Ninghe building, a new office building, is located in the golden stage of the city. In the commercial center with an inch of land and an inch of money, its magnificent momentum fully demonstrates the wealth of the boss behind the scenes.

Even though the rent is expensive, under the high-profile and shrewd publicity means of the person in charge, it was immediately sold out by various companies at the beginning of the sale a few months ago.

When an Yi Chen arrived at Daninghe building, Qiao Xin, Yan Ke and ouyangsheng had been waiting in place. At this time, a seemingly honest property security guard handed a large plate of rope to an Yi Chen.

"Boss, this is the rope you want."

"Well," ease Chen nodded, "you get off work."

"But I'm on the night shift tonight."

"Have a holiday!" he added, "if you can keep today's affairs confidential, the bonus this month will be paid three times your salary."

"Thank you, boss. I promise not to mention anything about tonight!" the honest man quickly disappeared into the night happily.

Ease Chen looked up, estimated the length of the rope, and then gave it to Yan Ke, "take the rope, in case I fall from it..."

"Are you kidding?" Yan Ke frowned. "What if you can't catch my rope?" the building with more than 30 floors fell from it and didn't directly fall into meat cakes?

"Since we were brothers sharing life and death in the past, I believe there is such a tacit understanding between us." after that, I looked at Qiao Xin, "I'll go up and see the situation first. You wait for the opportunity."

"I'll go too!" Ye Xinya volunteered.

"You stay."


"Ouyang," an Yichen looked at ouyangsheng firmly, "Xiaoya will give it to you. In any case, don't let her go up." after that, he handed a gun to him, "protect her."

"Don't worry, it's just a woman. I can't help taking her!" as long as he has a gun in his hand, who is he afraid of?

On the top of the building, the baby and Su Yu were pushed to the edge. On the side, a slender man with greedy and fierce facial features stood proudly waiting for the emergence of ease Chen.

It seems that what his father said is right. As expected, ease Chen won't wait until dawn.

"Uncle, are you sure you can win my father?" the little baby looked at each other without fear. It was the same father. Why was there such a big difference in appearance.

His father is very good-looking, handsome and charming. Look at this man in front of him... Not even the basic handsome. Alas, I really doubt whether they are the same father.

An Baihao looked at ye ningxuan proudly, "boy, are you my eldest brother's son or this man's?"

"Is there any difference?" ye ningxuan disdained. "No matter whose son I am, you won't show mercy, so why should I tell you?"

"Aren't you afraid at all?" an Baihao looked coldly at the child who was only five years old. "If an Yichen didn't give me what I wanted, I would tear up the ticket."

"You'd better tear it now," sneered the baby, whose eyes were deep and out of line with his age. "Otherwise, when my father comes, you won't have a chance."

"Son, don't talk nonsense to him!" Su Yu disdained to look at each other.

"Su Yu, if you are arrogant again, believe it or not, I'll throw you down first?" an Baihao glared at him angrily.

"I wish you could throw me down, but the question is... Do you dare?"

"You..." an Baihao was irritated and ordered the people around him, "throw him down!"

"How dare you?!" the cold voice, with high dignity, was so firm that no one was allowed to refute.

An Yichen came calmly. Her beautiful face and cold expression, like an envoy from hell, symbolized the killing of death!

"An Yichen?" an Baihao smiled proudly. "You're here at last. Where's what I want?"

"Just because you want to get something from me?" ease Chen smiled contemptuously. "Why, I lost too much in * and the old man didn't have money for you, so he encouraged you to kidnap my son?"


"How much do you need?" ease Chen looked at him coldly. "If you let my son and Su Yu go, there will be more than one billion in your account tomorrow, but if you insist on threatening me..." his eyes suddenly became sharp and bloodthirsty.

"A billion is too little!" an Baihao showed greedy eyes. It seems that anzeway is right. The private property of an Yichen is far more than that of an, "I want 10 billion!"

"Daddy, don't give him a penny!" the little baby looked at the greedy man angrily, 10 billion? The gun bank can't rob so many at once, okay?

"You let them go first now." an Yichen automatically ignored the baby's words. Don't say 10 billion, even 100 billion, he would promise. He didn't know the purpose of an zewei, so Xiaoxuan couldn't have any danger.

"How can I trust you?"

"Our brother, you should know that I always do what I say!" an Yichen looked at him firmly.

"OK, but I'll let Su Yu go first. When the money arrives, I'll naturally let your son go!" an Baihao waved to the people on one side.

A man standing on the edge loosened Su Yu, while the man next to the little milkman suddenly lowered his eyes. The sudden increase of murderous Qi made Anyi Chen suddenly tight and his body react quickly.

