"But I'm too naive." Ye Xinya straightened up and tied her clothes with tears. "My love is still reserved for you, but you are no longer the former comfortable Chen, so now, I must face the truth and admit the fact that you don't love me."

"..." Yi Yi Chen watched her get up, watched her firmly wipe away the tears on her face, and watched her regain her previous arrogance.

"An Yichen, my love is not so humble. Since you think I'm dirty, I don't need to haunt you all the time." Ye Xinya sucked her nose and her dark eyes were full of stubbornness.

"What do you... Mean?"

"I don't love you anymore, Yi Chen. You don't deserve my love!" he turned and left. However, at the door, he turned back. "I won't prepare lunch for you in the future. Please ask the Secretary to come in and throw it away for today's meal."

Unworthy? Yi Yi Chen was stunned. The violent closing of the door interrupted his thoughts. Is it over? That's it... The relationship that hasn't started is over? But

Under the gaze of all the secretaries, ye Xinya walked out proudly, but there was an imperceptible smile around her mouth.

Six years ago, she was a loser. She was beaten and fled by him, but this time, Yichen, you are not her opponent!

My heart hurts! Scared!

Pain she had been hurt, panic her leaving!

Do you like it?

I will think of her all the time. As long as I see her, my heart will become very warm. I can't tolerate other men around her and want to occupy everything of her.

Knowing that her smile was disguised, he was still eager to see her all the time. Seeing her cry, his heart was so chaotic that he didn't have any clue, and the whole person was at a loss.

Yes, he likes her. It has nothing to do with memory.

Since I saw her at the fashion show two years ago, her sweetness, her self-confidence and her domineering power have moved him.

An Yichen, admit it, you have completely fallen.

When ye Xinya returned to the design department as if nothing had happened, everyone's expression was strange. What happened?

"Xinya!" Guo Xiaobu hurried over, holding a tray with five cups of coffee on it. "The five directors of the group have been waiting for you in the office for a long time."

"Director?" Ye Xinya is curious. She has been in Lu for so long. She has never participated in the board meeting and doesn't know everything about the group. Because there is an easy day, the directors have always been indifferent to the development of Lu. Why did she suddenly come to her today?

"Xinya, you should be careful. The five of them are the most demanding directors of the group. They have a long-term disagreement with President an, so they may come to trouble this time." Guo Xiaobu whispered.

"I see. You go to the president's office and tell president safety the situation here."


Ye Xinya took the coffee in Guo Xiaobu's hand and walked into the office without fear in the confused eyes of everyone. All the way to now, she has long been used to other people's questions.

In the office, five middle-aged men in orthodox suits were sitting in chairs. Although the five people had different faces, they had a common seriousness and common inhumanity.

Seeing ye Xinya, the expressions of the five people became contemptuous at the same time.

Ye Xinya smiled and put her coffee on her desk. "I heard you are a director of the group?" she said contemptuously, as if she was not afraid of each other's identity.

"Heard?" one of the men looked sullen. "Miss ye, you've been in the group for so long. Haven't you ever seen the company's culture?"

"I'm not interested in those," said Ye Xinya, leaning leisurely on her desk with her hands around her chest. "If I think there's something wrong with the company's culture, will you consider my opinion and modify it?"

"The culture of the group will not change according to what you mean!"

"So, what do I think is the use?"

"Miss ye, don't you think you're too presumptuous?" another man snapped.

"I'm sorry, we artists have such a temper. We don't talk too much. If you don't have anything special and just come to ask about the company culture, you can go now."


"We are here to ask about the development of Lu!" the man who has been silent said, "Miss ye, Lu has been open for a long time, but the senior women's clothing customization store under her name has not even heard anything, * although the store is profitable, it is still not ideal. If Miss ye can't convince me today, we will consider canceling Lu."

"Lu is the most important project of president an. Have you asked him?" Ye Xinya looked at them pointlessly.

"We won't take his opinion into account."

"Oh?" Ye Xinya raised her eyebrows. "Ann is always the CEO. You don't pay attention to him. Don't you think you are also very presumptuous?" Ye Xinya retorted, "are all directors engaged in art?"


"It seems that our prediction is true. Anyi Chen really began to wantonly expand his power," another director said without hesitation in front of Ye Xinya. "We need to drive this wild species out of Anshi quickly."

