HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 58 - Mexico (II)

POV (Nick)

I lit up a cigarette while walking through the burnt buildings. Well they weren't burnt to the ground but they had a very nice coating of tar on them. I looked around for a few minutes before noticing life signals from below. Well at least I found the location.

Nick: Guys, I found the place.

The three of them gathered by my side instantly. We knew the coordinates of this place but we got them when the city was intact not razed to the ground so it was hard t navigate and differentiate between buildings. I followed the life signals and reached a three storey building. We entered the building and found it was covered as a restaurant.

Nick: Look for anything metal... I can't feel metal so we need to do it in the old way.

All three of them nodded but Rika smacked my ass and licked her lips before she went away. Well whatever makes her keep going I guess. We skimmed through the whole building when suddenly Rika called us.

She was standing in front of a huge freezer and a password control panel was hidden behind the switch board.

Rika: Looks like this is it...

I ripped apart the whole freezer and a tunnel was hidden below it. I kissed Rika to praise her, she didn't try anything perverted now. This can only mean one thing she has already planned something perverted. Well I will see when the situation arises.

Alice: No matter how many times I see this I still can't get used to this...

Saya: Well you are still new with us... it kinda grows to you.

Rika: Yeah... at first I was like that too.

Alice: ...Rika I am really surprised that you said something which is not perverted.

Rika: Hmph... I am not a pervert... I am a Super Pervert!!! (A/N: Someone in other Universe would be proud)

I don't think that is a good thing either. The three of us just decided to ignore her while giving her a stink eye. I used my powers like the last time to reach at the bottom of the tunnel. This base is much larger than the last one. We were welcomed by several men pointing their guns at us but none of them took the shot. It seemed like they were waiting for something... or someone.

???: Welcome to my humble abode...

A man spoke from behind, he walked out of the crowd and we got a good look at him or her. He looked like a man dressed as woman. I don't even want to know anymore, my wives were also feeling the same.

Nick: That's a nice welcome party if I have to say...

???: Hahaha... young man... you are making me blush.

F.u.c.k my luck... I don't want to make you blush you f.u.c.ker. I don't swing that way, I am completely straight.

???: You can call me Dr. Milim, why don't we go to my office and discuss something... privately.

I don't like this, I don't like his tone at all. No matter what that won't be happening even if I die. Wait... I can't die and why the f.u.c.k I am scared of these people. Well this bastard Milim threw me off the loop.

Rika already started giggling like a perverted old man. I just glared at her which made her increase her giggling. I looked towards Milim ans his men.

Nick: I don't think that I would be going anywhere with you to discuss anything... especially not in private.

Milim: Aww... and here I thought I was going to get a charming young hunk piece of meat...

Don't compare with me with that you bastard. I would be proud if I hear that from a woman but not you, you twisted bastard.

Milim: Inject them with T-Virus... and throw them in cells.

I had enough of this, I raised my hand and snapped all his men's neck. They immediately fell on the ground. Milim was first confused and then scared.

Nick: What??!!! Why are you scared now? Didn't you want to discuss with me in private?

Milim: Wha-what are you?

Nick: Are you the leader of this base?

As soon as I asked the question I felt some life signals going towards the surface. Well I already got the idea... this Milim isn't someone on leader position. Whoever the leader was he send him here to buy time so her could run away.

Milim didn't answer me and started to back away. Well if I want I could stop the people who are running away but why ruin the fun. I would appreciate a small game of thief and police. Milim startes to run back in but suddenly a huge hand grabbed him.

Whoa... what the f.u.c.k is this... a grey colored giant came out of the base. It was dressed in a fedora and hat. Well it looked like the men you would sent to get rid of someone. Milim started to scream... well at least he got to scream even if wasn't out of pleasure. The giant crushed Milim killing him... or her like an insect.

Rika: This... a huge hitman came for us...

Alice: I have never seen anything like this...

Another pair of huge hands came out and followed by some more. Soon there were five giants.

Nick: Let's call them Mr. X with the vibe and all that.

Alice: Don't kill them... they were be my practice dum...

But she couldn't even finish before those Mr. X started to run towards us. Well poor Alice... but she pulled out her coin shotgun and took a shotgun. The coins scattered on the floor after it hit the giant's skin. That didn't do much except ripping it's fedora slightly. He was about to reach Alice so I came in front of her and punched the giant. A boom was heard throughout the room and the rest of Mr. X were pushed back. The one I it was dead... well it was obvious since it's upper body was completely gone.

Rika: Wow...

Saya: Yes... wow...

Alice: He is really strong... why are you both gaping like that?

Saya: This is the first time he used his hands.

Alice: Then this is a matter of gaping.

Alice said while nodding sagely and joined Saya ans Rika at gaping. Well I thought that I didn't use my physical power and I was kind of getting rusty. I stretched by back and the bones popped along the spine and shoulder blades.

I cracked my neck and immediately jumped towards another giant. The floor beneath me dented because of the force. I punched the giant near the jaw and it it's head exploded. Another giant used this chance and punched me which I blocked with my other arm. I rotated my body and kicked the giants chest. A huge hole formed on its chest before dropping on the ground.

Only two gaints were left, one of them tried to grab me, this is was the one who crushed Milim. You have my thanks but now die... I thought and gave the giant an uppercut. The head just vanished and a huge dent was formed on the ceiling. I vanished from that place and hit the last one on his chest with my elbow and its chest dented inwards but this didn't kill him. This is the only one which didn't die with one hit... like I thought I am rusty. I kicked it's head like football which made it's head explode like a watermelon. Well that did it... completely taken care of.

Alice: Wow... was that your full power?

Nick: Nope... I didn't want to use my full power or this place would have came crashing down on us.

Saya: Good point... but why don't you use your physical power?

Nick: Well I like to use my power more... it is just a preference.

Alice: So why did you use today?

Nick: I was out of practice... so I decided to get myself going.

Rika: Forget all that and thrust me with that power... I can't even imagine how many orgasms I would get.

Nick: Down girl... maybe later.

Rika cheered and gave me a kiss while rubbing my crotch. I guess being a pervert is her quirk.

Nick: Let's check the rest of the base... we might find something else...

All three of them nodded and we headed inside. The next room was completely white... well how could I have forgotten their fetish with white. We continued to head inside when we reached a huge room which looked like a control hub. Says pulled out a computer which was completely blank. She checked the others and they were blank too.

Looks like those guys cleaned those drives before running away. He was smart, I must find him and pat him on the back so hard that his rib cage comes out from the front.

Saya: They cleaned the drives and some drives are even missing. I only found the map of this base...

Nick& Seems like we have to do it like the good old days... manually.

Saya: Leave me here then... I will try to look around.

Well Saya can stay here... she is only one within us who even knows shit about computers. Well Rika knows too but she is not at the level of Saya. I took the map and headed towards the floor beneath us. We reached the room and were stunned to see zombies stored into cyro-tubes. Some zombies were also being operated on from looking at the operation tables.

Rika: Look they at least left the beds so we can f.u.c.k...

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