Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm

Chapter 446: 446 Big Win (Big Finale)

   Chapter 446 446 Great Victory (The Finale)

   Henry Zhang looked at Lin Xiaoyue in disbelief.

   A look of "Isn't it? You still want to admit it?"

   Facts are facts, but they cannot be known.

  Lin Xiaoyue was amused.

   looked back at Li Xiao, and then looked at Henry Zhang again.

   "Then come forward and help explain, and say that I am indeed my grandfather's granddaughter, but that's because my mother is my grandfather's righteous daughter."

   "In addition, the current emperor's throne was handed down by the late emperor himself, so his name is justified. And the charges of the Nangong family, the late emperor has personally vindicated, and there is no conspiracy to speak of."

   "As for Xianggong—" Lin Xiaoyue said, looking at Li Xiao.

   "Who said he is Nangong Xiao. He is clearly the second adopted son of the Great General King and Nangong Xiao's younger brother."

   Henry Zhang was surprised.

   looked at his cousin in disbelief.

  This is clean?

  Li Xiao also spoke at this time.

   "Just do as your sister-in-law said."

   "Furthermore, tell the soldiers to be wary of the spies of Jin State for damaging my Dayan army's heart."

   "The words of the enemy bandits cannot be trusted. If there are rumors about this in the army, the military law will deal with it!"

   Henry Zhang’s body was shocked.

   He picked up the teacup and drank the boiled water in one gulp.

   "Yes!" He responded and strode away.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked back and smiled at Li Xiao.

   Just didn't know how to get rid of the relationship with the Nangong family, but Xu Yan brought them a chance.

  Humph, I want to plot against them, and I don't even look at who is calling the shots now, Dayan?

   Now, who is Dayan targeting?

   Henry Zhang came forward and said that the news in the army spread quickly.

The    Chiwu Army all knew that their marshal was Nangong Xiao, but no one would come out to refute.

The Marshal    took them to seclusion wholeheartedly, and they were so happy to have the back road of Qingshi Town, so they would not demolish the stage of their own Marshal.

   As for other news, what Xiao Xiaowei said is what it is.

   Don't say that their wife is just the granddaughter of the National Teacher, even if she is the granddaughter of the National Teacher, there is nothing unacceptable.

   Even, they felt that their wife should be the granddaughter of the national teacher.

   If this is not the bloodline of the national teacher, how can he be so smart and unparalleled?

   Of course, these things, they know in their hearts. The opinions of others don't matter.

   There was no problem with the Chiwu Army at all, and the Imperial Court Army quickly accepted this statement after hearing Henry Zhang’s words.

   This rumor was clearly released by spies from the Jin State to shake their military hearts.

   If they believed, they would fall into the trap of Jin.

  The national division, the marshal and the marshal's wife are all the talents of their Dayan, how can they be destroyed by the enemy's rumors?

   As a result, the rumors about the Yan army were quickly dashed.

   A few days later, in Beijing, Murong Xuyang also personally issued an order to refute the rumors according to Lin Xiaoyue's remarks.

   At that time, under the situation of the Jin army under pressure, the people of Dayan quickly accepted this statement.

   The hidden dangers buried in the minds of several people were eliminated in this way.

  In the army tent of Jin State.

   Xu Yan almost threw something in anger when he heard the report from his subordinates.

   During this period of time, he launched three more surprise attacks on Dayan.

   But it didn't work.

   not only failed, but suffered repeated injuries.

   In such a situation, he wanted to join forces with Chu State.

   But the Chu State actually refused.

   also said that the state of Jin was the main force in attacking the state of Yan, and they just cooperated.

   Also, if the Jin State cannot take over the Yan State's city within ten days, the Chu State will consider withdrawing its troops.

   Now it is not only the State of Chu who is forcing him, but also the Emperor Jin from the rear has sent a messenger.

   said that the treasury was in a hurry, so let him attack the city quickly.

   also said that if the fighter plane is really unwell, let him withdraw the army.

   Withdrawal? After losing nearly 20,000 horses, let him withdraw?

   And from the time when the army was drawn out to the present, the food, grass and supplies have also been severely depleted.

   Withdrawing the army at this time, it is conceivable how the courtiers of Jin State would attack him after returning.

   Even if Emperor Jin had more trust in him, perhaps, he would never have the opportunity to take command of the army in the future.

  He, can't withdraw...

  Thinking of this, Xu Yan forced himself to calm down.

   Find out the military combat map and check it quickly.

  Li Xiao is a man with rich combat experience. With him at the border, it is very difficult for him to capture the city.

   Unless you have an absolute superiority in strength, concentrate your strength on a strong attack.

   In this way, even if Li Xiao and Chi Wujun had the ability to reach the sky, they would stop him.

   And right now, as long as he captures a city, the Yan Kingdom and the Jin Kingdom will relax, at least they won't press him any more.

   He needed a victory to prove himself to them. Even a crushing victory.

  Thinking of this, Xu Yan looked at a city on the map, and a firmness flashed in his eyes.

   Three days later.

  In the tent of the central army of the Yan army, the envoy of Chu State finally came again.

