HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 60 - Old Jima

POV (Nick)

???: Raise your hands and don't move...

Nick: So cliche...

Alice: If we have to raise our hands than we have to move.

Alice you are right and it was funny but I don't think they are very amused from the joke. Well whatever who cares... well now that I have gotten a good look on them they don't look like cartel.

Mob1: Shut up woman and raise your hands...!!

Alice: Fine...

Nick: Nah... don't raise your hands. Let them attack and see what they can even do.

Alice tries to raise her hands but I stop her. why the f.u.c.k do we need to surrender?? F.u.c.k them... if they want I will kill them.

Mob2: Didn't you hear him??!! Raise your hands...

Nick: Can you please call your leaders and I don't surrender to anyone.

As soon as I finished speaking I used my powers to take their guns from their hands and point it towards them. Well I don't want to kill them without any reason for now at least. I load their guns ame they immediately raised their hands. They didn't even understand what was happening here... at first they looked confused and after that scared.

???: Wait young man... don't kill them.

From the back an old woman comes forward, the woman was really old, she was walking with a help of cane. She looked leader of some tribe or something similar to that. She speaks English that is convenient, even if it broken.

???: Everyone calls me Lady Jima... you can call me old Jima if you like.

Nick: Its nice to meet you old Jima... you can call me Nick.

Jima: Can you please let by people go? You can keep the guns until we finish speaking or you can trust us...

Mob3: Lady Jima!! What are you doing? They are the demons who brought ruin to our lands...

Jima: Ah... if they were the demons then we would not be speaking with each other now... we would have been already dead.

Nick: At least someone has a good head.

I said while nodding Jima just looks at me and smiles.

Jima: Young Nick... I didn't get so old yesterday... I had to have good head to keep my people safe... come on why don't we walk together? This place is really cramped and these old bones get tired quickly...

Nick: Ah... yes, sure.

I looked at her emotions and they were quite clean, they could never be so clean if was planning something. Her people must really respect her, as she spoke the mobs separated making a way for us. We soon leave the building and find ourselves under several huge umbrellas. Jima asked her men to get some chairs for us to seat. I could already feel that everyone has lost their negative feelings towards us so I dropped all the guns in one corner. They can't do much even with the guns and if they really take a shot at us I can always kill all of them. It not like one of us can die...

Jima: Young Nick... so why are you here?

Nick: Well I was looking for the Umbrella Corporation... we have some unfinished business.

Jima: Oh... that I know... I want to know why are you this planet Son of Death?

Colour me surprised... how the f.u.c.k does she know. I look towards the girls and they were shocked too.

Nick: ...I am really surprised that you know about me? How did you know that old Jima?

Jima: Our tribe leader's daughter has this ability you see the future... I have seen things become like this when I was only ten but nobody believed me except me tribe... they knew about my powers so they believed me completely. I prepared for this... some people called me warmonger for this but I survived and I made my people survive... I purged this city of the evil...

Nick: Colour me impressed... so did you see me in those visions?

Jima: In a recent one I did... but I was unable to concentrate enough to see your face... blame my age for that... I only saw your power that you used. So when you used your powers I knew you are the Son of Death...

Alice: So what happened after that?

Jima: Young Alice... ah, you have endured enough... I am glad that you finally found your place... now as for your answer I don't know...

Alice: Wait... you have visions about me too??

Jima: That I did... now Young Nick you must be wondering why I am still refering you like this, right?

I just nodded... well not that I mind that she calls me like that. After all I am young.

Jima: Because you won't mind... because you are truly young. You told me that yourself...

Well f.u.c.k that then... does she knows everything about me? What more have I told her?

Jima: So now I return to my first question why are you here?

Nick: Well I was bored... that is the true reason I came here. But then I fell in love as you can see...

I spoke while gesturing towards Saya, Alice and Rika... even though Rika-chan is so perverted and depraved I still love her and I won't give her up for anything. Jima just laughs hearing my answer.

Jima: Maira my dear, can you please come here...

I young girl about 21 years old came and stood beside Jima. They looked kind of similar maybe she is Jima's granddaughter.

Jima: Young Nick... meet Maira my great granddaughter... she is going to be the next leader of our tribe.

Colour me impressed again... how long did she even live.

Jima: Maira my dear please forgive me... I selfishly kept this power from you... don't worry I can pass on now...

Maira didn't say anything but tears start to flow from her eyes like waterfall.

Maira: I never blamed you... you can keep this power as long as you can but please don't leave us... I don't know if I could lead our people...

Jima: Yes you can... you are destined for this... I kept fighting with death so I could meet her Son... now that I have done that I could die in peace... it is not always that you can meet a being like that...

What I understood is that Jima kept fighting her old age so that she can meet me. But what about keeping this power?

Jima: As you see Young Nick... this power can only be held by a woman and Maira is the only daughter my generation had after me... she should have gotten this power so ago... maybe not so long. I should have died two months ago but I kept fighting because I wanted to meet you... about three months ago I saw you, now I can finally rest.

Maira: No no no... please don't leave me...

Jima: Stupid girl... I am not dying now... maybe or maybe tomorrow tonight... I have fulfilled all my dreams my child... now it is your duty to keep them safe...

But as soon as she finished speaking I could see life leaving her eyes and her body becoming lax, I could say that she left this world even without my powers. Everyone around us saw and heard what she spoke and all of them were crying now... I saw light leave from Jima's body and enter Maira. Maybe that is the power that transferred from Jima to Maira. Old Jima... you will you always have my respect too... even if our meeting was short I saw how much her people respect her and I can say easily that this kind of respect doesn't come out in a single good deed.

I didn't think that I should say something now and the girls also thought the same. All four of stood aside while their grieved their leader and mourned her. After thirty minutes Miara was able to gather herself and she came towards us.

Maira: I know your status is way over us Mortals but we would all like for you to stay with us for tonight's feast so that we can bid her farewell...

Nick: I can stay but I have one condition.

I said completely serious... Maira stiffened slightly and bowed her head. She was scared... did she thought that I would ask for sacrifice or something like that?

Nick: I just want you people to treat me normally... not like some God on pedestal. I don't like that... if you treat me formally like old Jima did then I will stay.

All stress left Maira's body I felt it. She became completely relaxed and raised her head with a smile on her face.

Maira: We would be really happy...!!

I asked Maira what they were doing since they were coming here in trucks so she said that they were going to take over the base. I warned her about the zombies on the cutting table but she just shrugged saying that Jima had already told her about them and they also knew about the nuclear reactor at the bottom level and they had people who could maintain them.

Nick: Then why didn't you come here before?

Maira: Jima told that there were five guardians here who would crush anyone who tries to trespass and we could we come here after Son of Death would have paid a visit to this place... our men didn't knew about this but I knew.

Nick: Oh... good... I myself think that this baee would be really nice home for you guys.

Maira just smiled and asked us to sit where we were taking with Jima. They had already taken away her body so that everyone could pay respect to her. Well I have to say that this was a really nice experience... Old Jima... you have my respect.

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