Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 119 Polani’s connections

Thorad and Polanyi stayed on both sides of the road leading from Zari City to Pandora Peninsula. A large number of people gathered here, and the people always looked forward to one day being invited to set foot on the white brick road to the country of the powerful. However, a huge iron gate and a large number of guards stood in front of them, making it their only way. Realistic obstacles to reaching your ideal place.

Thorad and Polanyi are waiting for their chance. Since losing contact with Obsward, they can only find a way to enter the Pandora Conference on their own. Of course, Thorad had given him the idea - to rush in, put the knife on Daora's neck and force him to find out the whereabouts of his wife.

Polani couldn't help but applaud this method, but he wanted to slap himself silly so that he wouldn't have to think about whether the method proposed by Thorad was feasible.

Seeing that the time agreed with Jetro was coming, the two of them became a little anxious when they were trapped outside the door.

"Hey, Thorad, don't you have any acquaintances who can take us in?"

"Who will help a bereaved dog?" Thorad looked at Bolani, "It's you. Don't you have your own connections?"

Polanyi turned his head away in embarrassment and reluctantly admitted: "I am a genius, not many people can play with me." Afterwards, he retorted unwillingly, "Besides, this is in China and Sri Lanka. Lan District, how can I have someone I know well?"

Thorad did not want to persuade Polani to change his values. He looked at the heavily guarded door and suddenly felt a signal from a psychic mail box in his pocket. He took out the letter and read silently:

"Thorade, I'm sorry to hear the news that Obsward has lost contact. The plan is for him to lead you into the Pandora Conference and launch signal flares at the right moment to guide us into the venue.

There is also a companion of ours in the venue, his name is Albo Fei, but the circumstances in which he entered the venue did not allow him to bring others with him. In addition, Al Bo Fei is not good at using force, so he cannot threaten Daola.

So, now, I must implore you to complete this task yourself.

Among the people I sent, there was a girl named Afu. She is the daughter of Albophy. Her special ability will help you enter the Pandora Peninsula. But you must get a ship and sail to the west side of Pandora Peninsula to meet them.

The cost of this operation is very high, and I will not give up easily. If you are unable to enter the venue, I will ask Albo to guide the situation inside the venue. If you successfully enter the venue, please be sure to inform me via email.

I wish you all the best. "

Polanyi read the entire letter from the side and whistled: "Jetro is very persistent."

"Are you mocking your brother?"

"I didn't say that."

"Let's go then." Thorard put away the mailbox, recalled the direction of the port, and prepared to leave.

In order not to attract unnecessary attention, he covered his black powdered hair with a hat and a windbreaker, and wore gold-framed glasses on the bridge of his nose as he walked through the crowd. Polani's dress is very casual. He never deliberately conceals his appearance. His iconic golden hair is on his forehead, and his eyes are hanging in his eye sockets. In addition, he always likes Walking with his pockets in his pockets or holding the back of his head, he can be easily recognized as an unruly master in a crowd.


When the two people walked out of the crowded crowd, a clear female voice of surprise sounded on the road——

"Polani! Polanyi! Polanyi!" The person calling Polanyi kept calling, causing the person concerned to follow the sound and look sideways.

I saw a luxurious carriage parked on the road, and a woman opened the door and waved vigorously to Polani. After seeing Bolanni looking over, she jumped out of the carriage anxiously, holding up her skirt and trotting over.

"Atana?" After Bolani saw the woman's face clearly, the expression on his face became shocked. He waved his arms and shouted, "Atana!"

Polanyi watched the woman running towards him, and a strange feeling arose from the bottom of his heart - she was a person in a foreign country, in a huge loneliness and strange environment, suddenly met someone he knew. That sense of happiness and surprise that people feel.

This feeling can easily make people who were originally not on good terms become harmonious, and allow people who know each other well to fall in love.

Polani and Atana trotted towards each other. They seemed to want to open their arms and hug each other, but they were interrupted by a panicked carriage bell. A speeding carriage drove wildly on the road into the distance, causing the two excited young people to give up the idea of ​​embracing each other on the street.

"Atana, why are you here?" Polanyi looked at the girl in front of him. She had a typical oval face, deep eye sockets, hard black eyelashes, and slightly raised corners of her eyes, which made her look quite charming. Divide masculinity. Bolanni wanted to reach out and stroke her crescent-like brown eyebrows, and then follow the arc at the end of the eyebrows to stroke her smooth face, but at this time Thorad was watching from the side, and he lost the intimacy. courage.

"No! Tell me first, why did you run away?! They all said you found another woman!" Atana smiled with anger, but in her anger there was more joy for reunion.

Bolani looked a little embarrassed. He quickly waved his hands and denied: "I didn't! Atana, you believe me! I have been with men for the past few months!"

", you..." Atana covered her lips gently with her white-gloved palms, her eyes widened in shock.

"You are wrong!" Polani reluctantly pulled Sorad over and introduced him, "Let me introduce to you. This is my teammate on this mission. His name is Sorad."

"Are you on a mission?" Atana laughed happily, looking at Bolanni with admiration in her eyes.

"Yes!" Polani lowered his voice and introduced Thorad, "Her name is Atana, she is the only daughter of General Alpha of the Hebrew Empire."

"Hello." Thorad took off his hat gracefully in greeting, and the latter responded equally gracefully.

"Atana, can you tell me now why you are here?"

"I'm here to attend the Pandora Conference." Atana pointed to the heavily guarded door, with a bit of a coquettish tone, "Humph, if you disappeared without leaving any information, then I would be sad all the time. My father couldn't bear it, so he asked me to come out and relax."

As soon as Atana finished speaking, Bolanni puffed up his chest proudly. He slowly turned his body to face Thorad, folded his hands elegantly and calmly in front of his abdomen, and said slowly with artificial emphasis: " Mr. Thorard, do you see clearly? This is my connection."

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