Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 103 Men and Women and Flowers

There is a small stream flowing inside Wood Manor. It turns several turns and outlines a pavilion on the convex bank.

There are two steps up to the circular pavilion, but there is no one inside - Obsward and Aina are next to the pavilion, squatting along the base of the pavilion, and Obswold is digging soil.

"So, I only need to dig half a finger deep and the seeds can be put down?"

Obswold took a small bucket and carefully extended the depth.

"You don't have to be so nervous, it's just digging." Aina laughed when she saw Obsward's appearance.

"This is my first time."

"It's also my first time -" Aina said with a smile, "teaching others how to grow flowers."

She watched Obswold digging in the soil and continued: "So are you stalking me today?"

"No." Obsward hesitated, "I happened to see you there, at the Blue Flower Tavern. You walked over from a flower shop."

"Then why do you know I want this blue iris?" She lowered her head without raising it.

Obsward glanced at her, and could only see the chestnut hair with a scent that drifted into the tip of his nose: "It is difficult for people to hide something when they like it, especially when they don't want to pretend."

Aina raised her head, and their eyes just met. Obsward buried his head again and dug in the soil: "I saw you staring at the blue iris bush for a long time. You seemed to want to come into the tavern."

"Then why did you buy a bag of its seeds?"

"I, I also think flowers are beautiful."

After a moment of silence, Obsward wanted to break the awkward atmosphere, so he tried to change the subject and said, "Miss, when will the Pandora Conference be held this year?"

"It's not decided yet. According to my father, there is a monster that has not been captured successfully. It may be postponed until the end of the year." Aina stretched out her hand to help pull the edge of the pit, "Okay, it's almost done. , sprinkle the seeds."

"Just one?" Obsward continued to ask, "Monster? What monster?"

"It seems like -" Aina tilted her head and thought for a moment, "Dinosaur." She blurted out, "Sprinkle two or three."

Obswald sprinkled the seeds and picked up the shovel to turn the soil back.

"I heard that what the family wants to capture is an ancient dragon." Obsward asked casually.

"Oh, this is my father's ideal. He always thinks that his bloody conference will be attended by ancient dragons, so that he will reach a position that has never been seen before or after." Aina's tone was somewhat sarcastic, "But Well, I don’t know much about the Tyrannosaurus, I just know that it is very strong and very rare. It dares to fight any monster. Although I heard that its appearance will destroy the local ecology, it is considered an evil dragon, but it is very knightly. Spirit."

"Chivalry?" Obsward raised the corner of his mouth, "I only know that many rich people want to own a pair of Dino Rex leather shoes. I heard that they are a symbol of identity and status."

Aina took the kettle and handed it to Obsward and said: "And my father is unfortunately a loyal supporter of this statement. Kill and entertain those spiritual great things to satisfy those nihilistic and greedy spiritual desires. The common things below.”

"How much water should I pour?"

"Well... just soak this area and it'll be fine."

Water droplets poured from the watering can.

"Miss Aina, you like flowers very much?"

“Don’t we do enough to prove it now?”

"Then you must be Master Wood's favorite child."

Aina raised her head and waited for Obsward to explain.

"There are flower fields everywhere in this manor." Obsward moved his fingers in a circle, indicating that they were surrounded by flowers.

"Hahaha, can't there be a flower field first and then my love?"

"So I was right?"

Aina Wood pondered for a long time: "That's right. My father loves the new and hates the old. As long as there are children younger than me born, he will shift his attention."

"But that doesn't stop him from thinking highly of you now, right?" Obsward felt that his own tone was a little strange, and the look he looked at Aina was also a little strange. He shook his head and regretted asking. That sentence just now.

"Yes." Aina agreed. She patted the pit where the seeds were planted with her hand, "Okay, just wait for it to grow out."

The two of them stood up. There was a circle of flowers of various colors around the edge of the pavilion's base, and Obsward had just buried the most unique one here.

"Xiao Ao, it's nice chatting with you."

"Miss, it's my pleasure."

Aina smiled, she took out an exquisite wooden box from the handbag she was carrying, and handed it to Obsward. Obsward recognized it as a psychic mailbox at a glance, but after taking it, he still pretended not to know and asked: "What is this? Miss, do you want to give it to me?"

"Okay, stop pretending, you know how to use it." Aina tossed her hair behind her, "You have to take it with you. I like chatting with you."

The psychic mailbox is a miraculous product of civilian use of space psychic energy. When it is created, it is made in pairs. It contains psychic letter paper and psychic crystal. The letter paper can only be transferred between the two mail boxes.

"I'm leaving first." Aina waved her hand, and she walked towards the mansion holding up her blue skirt. Obsward looked at her back and was speechless for a long time.

In the Blue Flower Tavern, Thorad and the other three were sitting here again, and Obsward had already told them everything that had happened.

Thorad made a judgment: "An innocent girl enjoys a privileged life, but hates her family. She rejects everything, but has no courage to resist."

"If she didn't have the courage, she wouldn't take the initiative to chat with me." Obsward defended.

"Maybe she thinks you're handsome?" Bolanni leaned closer to speak.

Obsward said in disbelief, but also a little happily: "Really?"

"I'm kidding." Polanyi shrugged his shoulders and continued to retreat to his seat to drink juice.

"Why can't it be her..." Obsward wanted to say something, but he suppressed his words under the gazes of the two people. But Polanyi encouraged him knowingly: "What is she?"

"It's her who has a crush on me!" Obsward shouted to Polanyi in a suppressed voice.

Polanyi nodded in mock recognition and said sarcastically: "The most favored daughter of a family that rules a large area falls in love with a commoner whose current prefix is ​​blank. Oh, Obsward, I just pick girls, It also depends on the title. Of course, this is not to belittle you, but this is how aristocratic life is, and you cannot expect a girl who has been educated for more than ten years to not have class consciousness. "

"You make it sound like you have countless women." Obsward responded coldly.

Bolanni spread his hands: "Afraid of irritating you, I never said - my life as a man and a woman is quite - exciting." He laughed, showing his big white teeth.

Not to be outdone, Obsward responded: "She clearly knew that I was spreading news to the outside world, but she didn't expose me and still got so close to me. Doesn't this mean that she can be our breakthrough point? Intelligence, internal intelligence, she Dislike of the family is our best breakthrough point.”

"Maybe she just wants to have fun and have a taste of something new. What's more, she is a very scheming girl and wants to find out who is the person behind you. Maybe we look out the window now, the Wood family The soldiers and horses have already arrived." Polanyi obviously wanted to work hard to break Obsward's "illusion."

"That's enough, stop talking." Thorard interrupted, "Obsward, are you saying that our goal is to kidnap this girl?"

"This is the last resort for Aina Wood," Obsward said. "I hope she can help us."

"Don't fall in love." Polanyi finally warned.

"You..." Obsward wanted to say something back, but in the end he found that he could not speak. He turned his eyes to the window and saw the blue iris swaying in the wind, which looked like he was swaying unsteadily at this moment. thoughts.

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