Chapter 418 418 Identity

   Liu Wuji and the others looked at each other and smiled.

   "Stop making trouble, let's eat!" Lin Xiaoyue was amused and glanced at the sixth princess.

  The Sixth Princess just made a statement, and let everyone start.

  Today's hot pot, the dishes were bought by the Sixth Princess personally taking people out of the palace.

After    bought it back, Lin Xiaoyue took her and Zhao Shanshan to deal with it.

   Of course, the sixth princess and Zhao Shanshan mainly help her with chores.

   After the dishes were almost ready, Lin Xiaoyue started to boil the bottom of the hot pot.

During the    period, many servants who smelled the fragrance in the National Teacher's House were so greedy they wanted to cry.

   Soon, the tender meat slices put into the pot were cooked, and everyone took a slice.

   put it in the sauce dish and dipped it, then put it in the mouth.

   A fresh and spicy taste fills the mouth instantly, making people only feel the fragrance of lips and teeth.

  Liu Wuji, Liang Chengcai and the sixth princess are okay, they have tasted the taste of hot pot before.

  Although this hot pot tasted better than the previous BBQ banquet, they were already mentally prepared.

   But it's the first time he has eaten hot pot.

   After tasting the taste, the whole person was stunned.

   The first two bites, because I am not used to the taste of chili peppers, I feel that the taste is a bit irritating.

  But after two mouthfuls, I found that I couldn't stop.

   It is the more spicy you want to eat, the more you can’t stop it.

   "This spicy beef is delicious! Sir, try it now!" The Sixth Princess suddenly said, and then she even helped Lin Xiaoyue hold a chopstick.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled awkwardly.

   "I'll do it myself." replied.

   This enthusiasm, she couldn't handle it.

   "That duck intestine is also good, try it." Then he said to the sixth princess.

   The Sixth Princess hurried to get the duck intestines.

   Seeing that Lin Xiaoyue didn't like to serve her vegetables, she didn't continue.

   asked everyone's comments on this dish.

  The evaluation of the people is naturally very high.

  Especially Mo Fei, bluntly said that this was the most special and delicious feast he had ever eaten.

   "Since everyone likes this hot pot so much, why don't you open a hot pot restaurant in Kyoto?" Sixth Princess suddenly said.

   "If this store opens, business must be good!"

   Mo Fei and others echoed.

   In the face of everyone's expectations, Lin Xiaoyue refused.

   "It's fine to open a shop. When the arithmetic is finished, I will return to Qingshi Town."

   She had thought before that when she came to Kyoto to open a store, it was not a hot pot restaurant, but a fast-moving chain store.

   But now, this idea is not very strong.

  At the foot of the emperor in Kyoto, it is better to stay away from the relationship between their family and Emperor Yan.

   Hiding in Qingshi Town, Emperor Tiangao is far away, even if something is wrong, he can prepare as soon as possible.

  Everyone looked disappointed.

  Liu Wuji's eyes moved slightly, and the thoughts in his heart became firmer.

  After the meal, Liu Wuji left the National Teacher's Mansion again.

   Palace, Palace of Diligence.

  Liu Wuji bowed his body and stood under Emperor Yan, without moving.

   The Yan Emperor in the upper seat looked gloomy and was speechless for a long time.

   After a long time, finally, Emperor Yan spoke up.

   "I thought you would never tell this secret."

   actually took the initiative to come to him and be honest with him, about that woman back then.

   Even the daughter of that woman later, and the girl now.

  Liu Wuji surrendered to Emperor Yan.

   "The emperor is very careful, and the minister knows that these things cannot be hidden from you."

  Emperor Yan was shocked.

   Guessed that the National Teacher must have found some clues.

   Now, the National Teacher is willing to be frank with him, so why is he not reconciling with him?

   I begged him to let his daughter and granddaughter live, and for him to forgive what he did to the Zhang family back then.

   The Zhang family was attacked back then, and then the national teacher left the palace for more than ten years. In fact, he once regretted it.

   Later, when the national teacher returned to the palace, it was because of this that he and the national teacher seemed to be separated by a layer.

   Now, the national teacher Ken took the initiative to come to him and put everything on the bright side.

   Although he was begging him to let the girl and her mother go, why not beg for a reunion for their monarchs and ministers?

  Thinking of this, Emperor Yan sighed.

   "Fortune made people. Back then—" Emperor Yan paused.


   "Since that girl is your granddaughter, she is also my junior."

   "I won't embarrass her about the arithmetic."

   "Furthermore, I can also reward the Li family and let their family move into Kyoto. It also saves you from worrying about it from time to time."

  Liu Wuji was taken aback for a moment, and quickly refused.


   Emperor Yan frowned.

   Liu Wuji hurriedly saluted.

   "When they enter Beijing, they will be targeted by many people. Don't influence Dayan because of the selfishness of one minister."

