HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 45 - Umbrella Corporation (II)

POV (Nick)

The three of us stood right in front of the white door. Well I think that these Umbrella people might have a fetish with white. This is too much white... I have said it again. F.u.c.k that... I ripped after the door completely and saw a middle aged man sitting on a chair calmly.

Nick: Your true emotions betray you... but I have to say that you an amazing poker face.

???: Oooh... I never believed that there would be God's among us... but you are such an example.

Rika: Are you the one who spread the Virus here?

???: Ooh... no. I wasn't the one... the virus came here on its own. I just performed experiments as you know I am a man of science.

Nick: You aren't a man though... you are a fake...

???: That is a pretty big insult... but what can I do? My literal life is in your hands...

Saeko: Now... that I am standing close to him... I know that he isn't even alive... he is similar to those zombies.

The man got completely enraged as I can see. He was also insulted by my comment but not so much.

???: How dare you compare me with those mindless beings...??!!!

Nick: Fine... then what's your name?

???: Dr. Alexander Isaacs at your service.

Nick: How about no...

Alexander: Wait... I can help you... I have done many experiments to learn about them.

Nick: Nope... I don't trust something like you...

Alexander: I am not a th...

I snap his neck... that was so f.u.c.k.i.n.g boring and shit. The man kept babbling and babbling. I could have let him live if he wasn't the one who attacked Rika and Saeko. Now the whole place is filled with computer... f.u.c.k this shit. I need my Saya-chan.

Nick: Saeko-chan, can you be a dear and bring Saya-chan here?

Saeko: Danna-sama... I don't think that we can go back the same way we came from because we broke the lift.

Nick: Well than let take those hybrid planes...

Rika: Can you stop calling it that... please.

Nick: Fine... spoil my fun.

After that we left the room and went towards the place where those planes were being kept. There must be some hatch for sure... they won't just shove something so important down here. We looked around the room and Rika found the panel. I used the panel and opened the hatch. There were total of twenty hybrid planes and I stored 19 of them in my storage space.

Saeko: I don't want to ruin the mood... but does anyone of you know how to fly that??

Rika: I can I think... I have to first look at the controls.

Nick: Ok... ladies first.

All three of us entered the vtol (A/N: I am going to call it vtol from now on).

Nick: Well this is nice...

While Saeko and I were checking the vtol, Rika was checking the controls.

Rika: I can fly this... but what about Amami?

Nick: What about him?? F.u.c.k him... I am going to take everything important from here after Saya-chan checks that out and then I will collapse the whole place down.

Rika: But that can be dangerous, right?

Rika spoke up while she was powering up the engine. The vtol strated to rise up in the air leaving the hatch. Rika used the controllers to turn the propellers towards the front. Saeko went and sat beside Rika. I am damn sure that she just want to learn how to fly this.

Nick: Yes that can be dangerous but I don't know what kind of experiments he had kept in the place and I am not risking it.

Rika: ...You might be right.

I took out my phone and informed Saya-chan about our arrival and our new vehicle. We reached the base in just five minutes and Rika properly landed the vtol. Everyone was waiting for us outside the vtol.

Nick: Mother... we can discuss everything later but now I am in a hurry.

Yuriko nodded in understanding. She knows that I will tell everything in the meeting. I went to the parking lot and took out all 19 vtol.

Nick: Mother... don't give access to anyone. They need proper understanding and training before they are allowed to fly that.

Yuriko: Of course... I don't want to lose any kind of resources.

We entered the vtol, Saya-chan was the only addition in the trip. I don't know if that bastard has set up another trap like the gas chamber. So I don't want tk risk that. Saeko decided to take the pilot seat this time while Rika sat beside her to help if needed.

We soon reached the place and the hatch was still open. Saeko-chan landed the vtol perfectly... wow she is a fast learner. All of us exit the vtol and I took Saya to Isaacs room.

Nick: There is no hurry... Saya-chan you can work without any pressure.

Saya: Ok... if I have to study all these data then I would need some time... a couple of days maybe.

Nick: Saya-chan, wait for us here. I am going to meet Amami. You two come with me.

We went to the vtol room and opened the hatch again. But I didn't use vtol to leave this place. We went to the tunnel and I used my power to raise the broken lift. After reaching the surface I used my power and collapsed the whole tunnel. I also destroyed the room where Rika was infected. We exited the subway and drove towards Amami's base.

We reached the base and saw Amami's men waiting for us. They had the APC ready along with the parts. I asked Rika to check the parts which she did. After verifying the parts they asked to to take them to the subway for proof. They went inside and saw a collapsed room and determined that it must be the room where the nest was. After they got their proof they left with their team leaving behind the APC and the parts.

I stored the parts and APC in my storage space and we went towards the open hatch in our own APC. We entered the base through the hatch and went towards Saya-chan. It has been a couple of hours since we left.

Nick: What's up Saya-chan?? Did you find anything?

Saya: That I did... a lot of stuff. First Umbrella Corporation is spread over the whole world in secret bases like this. The first outbreak was from the facility called Hive and it was in the Racoon City. Yes, the same city which was destroyed by malfunction in power-plant. Of course we all know how it happened now, right?

Rika: Well... that's a lot to take in.

Saya: The outbreak happened by a mistake, that is what it says here and he was doing his research based on a woman named Alice. All these zombies are results of the stuff they got from that woman.

Saya-chan turned the screen and showed us the live feed of an western woman. She was currently riding bike through the wastelands near New York. The screen also showed her vitals and stuff.

Nick: Is she doing that willingly?

Saya: I don't think so... there is a high chance that she don't even know about all of these...

Nick: Well there is only one way to find out... we need to meet her.

Saeko: When are we leaving...?? I always wanted to visit other countries.

Nick: Maybe later, I have to take care of some stuff before we leave... for now can you keep tabs on her. I don't want to get into her private life but I want to know the information other bases receive from her... can you do that? Maybe I will be going next month.

Saya: Of course... this will be really easy.

Saya started to work on that but suddenly the computer just turns off. The whole base loses power.

Nick: What is happening?

Saya: They somehow understood that this base is compromised and killed this base.

Nick: I think then it will be better if we leave... usually a self destruction protocols activates in this situation... well shit...

As I was speaking a huge explosion engulfs all of us. After a few bright seconds I woke up completely n.a.k.e.d inside a crater. Beside me were Saeko were Rika and they were also bare like the day they were born. I few feet away a similarly bare Saya rose up. No speaking was needed and I handed clothes to three of them.

Nick: That wasn't nice... if I find that f.u.c.ker then I will shove his own foot up his ass...

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