In the morning, an Yichen accidentally broke one of the bowls. As a result, ye Xinya was taught a lesson about violence, so at noon, an Yichen made great progress. Although the bowls and plates were twice that of the morning, at least he didn't break one.

Ye Xinya was very satisfied with his progress, so she proposed that the whole family go on a trip together. The goal was to take ye ningxuan to the playground and let him enjoy the fun that a five-year-old child should have.

The sudden concern made the baby feel very strange. Didn't he just want to abuse his father? What does it have to do with him? It's rare to have a weekend. He also wants to have a good discussion with his father about the international situation and the future direction of economic development?

But since his mommy is so interested, he pretends to want to go to the playground. After all, the happiness of kissing Mommy is the most important.

Bought three tickets, is a pass, which means that all the entertainment here can be played at will.

As soon as ye Xinya came here, she took a fancy to the roller coaster. It must be wonderful for the demon king to sit on it and shout out in fear. Ha ha, that's it!

Ease Chen didn't like playing with such childish things. She frowned and looked at Ye Xinya, "I..."

"Want to refuse?" Ye Xinya said proudly. "This is a parent-child game. If you don't want to grow up with Xiaoxuan, I can't help it. Go, son and Mommy."

"I'll go!" ease Chen looked at the extremely childish roller coaster. It was a three person ride. Most of them sat in a family of three. Well, we can't let others feel that Xiaoxuan has no father.

The children's seat was in the middle of their parents, so ye ningxuan looked at the daddy on the left and the mommy on the right. Suddenly, he felt that life was complete.

The car started, moving forward, rotating and turning rapidly. Ye Xinya was so frightened that she grabbed her son's hand and shouted, while ye ningxuan and ease Chen looked at her with disdainful eyes at the same time. It's not terrible at all, okay?

After a few laps, ease Chen and the baby looked calm, while ye Xinya's face was pale and her legs leaned against ease Chen's arms. Ease Chen held her happily and began to consider whether to play this often in the future.

He found a place in the catering area and asked Ye Xinya to sit down. Leisurely Chen politely helped her buy Coke and French fries, and then led ye ningxuan to play all the projects here.

Although very naive, but that kind of family feeling is very good, very addictive to him.

"Xiaoxuan, what do you want to play?" ease Chen squatted on the ground, and a pair of slender hands gently combed some messy hair for ye ningxuan.

Short oil, daddy's hands are so warm! Ye ningxuan was elated for a moment. In fact, he could play anything well. The key point was to have daddy with him.

"Pirate ship!" Ye Xinya gave orders aside. "I want to see you play with the pirate ship."

Of course, ye Xinya has her reasons for doing so. The pirate ship here swings violently when it starts. Last time she and Su Yu vomited in a mess, and the little baby had nothing, so ye Xinya's purpose is very obvious and tortured the big demon king.

"Why?" ease Chen looked at the exaggerated boats not far from them. There were not many tourists on them. It seemed that they were not a popular project.

"It's close to me. I like looking at you..." there's something else behind. Ye Xinya decided not to say. I like watching you vomit. Ha ha, let you play with a calm face. Hum!

Her careful thinking and ease Chen didn't understand, but didn't Ye Xinya think about it? Why wouldn't ye ningxuan get seasick? Will it be a genetic problem?

At this time, an Yichen's mobile phone rang, and the very urgent bell was obviously different from others.

Ease Chen wants to turn around, but she is stared by Ye Xinya. Helpless, she has to answer the phone in front of her.

"What's the matter?" the voice was as low and cold as usual. I didn't know what the other party said. The deep eyes suddenly became cold, but only for a moment they returned to normal, and a contemptuous smile floated from the corners of their mouth. "I know. Let them, as long as they make sure they are harmless, don't stop them."

Just after hanging up the phone, the mobile phone hanging around ye ningxuan's neck also rang. The baby smiled awkwardly, turned and ran away. Although daddy already knew his identity, it was strange to talk to Qiao Xin in front of him.

"Hello, Qiao Xin."

"Boss, Xie Li just found out that an zewei is back. Although he is still on the plane, the people he sent have booked you. Do you want to solve it?"

"Let them stare." a smile floated on his young face. Since his father didn't care, what did he worry about, "let the old man see how happy our family is."

Hum, his father has been struggling in pain for so long, and now the enemy has finally returned. His ye ningxuan wants to see what an zewei wants to do and why he hates his son so much.

"Qiao Xin, there should be people from my father nearby to protect us. Go and do your business." that matter is very important.

"Boss, are you sure you want to transfer SR's power to the shallow city?" Qiao Xin doesn't understand very much. Does a small shallow city need power transfer?

