HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 50 - Camping in Wasteland (I)

POV (Nick)

Alice: So what am I going to do with my bike?

I didn't answer and just grabbed her bike which vanished in an instant. Well the reaction is priceless... Alice was stunned and then she rubbed her eyes and checked again. She didn't found her bike.

Alice: What the hell was that?

Saya: It is one of his powers.

Well Saya decided to answer in my stead but her English was broken though Alice clearly understood her.

Alice: Didn't you say that you could feel people's emotions?

Nick: I said I had that power along with others.

Alice didn't answer anymore and just hopped on the shotgun. I want about to turn on the music system again but I stopped when Alice tuned in her radio. Saya and Rika hopped on the back. At least Rika didn't try any of her perverted ways now... at least she has the decency of not doing that in front of a newly acquainted woman.

The radio started to broadcast something about Arcadia. It piqued mine and Saya's interest so we both listened. They were broadcasting something about safe heaven or something. Saya snorted and returned to work on her laptop. Rika didn't even bother to listen and she was playing with her gun.

Soon the broadcast was over and Alice put away the radio and stared at me.

Nick: Do you want to ask something?

Alice: Well I am just shocked that you aren't interested in a safe heaven.

Nick: Of course I am interested... but I cannot travel to Alaska in a car, right?

(A/N: Nick doesn't know the future so he also thinks that Arcadia is in Alaska)

Alice: Yeah, right. So where are you from? You look local.

Nick: Actually I am... I am from New York.

Well Alice seems to be a nice woman.

Alice: Are those two... Japanese or Chinese? I am not so much familiar with eastern culture.

Nick: Japanese actually... they can understand English but they speak English very well as you have already seen.

Just as Alice heard that they were Japanese she again started to rummage through her bag and pulled out the radio again.

Alice: Translate this for me... I think that this is Japanese.

Alice spoke and started to play a Japanese recording. Well I will be damned, she is playing Fort Morningstar's broadcast. Saya and Rika also gawked at the coincidence.

Nick: That is my base actually...

Alice just gave me a blank stare and looked towards Saya and Rika who were nodding their heads.

Alice: Then why the hell are you here??

I think I should come clean since she will know sooner or later. I think telling her sooner will be better.

Nick: I came here looking for you...

Alice was again shocked and tried to pull out her gun but I used my powers and made her unable to move. She looked at me with rage clear in her eyes and blood started to drip from her nose. Oh crap... our car is getting crushed. My lovely car... was getting crushed. In this moment I let go the hold on Alice and she jumped off the car immediately. I could have easily killed her or could have broken her bones but she hurt something so precious to me... my Range Rover.

As soon as Alice fell on the ground she used her power and completely crushed the car. I will miss you Range Rover... don't worry I will find your successor soon.

I bust out of the wreckage while Saya helped Rika to get up. Alice was stunned that we were still alive and unhurt. Well I was hurt... my heart was bleeding. That was my favorite car. Alice dropped on her knees and wiped off her blood.

Alice: What are you?

Nick: That wasn't nice you know... that was my favorite car...!!

All three women gawked at what first came out if my mouth. Common I am not that bad... everyone has their priorities since I cannot die so I can only love my immortal wives and material things.

Alice: So Umbrella Corporation sent you to get me?

Nick: No... why the hell would I be working with those motherf.u.c.kers? It's true that I found out about you from one of their bases but I am not in the slightest involved with them.

Alice: What?? You are from Japan... how can you find something about me there?

Nick: Ok... this is how it happened...

Then I told her the whole story except getting blown up and ending up n.a.k.e.d inside the crater. She doesn't need to know that.

Alice: Ooh... so those f.u.c.kers are still testing on me??!!

I decided that it would be best if I didn't tell her that she was a clone of someone else. Though I don't have a single f.u.c.k.i.n.g idea how they gave her a soul but I am absolutely sure that she is a clone and not a real person.

Alice seems to have finally calmed down.

Alice: ...Sorry for the car... I should have listened to you first.

Nick: Ohh... don't worry I have other cars but that was my favorite... I will somehow get a better one...

I took out a Typhoon TDV out of the storage. Some zombies were already gathering towards us. Well it is pretty boring they are too slow.

Alice: How many things can you keep in there?

Alice was stunned by the size of my storage. First she saw I kept her bike there and from time to time I will pop out a cigarette or two.

Nick: Well actually I don't know how big that is... there is always space there for everything I want to store.

Saya: Alice are you fine?? You jumped out from a car after all...

Saya spoke in her usual broken English. Saya-chan you are a genius why are you not learning English?

Alice started to check her injuries, she got few scratches and, some bruises there too.

Saya: Don't jump out from cars like that...

Alice: I will not if not necessary... so what are you three... you should have been at least injured when I crushed the car.

Nick: Well it is little bit complicated... just think that this is one of my powers and let it be for now at least...

Alice just nodded, I could have told her everything but I decided not to since it wasn't relevant for now. And technically I didn't lie... it is one of my powers to turn my women in to immortals.

All of us entered the Typhoon and drove towards Nevada. F.u.c.k... why the f.u.c.k I am still going towards Nevada? Ai have already found Alice... there is no need to search for her any longer.

Nick: So, Alice... where are we going?

Alice: I was looking for my friends... I wanted to find Arcadia. But since you also have a infection free base like that, I would very much like to visit yours...

Nick: Oh...

I wanted to answer more but I felt two hands sn.a.k.e.d towards my torso and started to caress my chest. This depraved woman doesn't even have any sense... can't she see that a new friend is here.

Nick: Can't you see that there is someone else here??? You damn pervert....

Rika: No... I want to be impaled on your mighty spear... impale her too...

Alice: Why do I feel that whatever she said it was very rude...

Nick: Don't care about this pervert...

I used my powers and threw Rika away in the back and used my powers to keep her seated in a seat. Which was completely fine for a few moments before she started to m.o.a.n lewdly which muttering that getting dominated is so nice. This made the situation awkward.

Alice: ...Is this normal?

Nick: Unfortunately, yes. This is how she is... but she is a nice person.

Alice: That much I can say... so how your relationship works???

Nick: What do you mean by that?

Alice: Well I mean both of them are your girlfriend, right?

Nick: Yes... everything is fine if they are happy. I have three more back in Japan.

Alice was stunned again, well today she was stunned a lot of times. I hope she will be fine. Alice decided that it would be best if she didn't comment any more on this.

Suddenly Alice's stomach rumbled which made her blush. Well I didn't think that she would blush like that.

Nick: Why don't we have some food and alcohol?

Saya: Ok...

Rika: Oh... yes~.

After that I ignored whatever Rika said. I stopped the vehicle while Saya laid down a blanket on the floor so that we can sit comfortably. I took out some fried chicken and ramen.

Alice: This is fried chicken and this is noodles??

Nick: Nope this is ramen... there is a slight difference between the two...

Saya/Rika: Thanks for the food...

Alice: What was that?

Nick: Well before eating Japanese would thank everyone who made it possible for the food to reach them.

Alice: Ooh... thanks for the food.

Nick: Thanks for the food...

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