   After learning about Xu Yan's crazy plan, Li Xiao almost couldn't help laughing.

After    explained his plan to the messenger, he sent the messenger to leave in secret.

   "Haha, that old thing can't sit still anymore." Li Xiao laughed heartily.

   He is really in a good mood at the moment.

   After so many days, it was not only the Jin army who was under great pressure. Yan Jun is also under great pressure.

   Not to mention, with so many soldiers at the border, the daily consumption of food and grass is a big problem.

  The current state of Yan is not much better than the state of Jin.

   Now, in the army of the State of Yan, the entire army can only eat enough for the Chiwu army every day.

  The rest of the court soldiers were only served two meals a day, and they could barely eat enough to feed seven or eight minutes.

   In this regard, the soldiers of the imperial court did not complain.

  Because the food for the Chiwu Army was prepared in advance by Anyang County.

   In addition, after several wars, the Chiwu Army has always been the main force in the battle, and the battle is the most ferocious.

   Only when the tigers are full can they bite the enemy better, right?

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled and handed the cup to Li Xiao.

   "Not only are we anxiously waiting, but the Chu country is also impatient." He said.

  The state of Chu was also not good, and also faced the problem of insufficient food and grass.

   But in order to wait for the best chance to fight back, Yuchi Tianqiong could only wait.

  Alright now, Xu Yan is finally about to make a big move.

   There is no need for him to push the entire army, just lure him to dispatch an army of 60,000, and the Chu country will defect, and together with them, swallow all his main force.

   Eat up these troops, Jin is like a tiger with its teeth pulled out, is there any threat at all?

   "Yes. You have to think carefully about how to induce Xu Yan to make him deploy as many troops as possible."


   Soon in the army tent, the high-ranking members of the Yan army gathered.

   Then, a new combat deployment was quickly arranged.

   The entire army quickly entered a state of combat readiness, and a major war could come at any time.

   The next morning.

   As soon as it was dawn, the horn sounded at Langyaguan.

   Tens of thousands of troops approached the city, and instead of taking a sneak attack, they chose to attack the city frontally.

   Quick response in Langyaguan, Yan army heroically resisted.

   Seeing that the city was about to be destroyed, a team of thousands of Chiwu Army arrived in time.

   With the arm crossbow archery team leading the charge, the Chiwu Army directly entered the Jin army camp from the outside, and started the massacre mode.

   Countless Jin troops fell continuously and became the dead souls of the Chiwu Army.

  The Jin army was terrified, and some soldiers even began to flee.

   The soldiers who led the Jin army had to fight against the Chiwu army, and they had to kill the deserters who fled. They were powerless to stop the defeat.

   It only took two quarters of an hour for the Chiwu Army to kill the city, blood flowing into rivers, and quickly reverse the battle.

   On the top of the mountain not far away, Xu Yan saw this scene and clenched his hands into fists.

   "Xu Qing!" Then he spoke in a deep voice.

   "The end is here!" Xu Qing hurried forward.

   "Order 20,000 troops - oh no, 30,000! This is the commander-in-chief!" Xu Yan said sharply.

   Xu Qing was surprised.

   looked back at the tragic battlefield, and then turned back to take orders.


  Xu Yan looked at Xu Qing at this time.

   "30,000 soldiers and horses, if you can't take this level again, raise your head and see you!" There was a look of ruthlessness in his eyes.

  If they lose again, their master and apprentice will not be able to go back to Dajin. This battle can only be won!

  Xu Qing trembled.

   "The last general is ordered!" He responded quickly.

   then turned and left.

   Outside the Langya Pass, the city gate has been opened.

   After seeing the victory of the Chiwu Army, the imperial army also went out of the city to join the battle, and the Jin army was almost wiped out.

   But before the battlefield was cleaned up, Xu Qing came with the newly added 30,000 soldiers and horses.

   The Chiwu Army immediately followed the original plan and withdrew into the city together with the imperial army.

   The two sides soon became involved in a tug of war.

   There are many Jin soldiers, and under a strong attack, although the Yan army has a geographical advantage, it is difficult to stop the Jin army.

  Xu Yan was watching the battle not far from the battlefield. Seeing that Xu Qing attacked several times in a row, but only nearly took down the tower, he was extremely angry.

   Seeing that the Yan army reinforcements came from outside the city again and entered the Jin army camp, he was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

   "Send another 20,000 troops! Kill the Yan army outside the city!" Xu Yan said quickly.

   Soon, 20,000 horses flooded into the battlefield again.

   As soon as these 20,000 horses joined, the Yan army reinforcements quickly fell behind.

   At the same time, the Jin army who attacked the city finally forcibly captured the Langyaguan tower and opened the city gate.

   Xu Yan was overjoyed when he heard the news.

   Another 10,000 soldiers and horses were dispatched to participate in the battle, vowing to annihilate the Chiwu Army and level the Langya Pass.

   At this time, the Chiwu Army and the Imperial Court Army began to withdraw. Evacuate in all directions.

   When the generals of the Jin state saw this, they did not stop the Jin army from pursuing them. Of course, most of the troops were left behind.

   Prepare to enter the gate and clean the gate.

