Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 105 Volcanic resources, rock dragon?

Across the lifeless swamp, the volcano's gradually green color from top to bottom appeared in front of Jetro's eyes.

Jetro didn't know what he could search for, but the volcano was such a unique terrain. If he didn't search for it himself, he might lose some hidden opportunities.

To entice guests to spend months traveling to the New World, he had to find something new and unique. And he really didn't know what novel tourism projects could be developed using marine resources, so he could only turn his attention to volcanoes.

Now that the biggest threat to the volcano, the fire dragon couple, is dead, it is obviously much safer to search the volcano than to search other unknown areas.

Looking down from Charmander's back, Yetro clung to the carapace on Charmander's back. He always felt that he was a little afraid of heights and was always afraid that he would lose his hand and fall at any moment. This kind of death was right under his feet. The feeling made him regret coming.

He looked around with his eyes. The Charmander didn't fly very fast and the volcano wasn't big, so they circled around and started to climb up.

The back of the volcano, where you can't see it from Xingdeng River, is actually lush and green. They flew over, and Jetro could still hear the gurgling sound of water. They were hidden among the vast woods, which surprised Jetro.

He thought that this volcano had been "destroyed", so he motioned to Qiu Guang to let the little fire dragon lower down again. He wanted to find the source of the sound of running water.

Flying along the trees halfway up the mountainside, Yetro finally saw a silver light reflected in the sunlight, and along with it, he saw patches of white mist rising. He quickly ordered Qiu Guang to stop nearby.

After landing on the nearby lawn, they jumped off the back of the little fire dragon and passed through a row of tall trees. They turned thousands of times amidst the colorful colors and brushed the branches and leaves of the shrubs that blocked their eyes. Yetro's vision suddenly changed. Open and cheerful.

Surrounded by trees, there was a pool of water bubbling. It gurgled out, followed the undulations of the terrain, and flowed down the mountain. It flowed into several overlapping ponds, and the ponds could no longer contain enough. , began to continue to overflow downwards, flowing into waterfalls one after another.

Steaming heat filled the surface of the water, spreading out into a mountainous area.

"What is this?" Qiu Guang was a little surprised, "What a magical water, it actually steams."

He squatted down and wrapped his arms in a layer of purple spiritual energy. After extending his arms into the water, he shouted in even greater surprise: "Oh my god, the temperature is right, the body feels very comfortable, and there is a lot of beneficial energy flowing in." My arm - it's just like, like..."

Qiu Guang's mind was searching for something, and he suddenly shouted - "It's like a 'spiritual bath'! A kind of bath that spiritual people spend a lot of money and materials to take to enhance their spiritual power."

"This is a hot spring." Jetro answered. He was also very happy, but he keenly caught a question, "Haven't you seen it?"

Qiu Guang shook his head: "I have been to many places, but this 'hot spring' you mentioned is the first time I have seen it. Maybe it is a resource that only the nobles can enjoy."

"It's hard to tell." Yetro followed Qiu Guang's intention and said, "Maybe it's a resource that only the gathering of spiritual beings has."

Jetro looked at this very high-quality hot spring and couldn't help but want to take off his shoes and socks and swim into the embrace of the hot spring water. However, Qiu Guang suddenly grabbed his arm. Qiu Guang's expression was very wary: "Wait a minute. ! It seems we have entered a monster’s territory!”

Hunters specialize in hunting. They are highly alert and can always react to the hostility of certain monsters.

"Monster? Where is it?" Jetro looked around, but he didn't see any monster.

"I didn't find it." Qiu Guang took out his shield ax and looked around cautiously, "This feeling is unmistakable - there are monsters watching us and sending out signals to protect the territory."

"It can't be in the water. There's no big monster hiding in this pool." Jetro looked at the sky again, "It's not in the sky either."

"There aren't any in the bushes either." Qiu Guang finished his observation.

"So..." the two said in unison, a little nervous.