   Hearing Liu Wuji's words, Emperor Yan raised his eyebrows.

   Guo Shi once married a wife and had children, and this matter must be known carefully.

   When he attacked the Zhang family and wanted to get rid of the girl, wasn't that the reason?

   "What does the national teacher want me to do?" Thinking of this, Emperor Yan asked Liu Wuji.

  Liu Wuji was overjoyed and surrendered to Emperor Yan.

   "When the arithmetic is finished, please let the emperor go back. Let them stay in Qingshi Town with peace of mind."

   Seeing that Emperor Yan had no reaction, Liu Wuji continued: "Every year in the future, this old man will go to live for two months to show his family affection."

   As soon as these words came out, Emperor Yan immediately looked at Liu Wuji.

   Seeing Liu Wuji lowered his head, he thought for a while, and then looked away again.

   "Accurate!" Then, Liu Wuji listened to Emperor Yan.

  Liu Wuji's expression brightened.

   "Thank you, Your Majesty!" His voice was filled with excitement.

  Emperor Yan had some feelings in his heart when he saw the uncontrollable joy on Liu Wuji's face.

   Lord National Teacher, after all, he is also a mortal...

   After a quarter of an hour, Liu Wuji left the Qinzheng Hall.

   The sun was very good at this time, and it shone on Liu Wuji and plated him with a layer of gold.

   Returning to the National Teacher's House with ease, Liu Wuji went directly to the plum garden.

   Who knew when they got there, only to find that not only Lin Xiaoyue was there, but the sixth princess and others were all there.

   It turned out that these few people who couldn't be free brought arithmetic problems and asked Lin Xiaoyue for advice.

   And because Lin Xiaoyue had nothing to do, she even helped them read the questions and pointed out the answers.

   This led to the fact that there were so many people in the plum garden.

   Everyone was a little surprised when they saw the appearance of the National Teacher.

   They all stopped what they were doing and stood up to salute Liu Wuji.

  Liu Wuji got everyone up and strode into the house.

   A beautiful emerald green jade pendant on his waist swayed with the movement of the National Teacher, very dazzling and attracted the attention of many people.

   Liang Chengcai looked a little surprised when he saw that his master was wearing a jade pendant today.

   And Lin Xiaoyue didn't take it seriously.

   But when she saw the big "willow" character on the jade pendant, she was shocked.

   Then, after thinking about it carefully, I found that the jade pendant of the national teacher is exactly the same as the one that her mother lost.

  Yes, exactly the same.

  Because she has seen the pattern of her mother's jade pendant, she can be sure.

  So, the jade pendant she sent someone to look for turned out to be in the hands of the National Teacher?

   Lin Xiaoyue didn't think much about it at this time, but she couldn't help but wonder.

   I don't know if she mentioned it to the National Teacher and asked the National Teacher to give her the jade pendant. Is it feasible?

  Liu Wuji took Lin Xiaoyue's reaction into his eyes and smiled slightly in his heart, but his face was silent.

After    sat down on the main seat in the room, his eyes turned to everyone.

   "Yue'er stay, everyone else should go back first." He said.

   Everyone was stunned.

   "Yes!" They immediately saluted Liu Wuji.

   then backed out.

   After everyone had left, Lin Xiaoyue looked at Liu Wuji suspiciously.

   "Master has something to do with me?" he asked with a smile at the national teacher. Once again, he couldn't help but look at the jade pendant on Liu Wuji's waist.

  Yes, since the National Teacher recognized her as a disciple in front of Xu Yan and others, she changed the name of the National Teacher.

   Besides, her husband was originally the apprentice of Lord Guo Shi, so it was not impossible for her to follow him and call her master.

   Liu Wuji lowered his head and glanced at his jade pendant.

   Immediately, the jade pendant was removed.

   "Know?" He asked Lin Xiaoyue with a smile.

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   I just didn't know how to speak, but I didn't expect the Master National Teacher to take the initiative to ask.

   nodded, "Hmm."

   then said embarrassedly, "If it is convenient, can Master lend this jade pendant to Yue'er?"

   A smile appeared in Liu Wuji's eyes.

   Then, actually handed the jade pendant to Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue was a little surprised, but she didn't think much about it and went up to pick up the jade pendant.

  This jade pendant has some weight and beautiful color. The vigorous handwriting of the character "Liu" engraved on it is exactly the handwriting of the National Teacher.

   Lin Xiaoyue was really shocked when she saw a small pattern above the word "willow".

  This jade pendant is actually the piece that her mother lost!

   She remembered this pattern. The portrait she saw at that time had such a pattern on the jade pendant.

how come? How did her mother's jade pendant end up in the hands of the National Teacher?

   Moreover, the willow character on the jade pendant is actually the handwriting of the national teacher.

  Yes, she has seen Master Guo Shi write, and she has seen him copying her arithmetic problems, she can't admit it wrong.