"Miss ye, if you can't show us Lu's plan tomorrow, please leave Anshi and find another job“

"Gao Jiu?" Ye Xinya chuckled, "so where do you think Gao Jiu is?"

"Miss ye came to Andersen and cheated the company of so much investment. I think she is going to bring down Andersen. With this, Ms. Mo welcomes Miss Ye." another director laughed.

"In other words, you think it's high for me to leave Anders to go to Mohs. Perhaps I can understand that in your eyes, the development of Anders is far inferior to Mohs?" they are not ye Xinya's opponents.


"You're all from Ann's, but it doesn't seem very good to slander your company one by one."

"They don't think Ann's is bad, but they think it will be very bad if Ann's is in my hands." it was an easy Chen's voice, very light, very cold, and suddenly appeared.

The directors obviously didn't expect the comfort day to come. After a short surprise, their faces were always serious.

"You came just in time," the older director was obviously not afraid of ease Chen. "Last week we wanted to talk about the development plan of Lu. You said it would be available soon. Now how do you explain it?"

An Yi Chen came over with a sneer. "Mr. Wu, how long does it usually take for a brand to make profits from its establishment? Lu has been established for less than two months. Every time I have to inject capital, the plan has been rejected by you. Now you actually want to plan and develop with me?"


"Didn't you inject 100 million into Lu last time?" another director came to help.

"If I remember correctly, at that board meeting, you said that Lu was a brand I personally created, and the capital should be injected by me. Now you came to represent the group to make development planning. Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

Ye Xinya looked at Anyi Chen with some amazement. It turned out that the development of Lu was not smooth. It turned out that every time the funds were Anyi Chen's own private property.

But he didn't say all this, so she always thought he could cover the sky with one hand in Anshi.

"An Yichen, you broke your engagement with Yuan privately, and we don't care about the losses caused to an. In case yuan and Mo unite, have you ever thought about an's future?"

"So my father ordered you to take back the right in my hand?" an Yichen sneered. "Please tell him that since he handed over an Shi to me, he won't want to go back."

"You're just a CEO. I'm afraid you don't have such a right!"

"Really?" an Yichen looked at them coldly. "It seems that it's necessary for you to check the Andersen shares I hold."

"You're secretly buying Andersen's shares?"

"It seems that your news is not very well informed. I started to buy it two years ago, but you haven't found it yet?" ease Chen chuckled. "Didn't you attend the last shareholders' meeting?"


"I forgot that the last time you were in a traffic jam, our meeting was over," said an Yichen with a smile. "The day I left Andersen, it must be the day Andersen closed down. If you really do anything, you might as well drive me away."

"An Yichen, you're just a watchdog of an's family. What's the qualification to take charge of an's alone?" a director angrily abused, "bastards are always bastards!"

Ease Chen's whole body was tight, but his face was still indifferent. His anger was successfully suppressed at the bottom of his heart, and the surface was thick frost.

"It doesn't matter what I am. What matters is that now I have enough right to expel you from Andersen."

"An Yichen, don't be too arrogant!"

"I just want to be arrogant. What can you do with me?" an Yichen looked at him coldly. "If you want to spend more years in an, you'd better leave here immediately and don't make trouble in the design department in the future, otherwise you will become an's history."

Very indifferent words seem to be joking. However, the compelling breath in the language sets off the content of his words very real. They know more or less about ease Chen. His words have always been said and done!

Watching the directors leave one by one, ye Xinya turns her eyes to ease Chen.

Except for the sadness that flashed through the depths of my eyes, everything seemed the same as before, but the ice on my face was getting thicker and thicker, so thick that I isolated everything and refused anyone's touch.

Such a comfortable Chen makes Ye Xinya feel inexplicably distressed. It's not a disguise. It's a very real pain, just as she felt when she watched him whipped by her father before.

My heart is very painful. I want to bear all this instead of him.

"Sorry, what happened today is my negligence. It won't happen again in the future." ease Chen said coldly to Ye Xinya, but his eyes didn't look at her, as if he was running away.

"I will give you the development plan of Lu as soon as possible." Ye Xinya doesn't want to owe him too much for work.

"Lu is yours, I won't ask more." ease Chen turned coldly, "you can also attend the group high-level meeting tomorrow. Don't be late at 10 a.m." then he left with a big step.

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