Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 127 Chasing Daola (2)

In the lobby of the New World Alpine Hotel, Jetro and Moore Bird stood on the fifth floor of the hotel. They leaned on the brown-red wooden railings in the corridor and watched the suspended chandelier below slowly rotating.

Moore's hand was spraying blazing purple light. This overbearing spiritual energy rushed behind the chandelier, just like a child coming home, and gently blended into the embrace of the chandelier without arousing any reaction.

"No matter how many times I input psychic energy into it, it always makes me feel magical." Moore continued to use psychic energy in his hands and said, "I am very confident in my own psychic capacity, but in this chandelier In front of me, I feel like my spiritual energy is like a river flowing into the sea, without causing any change in the sea."

"Don't deny yourself, you are almost approaching its upper limit." Jetro could hear the feedback from several portal fragments -

"Energy reserves can turn on communication functions; energy reserves can turn on support functions."

"Okay. That's enough." Jetro gestured to Moore to stop.

"Wow, I'm so tired." Moore shook his arms, exhaled a big breath, and said impatiently, "How is it? Can I have a dream? It's been a few days."

At this time, Jetro's psychic mailbox received a signal for receiving the letter. He took it out and looked at it, and found that it was the message transmitted back by Gordon - their signal had exploded over the Pandora Conference, and they Be prepared to enter the market.

So Jetro put away the mailbox and said to Moore: "Don't worry, Moore, let me show you the fruits of your labor."

The light bugs exploded into colorful colors in the air. Obsward threw away the flare he took from Thorad and said quickly: "Quick, Thorad, let's go after Daora. He should come from here. Private harbor on the peninsula left.”

"Then what should they do?" Thorad put away his sword. The room was already filled with blood, and everyone's limbs were torn into several halves as if cut by a sharp blade.

Obsward walked to the door and looked back at Feifei, Gilder and Aina. His eyes focused on Aina, who was sitting on a chair, letting the blood drip from her neck. It dripped and scabbed, she raised her head, her eyes met Obsward, and then looked at Thorad holding the sword - the originally clear and bright eyes turned into a pool of stagnant water. , bleak.

"They will take care of themselves." Obsward said coldly, and prepared to walk out of here without looking back.

Feifei stopped them and said, "Wait! Do you have anything to do with Jetro?!"

Obsward and Thorad glanced at Feifei in surprise, both with murderous intent.

"He and I are partners. He wrote to me and told me that there would be a good show here, but I didn't expect it to be so exciting." Feifei Bird smiled and said, "Can you send me out first? I'm afraid The Wood family also has guards here."

"Miss, you can go out without worries. I have killed everyone I saw on the road." Thorad did not respond directly to Feifei's words. He bent down and picked up a machete from the ground and handed it to Feifei, "You too You are not a weak woman, you are fully capable of dealing with the remaining miscellaneous fish."

"Okay." Feifei shrugged and turned the machete twice in his hand.

"Oh my God! What happened here?!" At the door, Bolani, who had blond hair, raised his bloody shoes in disgust. Behind him was Atana, who was holding on to his clothes. The two of them looked like they had just finished some business and were out for a walk.

"Bolani?!" Feifei said in shock.

"Fei... Fei Fei?!" Bolani and Atana were both shocked.

"Oh? Do you know each other?" Obsward pointed to both parties, "Then Bolani, please take this lady out quickly. There may be guards outside, so be careful."

Just heard Feifei question: "Bolani! What are you doing here?" Feifei is older than Bolanyi, and she has been close to Jetro's eldest daughter Pushila since she was a child. At this time, Feifei couldn't help but Taking on the tone of a sister, "Shouldn't you stay in the military?"

"Uh..." Bolani's subconscious tone weakened when facing his sister's playmate. He scratched his head in embarrassment and tentatively replied, "I'm here for a date?"

Atana nodded frequently in agreement.

"Hurry up! I'll take you out!" Feifei took the lead and walked out of the room, skipping Bolanni.

Polani looked at the people in the room, and when he found that Kilde was here, his voice became a little unnatural, and he shouted to Obsward: "He...she...he, she, Why is this person here?"

"Hello." Kilde responded calmly.

"Hello." Polani nodded awkwardly. He quickly grabbed Atana's hand and caught up with Feifei.

"Thorard, come with me! Let's go to the private harbor!" Obsward finally ran out of the door, Thorard followed behind, and the two groups separated along the corridor in two directions.

In the room, Gilder looked at Aina, who was sitting motionless with tears on her face, and sighed. She understood how much pain this woman had just endured - a woman, the two most important men in her life - her father and her lover, both showed ruthlessness and indifference to her, shattering her illusion that she was very valued. , so that now she has no idea what the meaning of life is, nor what she should live for.

Gilder cast his gaze out the window. In the Colosseum, the Steel Dragon was still suppressing Sander, but Gilder knew that it was better to say that Sander was restraining the Steel Dragon. She breathed a sigh of relief, and the corners of her mouth turned up. It was a smile after the release of fatigue, because she understood that when the Steel Dragon appeared here, their plan to seize the psychic control medium had been successful.

Obsward knew the way to the private port, because he was transported into the Colosseum from the private port. He ran forward with Thorad and said to him: "Thorad, wait a minute. Let me tell you one thing, you must ensure that you are not impulsive! The main thing is to grab the psychic control medium, okay?"

Thorad didn't look at him: "Say."

"I met Belinda. She was helping Daora catch dragons. I only survived this time because she saved me."

For a while, the only sound around the two of them was the sound of running.

"Where is she?" Thorad's tone was very low.

"During the beast fight, I saw her sitting in the stands of Daora, but she was only there on the first day, and she disappeared on the second day." Obsward analyzed, "She is responsible for catching dragons. Everything, she must also be involved when transporting the dragon. I heard that Daora is planning to use the Tyrannosaurus Rex as the finale, and she should be guarding the Tyrannosaurus Rex at the private port now. "

"I understand, we will encounter the Tyrannosaurus, right?" Thorad's tone was calm.

Obsward glanced at him in surprise: "I admire you very much, Thorad. If it were me, you would never be so calm."

"I have been looking for her for many years, and there have been too many passing by her." Thorad's voice was bitter, "If I want to be impulsive, it will have to wait until I see her with my own eyes."

The two of them stopped talking, and they ran towards the private harbor at high speed.

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