Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 99 Sneaking into the Wood Family (2)

"Don't kill me! I was wrong!" Harvey became frightened again when he saw the masked villain strike so easily. His freckled face twisted into a ball and he shouted very fast, "I'll take you to my house." ,I'll give you money!"

After he said this, Polanyi threw him back into the room where the gamblers were huddled together. The gambler who had been hiding well was shot through the eye socket by Polanyi and died on the spot. Including Harvey, there were only three left alive.

Harvey put his white hands on the ground, fluttered his legs and stepped back, trying to squeeze into the crowd as much as possible. I saw Bolanni loading the arrow again and aiming at Harvey's head.

"What did I say wrong?! Don't kill me! I really give you money!" Harvey Wood screamed desperately, watching the cold light of the arrow flashing in front of his eyes, feeling that he was very close to death.

"Poof", the arrow shot out and pierced the eye hole of a living person next to Harvey, instantly taking away the latter's life.

Bolani knew that except for Harvey, the financial backer, all the people in this gambling house were evil people, so he felt no guilt in killing them. His voice came from behind the mask: "You still dare to let me go to your house to get it? Do you think I'm stupid?"

"Then what do you want from me?!" There are seventeen children in the Wood family. Harvey is the sixteenth. He is young and has little experience. He just wants to have some fun with a little money. At this time, he argued hard with a sharp voice, and he was actually moved, and tears filled his eyes.

Bolanni came close to Harvey's face, looked at Harvey's pale and haggard face, and said viciously: "You think about it yourself. If you can't think of it, I'll kill you."

"I can't think of it! I can't think of it! Take all the money I have, take it all!" Harvey tore at his clothes with both hands, and took out a lot of gold coins from his body, "That's right! I also have a carriage downstairs. You can take it too. You can make money by selling horses and carriages!"

With a flick of Bolanni's hand, an arrow was inserted into the heart of the last gambler. He struggled and screamed in pain, and it took him a while to die.

Harvey Wood was driven crazy, and he shouted with some collapse: "Madman! You are the madman! Just grab the money! Why do you want to kill people?!"

Polani felt that this man's emotions had reached the peak, and if he continued to threaten him, he might drive him crazy. But he glanced at the entrance of the room and found that Obsward had not yet appeared, so he planned to continue to stimulate Harvey.

I saw Bolanyi raising his crossbow and pointing it at Harvey's legs and feet: "The Wood family is so rich, why don't you save some outside?"

"That's because my family has money. All my money is here!" Harvey quickly pointed to the safe in the corner, "Then, it's all there."

Harvey knelt down, pointed at the safe and cried: "Don't kill me... I'm still young..."

Bolanyi slapped his thigh with the crossbow and moved step by step towards Harvey who was kneeling and crawling forward. He raised his crossbow and shot Harvey in the sole of his foot, causing Harvey to scream.

The robber's illogical killing made Harvey's nerves nearly collapse. He held his left foot that was shot through and cursed: "Madman! Madman! You are the madman!"

Blood overflowed from his fingers, and soon there were streams of blood on the wooden board.

Harvey fell to the ground and shouted hoarsely: "Help! Someone come and help me!"

Obsward, who was holding the door open to watch the progress, finally moved! He rushed into the room and roared: "Master! I'm here to save you!"

Along with his words, he slammed down the sleep chimney in his hand, and the sleep gas in it filled the air and shot into everyone's nostrils.

Thorad was still far away from the mist, but he fell to the ground with a splash like a puddle of soft mud. Polanyi was still covering his nose, and stepped back more than a dozen steps, leaning against the wall and slowly struggling to slide down.

Harvey's eyes slowly closed, and the last image in his field of vision was that the coachman with a pointed chin and funny hairstyle appeared here and picked him up. He jolted and fell asleep. past.

Harvey Wood, the sixteenth son of the Wood family, is not taken seriously and lives only as a member of the family. He longs to find the pleasure of excellence in others, but he is always treated like a pig and slaughtered; he enjoys the power of his family in the world, but also lives a miserable and ordinary life.

Obsward was in the carriage, and Harvey was laid flat on the chair by him. There were already several red marks on his face.

When Obsward raised his hand again to slap him down, Harvey groaned and woke up.

"Master! Master Harvey! You are finally awake!" Obsward had an exaggerated expression, and he quickly turned his slap into a lifting gesture and leaned Harvey against the wall of the carriage.

Harvey glanced at the things around him, and a look of panic appeared on his face again: "Where are the robbers? Where are the two madmen?"

His head looked around, and after realizing that he was no longer in the gambling house, he relaxed and collapsed like liquid, unable to move.

"Master, don't worry, you are safe, I have rescued you!"

Harvey's eyes suddenly became bright. He looked at Obsward and said excitedly: "Yes, yes! You saved me! You...what's your name?"

"Xiao Ao. Master, just call me Xiao Ao."

"You're a coachman, right?"

"Yes, Master, it's temporary."

The freckled-faced Harvey wanted to stand up, but felt a pain in the soles of his feet, and then remembered that the soles of his feet had been pierced. This made him hate the two crazy robbers again, and also felt grateful to Obsward. The love becomes more and more intense.

"Congratulations, Xiao Ao." Harvey waved his hand, "You have been promoted! You will be my personal valet!"

Looking at Obsward's dull face, Harvey explained proudly: "As the valet of the Wood family, you can enter and leave the family's house at will. You can also go anywhere with me. You can lead A higher salary and become a servant of the world's top family, Xiao Ao, you are prosperous!"

Harvey patted Obsward on the shoulder and laughed. But he suddenly came back to his senses, as if he thought of something, looked at Obsward and asked: "Xiao Ao, how did you rescue me?"

Obsward originally thought that Harvey was too stupid to even ask this question - it seems that Harvey Wood is just stupid, not very stupid, he thought to himself. When encountering a problem at this time, I have already thrown out the prepared answer:

"Master, I..." Obsward deliberately hesitated, "When I came to this city, I specially prepared a cylinder of sleeping gas because I was afraid of encountering danger, so that a weak person like me would There is also a chance to escape.”

Harvey pondered for a moment, glanced at Obsward, cleared his throat and said: "Then - you need to be more prepared."

"I'm also very interested in this sleeping gas." Harvey added.

Obsward resigned and drove the carriage in the direction of Wood Manor.

The Wood family's manor came into view while driving by Obsward. It is located at the southwest end of Zali City, close to the Pandora Peninsula. The entire manor occupies a vast area. There are many small fountains and golden dragon-shaped statues on both sides of the avenue. In the wider space on both sides of the avenue, there are rows after rows of colorful flowers and servants wearing farmer's hats. Working in the fields.

The carriage drove slowly along the long tree-lined avenue, and stopped after a half circle around a large fountain in front of the house. Harvey Wood, the sixteenth son, was taken into the house by the servant, while Obswold was taken to the dressing room by the butler, who changed him into the clothes of a valet.

Anyone who wants something in his home must first get it inside. Obsward, with his hair neatly combed back and a pointed chin, looked at himself in the mirror wearing a valet's uniform, with a victorious smile on his lips.

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