she is no longer the one from the Lin family, the Liu family who can be bullied by them.

   If they dare to bully her daughter again, she will not let them go!

   Liu's remarks made Hei Gang and others admire him.

   Hei Gang, in particular, has a little more respect for the godmother he recognizes.

   His Hei Gang's godmother, that's how it should be!

  Lin Lanhua was shocked.

   "I know - I know." He said quickly.

   Liu's eyes moved away, and he didn't want to see the three Lin family anymore.

   Lin Xiaoyue made a sound when she saw her mother's movements.

   "Go away!" said solemnly.

  The three brothers and sisters of the Lin family hurried away as if they were granted amnesty.

   After walking for a while, he ran even more, as if there were ghosts in the Liu family yard.

   "Hahahaha..." Hei Gang was amused and couldn't help laughing out loud.

   Then, the rest of the people also burst into laughter.

  The three brothers and sisters of the Lin family immediately ran faster as if they were being chased by a dog.

   After the three brothers and sisters of the Lin family ran out of the Liu family yard, Hei Gang sat for a while before getting up from the row of chairs.

   "Godmother, Yue'er, Li Xiao, since the matter has been settled, we won't stay any more. This is our farewell!" Hei Gang clasped his fists at Liu Shi and the others.

   "It's so late, why don't you stay at home! I'll leave tomorrow!" Liu shi said to hold back, and there was some worry between his brows.

   (end of this chapter)

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