"There should be a greater force hidden in the shallow city. We don't know whether it is an enemy or a friend, so we must transfer SR from the United States as soon as possible." if the other party is an enemy, his father will be annoyed.

Although his father seems to be able to eat both black and white, his business is clean and does not involve the underworld, so the underworld is afraid of him, perhaps because of his own influence and he does not have his own power. It is very difficult to deal with an ancient family. If he has another opponent, his father may be in danger.

So Daddy, although you are strong, you still need the protection of your son!

The pirate ship shook violently up and down, left and right irregularly, and ye Xinya was dizzy, but for Mao Anyi, Chen and ye ningxuan sat calmly on it, like they enjoyed it very much?

Watching other people vomit, an Yichen and the baby excitedly discussed what to play next.

Ye Xinya always felt that as like Su Yu, his son as like as two peas in his eyes, his son's mouth and his comfort were very high. His lips were as thin as two, and his eyes were the same as those of dark brown eyes.

It's strange that Mingming is so like an easy Chen. Why did she feel so like Su Yu before?

A beautiful, elegant and noble father led his son who looked like a fairy jumping out of an oil painting. Wherever he went, it was a beautiful scenery.

Ye Xinya looked at them quietly. Although ye ningxuan was more like Su Yu in appearance, she was more like a father and son with an Yichen. Su Yu was like a young child. Every time she led Xiaoxuan to play, she was more like his brother.

I don't know what the father and son said, they suddenly laughed.

An Yichen seldom... No, I've never seen him laugh so exaggerated. In the past, his smile was always light and shallow, but now it's presumptuous and beautiful. It looks a little like... Su Yu!

Shit, what's the matter with her today? She always thinks of Su Yu. Ye Xinya shakes her head, but... It's really similar.

Brother? Forget it, how could the wife of anzewei's family allow the women outside anzewei to have children, and anzewei is heartless. He's not a playful man.

Coincidence, it must be coincidence.

After playing enough, Yi Yi Chen returned to Ye Xinya with Xiaoxuan in his arms. He impolitely took the coke in her hand, drank a few mouthfuls, and then stuffed it back into her hand. The series of movements were very natural and fluent.

"Shall we have dinner out tonight?" an Yichen asked Ye Xinya's opinion.

"Why, don't you want to wash the dishes?" Ye Xinya picked her eyebrow.

An Yichen looked at the baby and smiled, "I just don't want Xiaoxuan to work so hard. He must be tired after playing all day today."

The baby lowered his head and drank coke. He rolled his eyes silently. Smelly daddy, you obviously don't want to wash the dishes. Are you tired after playing all day? He won't be tired after playing for two days, okay?

At this time, an Yichen's mobile phone rang again. The very different bell made an ironic smile float around the corners of an Yichen's mouth.


"Go home!" at the other end of the phone was a command from above.

"I have something else..."

"Do you want our whole family to wait for you to come back for dinner?"

"Your whole family?" an Yichen smiled contemptuously. "Then I, an outsider, don't have to disturb your Yaxing. My whole family is waiting for me to eat."


"If I have time, I'll visit you." then I hung up the phone.

There is no longer his home. He has long been reluctant to miss the little warmth from there. Maybe an Yichen will put down everything in his hands and come home, eager to get a little father's love from an zewei, but now he has Ye Xinya and ye ningxuan.

He will try to be a good father and lover. He will have his own home and happiness.

"Don't you want to eat?" Ye Xinya slapped him on the shoulder. "What's the stupidity?"

Ease Chen smiled and bent down to pick up Xiaoxuan. "Let's go. You can choose anywhere. Today's young master's treat."

"Son, kill me hard!" Ye Xinya threw a cunning look at her son.

"Lingzhi!" the little baby cooperated tacitly.

Easy Chen smiled lightly, but in the depths of her deep eyes, there was a sad death that could not disappear for a long time.

Looking at his resolute side face and forbearing sadness, ye Xinya felt a pain in her heart for no reason. From small to large, Yichen seems to have never been loved by her family. No matter how hard he tries to make himself excellent, he is always the one who is not loved.

He clenched his teeth to complete abnormal training and completed four doctorates in two years. One person developed Anders from an enterprise prone to bankruptcy to today's leading business group in Asia. He tried to do everything perfectly. All he wanted was his father's appreciation. However, from childhood to adulthood, he never got it.

Suddenly, ye Xinya wants to give him happiness and warmth. However, she is worried about betrayal. Yichen after amnesia likes Ye Xinya, but Yichen after memory recovery regards Anya as a plaything.

She can't stand a betrayal, but she can't refuse the heart that wants to be close to him.

That's it. Don't fantasize about the future. Don't fantasize about eternity. When he doesn't love, she will walk away naturally.

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