Suddenly, there was a violent shaking under my feet——


As soon as they finished speaking, both of them flew out, and a huge dragon head pushed out from the soil, splashing a lot of soil. It flapped its wings, twisted its whole body, and pulled itself out of the soil.

Qiu Guang's voice reached Ye Teluo's ears - "It's the rock dragon!"

"Rock dragon?" Yetro quickly climbed up from the ground and looked back, only to see the monster that attacked them was gray-white, about six meters high, and looked like it jumped out of a rock. Its back stood up like pieces of rock like factory chimneys. The wings on both sides looked very heavy, and its claws were like crane's beaks, allowing it to dig in quickly.

Its head is also very hard, with several large horns protruding from the top of its head and cheeks. It seems that it can also use its head to dig into the ground.

"It is the larvae of the 'Volcano Overlord' Armored Dragon!" Qiu Guang, who had already held his shield ax on both sides, shouted loudly, "It will stick rocks to its body, and its defense power is very abnormal! The pure physics of any weapon No attack can effectively cause damage! We have to attack its chest, where there is an undeveloped scale. After knocking it down, we can pierce its heart and kill it with one strike!"

This is what Qiu Guang commanded, and he did the same. Facing the rock dragon as tall as him on the soles of his feet, he didn't look panicked and was very confident in his next operation.

The rock dragon charged, and its feet made a dull roar when it stepped on the ground. It waved its wings hard and tried to smash it down from the air, but it couldn't fly. It could only flap once, and its whole body hit the ground. , and tried hard to push himself forward with his hind legs.

Let's call it a collision. Qiu Guang raised the horned dragon shield and resisted.

The rock dragon saw that this move did not crush the enemy into a pulp, so it roared angrily, stamped its foot, and a large amount of purple gas began to pour out from the pores under its abdomen and thighs.

This is sleep gas. Qiu Guang had already run away when Yanlong stamped his feet. Sleep gas dissipates quickly in the air, and when its concentration is insufficient, it loses its effect.

Seeing that this move was unsuccessful, Yanlong turned its body sideways to Qiu Guang again. It pushed its right foot hard and turned itself sideways. It rolled several times vigorously, trying to crush Qiu Guang to death with its huge body. .

But Yanlong's agility was seriously lacking, so Qiu Guang ran out of Yanlong's rolling circle again. Qiu Guang calmly assembled the shield ax into its third form - psychic liberation!

Huge energy poured into the ground and surged out from the ground!

Qiu Guang seemed to have known that Yanlong's rolling circle would push him back with his feet when it finally stopped rolling. He predicted Yanlong's standing position and hit it on the head with a release of psychic energy!

A terrifying shock wave exploded under the rock dragon's belly, and its fragile abdominal scales were blown away, exposing its bright red muscles.

Qiu Guang took back his shield and axe, and was about to pursue the victory when he heard the rock dragon howl violently, which shocked people so much that they covered their ears tightly.

As the earth crackled, the rock dragon dug a big pit with its claws and head in an instant. A passage had been formed under the soft soil. The rock dragon dug in and dug in. Qiu Guang and Ye When Tero arrived at the entrance of the cave, it was already hidden deep below.

The dark underground hole made the two of them give up the idea of ​​going down to fight.

"I have never seen a monster that can run so fast." Jetro sighed, "You are too strong."

"What the hell." Qiu Guang scratched his face in embarrassment, "The main reason is that the rock dragon itself is a larvae. It is very docile and timid by nature and does not attack other creatures easily because it is trying hard to preserve its own life. Grow into the overlord Armored Dragon.

We were actively attacked this time, probably because the place we arrived was right on the edge of its lair. "

"This is a good place. Maybe we can build something here." Jetro had some plans in mind.

"Are you talking about this 'hot spring'?"

Yetro smiled, raised his chin and pointed at the hole where the rock dragon escaped and said: "There is also this dragon, it is also useful."

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