  Xu Yan heard the news and was happy to have won the Langya Pass, and planned to enter it later.

   At this moment, he heard the sound of hoofs.

   It was the Chu army that moved.

  Wei Chi Tianqiong led an army of 40,000 troops and surrounded the Jin army stationed outside the city.

  Xu Yan finally realized that the situation was not right at this time, but there was still luck in his heart, and he felt that he could talk to Yuchi Tianqiong.

   At this time, another news came.

   It turned out that the Yan army who had fled before came back.

   Moreover, more people came back than before.

   These people not only annihilated the Jin army who were chasing them, but also took back the Langyaguan tower as soon as they came back.

  The Jin army who entered the Langya Pass has now become a turtle in a urn.

   Xu Yan fell into the chair instantly when he heard the news.

   It's over, an army of 100,000 people was destroyed by his hands...

   Soon, several Jin generals broke into the tent.

   The quarrel sounded quickly.

   Some people demanded to fight with the Chu army, but some people demanded to surrender, not all the Jin army could die on the battlefield.

   Knowing that the envoys of Chu and Yan countries were outside the tent, Xu Yan had people invited in.

   There is no point in questioning again at this time. Now, if you want to ask for peace, you can only agree to the other party's conditions.

   Yan State requested to take back the cities previously ceded to Jin State and Chu State.

   Jin troops who entered the city will not be released.

   As for Xu Yan's remaining 20,000 troops, the State of Yan handed over the handling to the State of Chu.

   This is a conditional exchange for Chu to return the city of Yan.

   This is a condition that Li Xiao and Yuchi Tianqiong negotiated before, and the two sides have already reached an agreement.

  The request of the State of Chu was to let the State of Jin keep the weapons and baggage of the 20,000 soldiers and horses, and then compensate for the money and food.

The number of    is not small, but it is also within the scope of Jin State.

  Xu Yan did not agree immediately, nor could he decide to agree, so he could only send a letter back to Jin.

   Before getting a reply from Emperor Jin, all the senior generals of the Jin army were invited into the wolf tooth pass.

   And Jin State's 20,000 soldiers and horses were besieged, and all of them could only wait for the court to take money to redeem people.

  In the Langya Pass, the Yan army was victorious, beaming with joy.

   Yuchi Tianqiong personally congratulated.

  Three days later, Xu Yan and Xu Qing committed suicide one after another and were hanged in the wing.

   After another six days, Murong Xuyang's imperial decree arrived.

   Li Xiao was named the new King of Anyang, and he was rewarded with iron coupons for Danshu. And let Li Xiao be responsible for all matters of the peace talks.

  The next day, when the Jin army was almost exhausted, the Jin envoy finally arrived.

   As expected, Emperor Jin agreed to the request of Chu and Yan.

After   , the three countries signed a new peace treaty at Langya Pass.

After   , the troops of Chu and Jin withdrew and returned to the country one after another.

  Li Xiao also took advantage of this time to quickly organize the border military affairs, and then took Lin Xiaoyue back to Beijing to report on his duties.

When    entered Beijing, Murong Xuyang personally led a hundred officials out of the city to welcome him.

  Kyoto people are welcome.

After   , Li Xiao handed back his military power and proposed to bring his wife home.

   And at this time, bad news came from the National Teacher's House, and the Master of the National Teacher passed away.

   Murong Xuyang was very speechless when he heard the news.

  The one just returned to Kyoto, and now he sees his granddaughter and grandson-in-law leaving, so he doesn't want to wait for a moment.

  Yes, the national teacher had already mentioned to him that he was going to retire, and he had found an heir for himself.

   Who is the heir?

   Of course it was that stupid Liang Chengcai.

   Well, he is not very satisfied with that Young Master Liang.


   That's it, who made that person from the Liang family?

   Besides, the National Teacher has promised him that if something happens in the future, he can still go to Qingshi Town to find him.

   Thinking of this, Murong Xuyang could only express his grief for the National Teacher, and then announced a funeral.

   The next day.

  The sun is just right.

  Li Xiao rode a tall horse and escorted two carriages back to Qingshi Town under the **** of Henry Zhang and others.

   Borders, wars, Kyoto, everything is over.

   Happy and peaceful days are just around the corner.

   After returning to Qingshi Town, Anyang King stayed in Qingshi Town for more than half a month before going to Anyang Wangfu.

   Then, an order was issued to plant sweet potatoes, potatoes, cabbage and other crops on a large scale in Anyang County.

   Half a year later, the imperial court sent ministers to visit Anyang County in person.

   took away a lot of sweet potatoes and potato seeds.

   After another year, the two crops spread throughout Dayan. People's livelihood has been greatly improved.

   Dayan, after the border truce, is recovering at a very fast speed.

   And Liu's Firm is already preparing to expand outside Anyang County.

   But Li Xiao was staring at his daughter-in-law's belly at this time.

   It's time to add a little bean to the house.

  ——End of full text——

   Thank you for your continued support, on July 1st, it is finally over! The new book "The Fierce Wife of Nongmen: The Husband of the Black Heart Lotus" has been serialized, please come and support it! oh, darlings~~~



   (end of this chapter)

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