HOTD: Legacy

Chapter 62 - Shopping with Saeko (I)

POV (Nick)

After I greeted all of them we decided to head inside. Well it was much more colder here than Tulum. Saeko-chan is looking quite excited like a newlywed housewife. I don't know aht is even going on in her head.

Nick: What's up Saeko-chan?

Saeko: Danna-sama you have to take me shopping...!!

That's a demand, I could can do that since I am not going to take her in next trip too. I looked at other's face and they are slowly backing away. I know that she only wants a solo date and others seem to agree with her too. Well they are at least supporting of each other.

Nick: Ok... let's eat something and head out?

Saeko: Yes... I will be getting ready.

She said and went towards our room... now that I look around the base it seems that there are much more people now.

Nick: Did we get more survivors now?

Yuriko: Yes... after you left we have been searching the city for survivors.

Nick: Well that's good... so have we started working on the airport walls??

Yuriko: Yes, we have taken down the fences and started to work raising walls. But I still have no idea why we needed that much area...

Nick: Stored food won't last forever... we will need to start farming.

All the three leaders nodded in understanding and we headed towards the roof so that we can easily look around. After reaching the roof I saw that guards have increased this was the first thing. Looks like they improved very much in the one and half months. On the walls a few 50 cals are mounted.

Nick: This is really nice...

Soichiro: Yes... and now we have stop losing men because of better vehicle and equipments.

Yuriko: But we need some rations... our stocks will run out by the end of two months.

Nick: I will arrange something before I leave again.

Shion: Crime rate has dropped drastically after two r*pe attempts. No no... they weren't even nearly successful.

Nick: So what did you do to them?

Shion: Threw them out... there is no compromise with r*pists.

After discussing some more small stuff and headed towards cafeteria. Alice was the most shocked and surprised to see all this.

Nick: So Alice how do you like this?

Alice: I like this... I like this very much, this is really a safe heaven if I have to say.

Yuriko: My my... your Japanese is really nice Alice-chan...

Alice: Oh yeah... I knew somethings from before.

Nick: Ooh... you don't need to hide that from mother... she knows. I actually brought her a live time translator for her.

Yuriko: Oh... can you bring one for me too?

I just took out one from my storage and gave her one. For situations like this I had decided to take ten of these. I told her how to operate it. All of us entered the cafeteria and decided to had lunch. Soon Saeko-chan also joined us. After lunch I took Saeko-chan to the parking lot. I took a hummer for today's trip.

I took the driver seat... well Saeko-chan was slightly disappointed that she wasn't able to fulfil her duties but I kissed her passionately which made her ease up. We soon left the base and I decided to take Saeko-chan to City Centre. There isn't anything that could hurt us so it is completely fine.

Nick: Saeko-chan... so what do you want to do today?

Saeko: ...I would like some winter clothes and maybe hunt some zombies.

I just smiled at her and used my powers to pull her into my lap. She didn't protest in the slightest. I used my powers to control the car while we started to make out wildly. I could feel her feelings, she has really missed me. We kept making out because we wanted to save the main course for later even though car s.e.x was really appealing.

We kept on crushing zombies under the car until the reached the City Centre area. I could already see the amount of zombies in the place is really high. After arriving at the biggest mall of the city I stopped the humvee on the front gates. The humvee was immediately swarmed by zombies. We exited the car from the roof... if I wanted I could have killed them in an instant but I wanted to let Saeko-chan have fun.

Nick: Saeko-chan... have fun.

Saeko: Thank you... Danna-sama.

I took out my mobile and started to record the video. Her aura immediately changed from gentle to sharp... her aura felt like a sword which could cut everything in its path. Well she is a grandmaster after all. I should not expect anything less from her. She pulled out the blade and only that force was able to slice two zombies beside her. She slashed the air in front of her and all zombies on the front of the car were dead. All of their heads rolled on the ground. I started clapping... well this is most impressive. She had already mastered sword intent to this level? This is insane... completely insane...

Nick: You have became really strong Saeko-chan... I am really proud of you. And your are going to turn only 19.

Saeko: Thank you Danna-sama, it was only possible because of you after all... humans have limits and those limits can never be broken...

Nick: Well its not true that limits can't be broken... there are some examples where humans were able to break their limits... enough about them, why don't you continue your hunting spree...

Saeko just nodded and just down from the car and started to cut zombies like vegetables. Well that is a funny reference... but there was a difference this time. Unlike how Saeko-chan used to get covered in blood this doesn't happen now. The force of her blade makes the blood fly other way when she cuts down the enemy.

Suddenly a Jockey jumps over her from a corner of the street but she didn't even bat an eye and swipes her sword towards the Jockey splitting it in half. After a few minutes there were no more zombies left for her to kill... the whole street was covered in dead bodies of zombies and blood.

I also jumped down the car and entered the shopping mall. Saeko-chan followed me. There were zombies inside too but they were only the security guards or the staff... maybe store owners too. We didn't need to kill the one that were too far away and Saeko-chan was killing all those who were near us. Saeko-chan took the lead and I followed. My father had taught me that if you are ever unlucky enough to a woman to shopping on sales day than you better let her take the lead and you carry stuff or you have to face Hell's Wrath. Well this is obviously a sale since there is no one to apy the money.

Saeko-chan kept looking through the store and found a kimono store. I could already tell that she had stars in her eyes and how traditional Saeko-chan is, she obviously loves kimonos.

Saeko: Let's go inside...

I could practically feel her excitement oozing out... she immediately rashed into the store like a kid in candy store but her excitement was short lived because a tank was chilling inside the store. The tank roared in rage and punched towards Saeko who stopped the punch with her sword. Her feets slid slightly backward and her feets dug into the concrete but nothing more than that.

Saeko: How dare you... how dare you ruin this store?!!!

Well... her fuse is blown off... I took out my mobile and started to record it. Saeko-chan pulled out her sword and in a blink the tank's right arm was severed from the body. The tank roared in pain and try to punch Saeko with his remaining arm but it also met the same fate. Before the tank could try anything else Saeko split the tank's head vertically. The tank dropped on the ground completely dead and the ground shook from the weight.

Saeko: Come on Danna-sama... don't worry I won't let anyone ruin out date...!!

She said with complete determination on her face. What more can I say... never disturb or interrupt a woman on her shopping trip. Alas the tank was stupid and brain dead of course... he didn't knew how to treat a lady.

Nick: My lady... lead the way.

Saeko-chan's smile turned gentle again, she grabbed my hand and started to pull me through out the store while picking up any kimonos she liked. She dumped them over me and as I am a gentleman I carried them without saying anything. After one hour she browsed through the whole stock decided to try them. She asked me to drop all the kimonos she picked up in the changing room which I did.

Saeko: Danna-sama wait here and let me change... even if nobody is here but I want to sit outside.

I just nodded and lit up a cigarette and sat outside the changing room. Saeko-chan soon came out wearing a traditional purple kimono. She turned around and showed me the full dress. She is really beautiful and kimono is boosting her beauty by several folds.

Saeko: How do I look?

Nick: Gorgeous...

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