HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 56 - So Many Alices (II)

POV (Nick)

Rika landed the vtol inside the fence. The fence was completely littered with zombies, the fence seemed to be barely holding itself because of the onslaught. But none of that mattered now we were currently standing over the bodies on Alice. It kind of looked like a dumping ground. Everyone was having complicated feelings due to this but one emotion was clearly seen on all of us, it was rage. All of us were angry about this inhuman things.

Alice: Was I even a real person, Nick?

I don't know what to tell her... I don't want to lie to her now and I also don't want to hurt her by telling her. But there will be a day when she will definitely find out because the real one is still out in the world. Sigh... I think I should come clean. At least it will be better if she comes to term with it now...

Alice: Nick... please tell me the truth...

I was brought out of my musings when she spoke again. I looked towards Saya and Rika who just shrugged their shoulders. Right... it is my decision to make.

Nick: Yes... you are a clone...

Alice: ...But... but... I have memories of my childhood... how I grew up and all...

Tears started to fall from her eyes and she dropped on the ground. I also sat beside her and pulled her into a tight hug. I didn't speak anymore... I have no idea how to reassure someone after that person comes to know that he isn't a real person but a clone of someone. I just kept patting her back to ease her up.

Alice: How do you know that I am a clone?

Nick: Your soul was not complete when I met with you... it seemed like to be man made, it wasn't just natural because natural souls aren't like that and can't be born with something like that. When a person dies and moves on to afterlife then his or her soul is always intact until special circ.u.mstances. And if the soul is like that then the person would no matter what would enter in the reincarnation circle.

Alice: ...So what am I now?

Nick: Well after I made you an immortal, your soul fixed itself and now you are completely fine if I have to say...

Alice: ...Oh... you must have been disgusted after you saw me right considering your background.

Nick: No I was never disgusted with you... you didn't know yourself about what you were... and you are the one of the bravest and strong woman I know. I am really glad that you accepted to be my wife...

Alice didn't say anything more and just kissed me. The kiss didn't contain l.u.s.t but I could feel her passion through the kiss. After a few minutes we separated from each other.

Alice: I think I am fine now... well it is really hard to accept but I have somewhat came to terms with it since now I am complete as you have said...

Nick: Well now let's head inside...

After saying that I took out a cigarette and lit it up. I handed one to Saya and other to Rika.

Alice: You know you should smoke less and you shouldn't support others to smoke.

Nick: Immortal, cannot be killed...

Alice: Oh, right I forgot.

All of us entered the shack but it was just a normal shack nothing more nothing less but I remembered the previous base being underground. I grabbed Saya and Alice while we headed outside and Rika followed me. After exiting the shack I ripped it apart completely leaving behind only a metal gate. Next I ripped apart the gate and found a similar tunnel I found in the subway.

Rika: So... like the last time? Just jump in?

Nick: No... it will be pain in the ass if there are no vtol's here.

Rika: We have our own vtol here... don't we.

Saya: Well he means to say if there any vtol then there won't be a opening.

Rika: Ohhh...

Alice: English please... I also want to be in the loop.

Only after Alice spoke, I remembered that we were speaking in Japanese. Well I guess now that she knows everything I should drop by Uncle Tony and grab a real time translator.

Nick: You guys wait here... I am gonna be back in a sec.

A rift opened up and I entered inside. Alice and Rika looked confused so Saya decided to give an explanation.

Saya: He must have gone to his home world... his world is centuries ahead of this world and his Uncle is an inventor. He had made a device that could translate any language in real time... we must have gone to bring it...


A rift appeared beside Tony in his office and he jumped up when I just popped out. I guess I freaked him out.

Tony: F.u.c.k it kid... you gave me a heart attack!!

Nick: I don't think that's possible uncle... I came here to take a real time translator...

Tony: Well they are in the trunk. Take as many as you like... I don't need those stuff now since I already launched it in the market.

Nick: Oh... that's good then.

I said while I grabbed ten sets on the translators. Well I will keep them for emergency. We are in a world tour so we might need it on the way.

I immediately opened another rift and entered it while waving towards Tony who just waved back. I came back beside Alice who was looking around.

Nick: So... did I miss anything?

Saya: Yes... I told them how we can't start living in your world.

I handed Alice two ear plugs and a small plate which I told her to fix inside her mouth. She followed my instructions and was immediately pleased because she didn't even feel any foreign equipment in her mouth.

Rika: Does it work?

Alice: I think it does since I understood you and I really doubt that you spoke English...

Rika: F.u.c.k you spoke Japanese...

Nick: Well now that we have accomplished that the device works. I think we should head inside.

Saya: I agree with him.

This time I didn't want to break the lift so I grabbed Saya in one arm and Rika in other arm, which was a huge mistake. She immediately put her hands in my pants and started to stroke my d.i.c.k. Well it is nothing new, Alice and Saya saw this but didn't say anything. I asked Alice to grab on to me and I used my powers to jump in and slow our descent speed. After a few minutes we reached the bottom and Rika was still stroking my d.i.c.k. I was really close so I decided to pull out her hands from my pants so that I don't blow my load in my pants.

Nick: Let's look around...

We walked through the corridor which was obviously f.u.c.k.i.n.g white. It was so white that it almost blinded us... We all tried to ignore the white and headed inside. We found a few rooms with zombies inside cages. We also found a room where he had given zombie to play with kids games and play with a camera.

Saya: He was working how to domesticate them...

Nick: But I don't think it worked very well or he won't have come after Alice.

We all nodded and headed inside and found a room which I really want to erase from my memory. Within a cage we saw a male zombie f.u.c.k.i.n.g a female zombie while eating each other, literally.

Alice: Nick can you erase memories?

Alice asked in complete seriousness, I hope I could have done that. I would have erased my memories too. All of us silently agreed not to talk about that. It won't disgusting to that level if only it was zombie s.e.x but they were having s.e.x while eating each other, literally. Well that's a disturbing image...

We finally reached a room which looked like an office. We were stunned to see it. We weren't stunned to see the office but what was behind the glass. There were hundreds of cocoons and inside them were a a.d.u.l.t Alice.

Alice: Are they alive?

Nick: No... they aren't alive. They are just blank husks who are breathing. What do you want me to do??

Alice: Kill them... painlessly. They aren't alive so I guess it doesn't matter...


A/N: I had given it some thought and I have decided to kill the clones that I why I made them currently blank shells. Well I did this because of two reasons. First... they are going to die anyway in Tokyo so if I bring them in the story it might feel bad to kill them meaninglessly. Second, it would be impossible for me to write about all of them. They are all Alice and not Alice at the same time.


I just raised my hand and used my power to pull out the plug that was keeping them alive. Soon all of the clones were dead. A few tears dropped from Alice's eyes but she wiped them away.

Alice: I didn't want to bring them into this cruel world. If they were alive then I wouldn't have the courage to ask you to kill them...

Nick: I understand... I think you made the right decision.

Rika: Well I found something interesting here... it looks like this guys was working on how to domesticate zombies and how to breed them... well we all know how that ended up.

Nick/Saya/Alice: F.u.c.k Rika... don't make us remember.

Rika: Fine... sorry... but I found another base... this guy got the resources from that place.

Rika spoke while pointing towards a map and a location was pin pointed at it...

Nick: So Mexico it is...

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