However, due to the distance problem, the other party suddenly pushed the little body out before Yi Yi Chen reached the baby!

"Son!" Su Yu, beside the baby, quickly stretched out his hand and pulled the baby back from the edge, transferring all the thrust to himself.

The baby returned to the edge of the roof, but Su Yu's body fell out of control!

At this time, a white shadow passed by and followed Su Yu's body!

"Daddy!" cried xiaonai.

Time seems to stand still in an instant! Only the cold wind whistling overhead is raging!

"I'm fine!" the voice of ease Chen came from downstairs with difficulty.

At the edge of the roof, a slender hand clasped tightly. Because of excessive force, the fingers became pale.

An Yichen tightly clasped the edge of the roof with one hand and Su Yu with the other. All the weight of the two people was on the four fingers of an Yichen!

"Who told you to push him down!" an Baihao seemed frightened. "Come on, pull them up!"

"Er Shao, things are beyond your control!" a sneer appeared on the man's dry face!

"Asshole!" an Baihao shouted and went to the roof, trying to pull an Yichen up. However, he was not close enough, but he was kicked away by the other party, hit his head on the ground and quickly fainted.

Ye Xinya downstairs looked at such a situation. She was so nervous that she almost forgot to breathe. Thirty floors, in case she fell down

"An Yichen, it's important for you to release me and save Xiaoxuan!" Su Yu shouted below.

"Shut up and don't move!" ease Chen said laboriously.

"At ease, maybe you should taste the pain of losing your son..."

"Stop!" Qiao Xin approached his opponent as fast as he could.

Obviously, the other party is not an ordinary killer. One hand blocked Qiao Xin's first attack, and the other hand mercilessly pushed the baby's body down.

"Xiaoxuan!" Ye Xinya shouted suddenly.

At this time, an Yi Chen's arm suddenly exerted force, loosened the only support point of his body, and steadily caught ye ningxuan.

"Hold on to me!" at the moment when the three bodies fell, the little baby instinctively wrapped his arms around the neck of Yichen.

The body falls rapidly, and there is no place for comfort Chen to grasp the empty office building.

Almost in an instant, on the 20th floor, Yan Ke broke the glass with her hand and threw the rope down!

Easy Chen quickly grabbed the rope, and the falling speed of his body suddenly stopped. However, the great strength made easy Chen's right arm unbearable and made a crisp sound.

The dislocated shoulder made the hand less powerful than before, and the body slipped again, but the speed was much slower.

The baby subconsciously looked up and saw that Yi Yichen held the rope tightly, but he kept sliding because he couldn't hold it tightly. The rough rope broke his palm and soaked the straw rope with blood!

With the fierce friction, blood spilled down and fell on the baby's white and tender face!

"Daddy!" the baby was not afraid of himself, but worried about him.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!" ease Chen looked at him firmly, and his eyes were omnipotent like a God.

His father is protecting him with his own life!

His nose was sour and his tears ran down uncontrollably. Why wasn't he strong enough and couldn't even protect himself?

"Xiaoxuan, don't cry, daddy will protect you!"

Ease Chen lowered his head and calculated the height. When Su Yu's body was about to touch the ground, ease Chen suddenly used his body to drive the unconscious right arm to rotate and let the rope wrap around his arm!

The body suddenly stopped, released his left hand, and Su Yu returned to the ground safely!

"Xiaoxuan!" Ye Xinya's face was horribly pale, and her whole body was almost trembling.

Ouyang Sheng saw that Yi Yi Chen's right arm had lost consciousness and could not move, so he shot and accurately broke the rope.

Their bodies are not high from the ground. Jumping down should be no problem for ease Chen!

"Xiaoxuan!" at the moment when an Yichen's body landed, ye Xinya grabbed ye ningxuan from an Yichen's arms and held him tightly. He was all right and his son was all right.

"Mommy, Mommy, I'm fine, don't worry!" although the baby was so strangled by her that she couldn't breathe, she patted Ye Xinya on the back and comforted her.

"Hey, are you okay?" ouyangsheng asked softly, looking at the easy Chen on one side.

"It's all right." the right arm has completely lost consciousness and has long been numb with pain. "Go to the roof and help Qiao Xin. I'll give it here."

"Mommy, Dad Yu and I are all right. Go and see daddy. He must be hurt." the little baby specially added the word "Daddy".

Ye Xinya looked up at ease Chen in a daze, and her eyes naturally fell on his right arm, which hung powerlessly on one side.

His right hand is bleeding, and his white shirt is already covered with blood marks

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