Chapter 266 How to divide 266

   They are both the sons of their parents, so why throw the two old ones to him?

   Seeing the expressions of Lin Dachui and Mrs. Lin, Lin Yuanshan suddenly panicked.

  According to this situation, I am afraid that the family separation will not be able to escape.

   Looking at the appearance of his father and mother, he made it clear that he wanted to follow him.

   Does he dare not accept it? Of course not.

   He has to test for fame, fame is too important. I really don’t want my parents. Even if I pass the exam, I won’t be able to go far.

   Instead of this, he might as well take advantage of the fact that his parents are biased against him, and try to get more things for himself when the family is separated.

  Thinking of this, Lin Yuanshan looked at Boss Lin, 2nd Lin and 4th Lin pretending to be disappointed.

   then sighed.

   "Well, since the brothers all mean this. If I continue to persist, I will only attract your hatred."

   "Father, then let's split it up!" Chong Lin said with a big hammer.

  The big room of the Lin family, the second room and the fourth Lin were instantly relieved when they heard this.

   It doesn't matter if the fifth one's words are good or not, as long as the houses can be separated smoothly today, then it will be done!

  The two elders of the Lin family looked at Lin Yuanshan with some worry, but said nothing.

  Lin Sledgehammer and Mrs. Lin are actually good at it. Knowing that they split up the family, they will have less money in their hands. It will be difficult for Lin Yuanshan to study in the future.

   But they are also afraid of the big room and the second room.

   I'm afraid that the quarrel will continue, and I really have a complete fallout with the boss, the second and the fourth.

   After three sons like this, I'm afraid I really won't care about them.

   In the final analysis, although they felt that the fifth child would definitely be promising, but it was not so fast.

   "Then I'll go and invite the village chief!" Lin Lao Si suddenly said. There was joy on his face.

   "Fourth brother, wait—" Lin Yuanshan stopped the fourth Lin.

  The big room, the second room, and the fourth Lin all changed their expressions, and all looked at Lin Yuanshan, for fear that he would go back on it.

   A look of helplessness flashed across Lin Yuan's mountain.

   "Please don't worry about the matter of asking the village chief. Let's discuss it first and divide it up with our own family, and then go to ask the village chief to preside over the division. This way, it won't let outsiders see the joke." Lin Yuanshan said.

   Mr. Lin, Mr. Lin and Mr. Lin exchanged glances and agreed.

   Lin Yuanshan then went to sit on the bench with Lin Dachui and Mrs. Lin.

   "Father, mother, look, how do we divide this family?" Lin Yuanshan said to Lin Sledgehammer and Mrs. Lin.

When    was talking, he gave Mrs. Lin a special look.

   Sure enough, Mrs. Lin spoke immediately.

   "Your father and I are still there. If we have to divide it, we will divide the house and land in our family! For the rest, follow us two old men!"

   Lin Yuanshan's eyes moved slightly, giving Mrs. Lin a look of admiration.

  The big room, the second room of the Lin family, and the fourth son of Lin refused to accept it.

   "No! Mother, you and Dad both want to be with the fifth, so isn't all the money in the family going to the fifth?!" Lin said.

"That's right! The family's money is all from the big house. The second house and the fourth one earn it together. The fifth one has spent all these years studying, and only spends money. Since the family is split up, he has to take it all out and share it!" Boss Lin followed. .

   "Yes! Mother! All these years, for the sake of the fifth child, you and your father didn't even marry me. Now we split up the family. You will share my money with me!" Fourth Lin also said.

   Mrs. Lin stomped her crutches in anger after hearing the words of her three sons.

   "Your father and I haven't died yet, so you want to split the money! Do you want us two old people to drink the northwest wind?!"

   When Jiang Shi heard that Mrs. Lin was putting on an elder's profile again, bullying her husband, she exploded.

   (end of this chapter)

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