   Seeing Lin Xiaoyue's surprised expression, the smile on Liu Wuji's face deepened.

   "This jade pendant is what the old man lost and found." He said.

   Seeing Lin Xiaoyue looking up, she looked at herself.

  Liu Wuji continued: "Girl, do you want to hear a story?"

  Lin Xiaoyue was shocked, feeling faintly that she seemed to know some very important secret.

   And this secret is also related to her mother.

   So he nodded.

  Liu Wuji sighed before telling Lin Xiaoyue his story.

  Although the person in the story calls himself Liu Sheng, how can Lin Xiaoyue not hear it, this Liu Sheng is the national teacher himself.

   Hearing the National Teacher telling Liu Sheng's story, knowing the true identity of his mother, and her relationship with the National Teacher, Lin Xiaoyue was stunned.

What? Her mother is actually the daughter of the National Teacher?

   And she and Xiaozhi are the granddaughter and grandson of the National Teacher?

   This plot is too dramatic, right?

   Oh, no, she is the granddaughter of the National Teacher, and Li Xiao is the apprentice of the National Teacher, so she and Li Xiao... are not different generations?

   Thinking of this, Lin Xiaoyue felt a chill in her heart.

  Liu Wuji kept looking at Lin Xiaoyue, she was only slightly surprised to see her, a little surprised.

   After thinking about it, I felt that it was all reasonable.

   His granddaughter has an extraordinary mind.

   "You said that Mr. Liu has already reported the matter to the emperor?" After absorbing everything, Lin Xiaoyue asked Liu Wuji.

   Now it's good, their family and Emperor Yan are not only feuding with the husband's family, but also include her mother's.

  The matter has been spread out, and the emperor's attention to her will probably not be less in the future.

   There are so many people in the Chiwu Army, but they are all in Qingshi Town.

   and her husband, Qinger, and Concubine Shu, in case they are investigated——

   Liu Wuji nodded.

   "Don't worry, on the Emperor's side, nothing will be found." He said.

   Without full preparation, he would not take the initiative to confess to the emperor.

  The secrets in the dark, where there are bright ones, are more likely to make people lose their guard.

   In all these years, he didn't really do anything.

   The people sent by the emperor to Qingshi Town have been investigated and dealt with long ago.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at Liu Wuji, saw his calm expression, and felt a little more at ease.

   This is her husband's master, or her...grandfather.

  Since he arranged it like this, he must be prepared.

   "Next, you will stay in the National Teacher's House to compile the classics of arithmetic."

   "Wait until the book is finished, and then go back to Qingshi Town." Liu Wuji said again.

   Lin Xiaoyue's heart moved.

   "What about you?" asked subconsciously.

  According to the description of the national teacher, he has been looking for her mother for more than ten years.

   Now, knowing her mother's whereabouts, he doesn't want to meet?

   Liu Wuji paused.

   A touch of warmth appeared in his eyes.

   "Wait for the New Year. After I was busy with the palace affairs, I went to Dashi Village to find you." This year, I can finally have a reunion year.

  Thinking of this, Liu Wuji's eyes showed some anticipation again.

   Lin Xiaoyue's heart moved.

   Knowing that the National Teacher has a high status, but living under the eyes of Emperor Yan, many things have no choice, and no more words.

   "Besides, what do you and Xiaoer think of King Anyang?" Suddenly, Liu Wuji asked Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   After thinking about it, he bowed to Liu Wuji.

   "Are you asking—" he asked hesitantly.

   "How about being a king?" Liu Wuji said.

  Lin Xiaoyue was surprised.

   After thinking for a while, he said solemnly: "Wen Tao is average in martial arts, but he is humble and willing to do practical things for the people."

   "If this person wins the throne, when the territory is safe, the life of the people of Dayan will be better. Dayan's national strength can also be improved."

   "Then you think, if this person gains power, in the future—" Thinking of what Emperor Yan did, Liu Wuji's brows furrowed.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at Liu Wuji and guessed what Master Guo Shi wanted to ask.

   "We have an agreement with King Anyang."

   "The general situation is stable, both Li Xiao and Chiwu Army will disarm and return to the fields."

   "The military power has been handed over, and the threat is gone. I believe that the prince will not lose this measure and hold on to us." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   Liu Wuji was taken aback.

  Although Li Xiao mentioned this to him before, but now he is a little surprised to hear his granddaughter speak so calmly about delegating power.

   "Furthermore, if you want, you can pass on the position of national teacher. Come back to Dashi Village with us for the elderly."

  Liu Wuji raised his eyebrows.

   Hearing this, an uncontrollable anticipation rose in my heart.

   Go back to Dashi Village and live with your daughter and grandson?

   I heard that his grandson is very smart. If he teaches carefully, he will surely achieve great success in the future.

   (end of this chapter)

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