Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 140 Jetro’s bad plan (3)

In the hot springs, North Noah quickly held down Raphael's hand to prevent him from opening the buttons of his clothes.

"Mr. Raphael, I'd better do it by myself." He took half a step back with a little fear, holding on to his collar. Looking at Raphael in his bathrobe, he couldn't help but think of the past, and in the end he was still timid. Responded, "I'm sorry, I still have to go back to find Crystal, I'm leaving first."

As soon as North turned around, Raphael rushed in front of him and blocked his way with open hands.

"Don't be so anxious, North. The hot springs will be very comfortable. Can we go take a bath together?"

Years ago, when the younger North went to the Boyero Empire to dig more connections, he met Raphael, a man with a special fetish for men.

In the egg-shaped building on the river bank, Jetro still asked: "Why? Why did you exclude the New World? If the king really wants to expand his territory, the New World is definitely the best choice."

"I also asked my father this question. My father only said, 'It's too difficult.'" Selina imitated the king's voice. Her playfulness at this moment was either protecting her armor or looking away from the outcome of the matter.

"I don't believe it." Jetro said calmly, "The king wants to marry his daughter to such a far away place. The only reason that affects your marriage the most is 'it's too difficult'?"

Jetro's instinct told him that the royal family must know some secrets about the land beneath his feet.

"You really want to know?" Selina looked into Jetro's eyes, and Jetro looked into hers. Jetro nodded.

Selina was silent. She walked to the plank road and stood upright, looking at the ripples in the water below surrounded by the egg-shaped buildings from time to time.

"Because it's easy to marry me off."

Jetro was puzzled.

Selena turned around, suppressed her emotions, and repeated in a hoarse voice: "Because as long as you marry me off, we can get a large piece of land."

Jetro suddenly noticed that Selina's eyes were wet with tears. Even in the shadows, those soaked eyes were clearly visible.

"Jetro, you just came to the New World to open a hotel. You didn't come here to explore the unknown and open up territory. You can't even build a city in the area you are currently developing. But it is to this extent. Think about it. How many ships will be used to transport supplies? How many people will you send to work on the construction?

Once large-scale colonization begins, you have to explore in large circles. How many monsters will you encounter? What if a beast wave comes? What if the ancient dragon was attracted during the construction of the city? Jetro, the New World is too far away from the Old World. "

At the end of the sentence, Selena wiped the corners of her eyes gently and laughed to herself——

"The most important thing is that none of my brothers want to take power in a primitive forest like the New World - and no one will, except you."

"It seems that distance makes everything problematic." Jetro concluded the conversation.

But he himself had doubts about his words - because if you go from the Hebrew Empire to the Pojetro Empire, the distance is quite far. Maybe Selena doesn't know why the royal family refuses to come to the New World. Yetro could only pay more attention to it, because he always remembered that in the land under his feet, the growth rate and population density of monsters were astonishingly higher than that of the Old World.

"I will marry Raphael."

Selina lowered her head, as if she didn't want to hear the voice, "The St. Rigg family agreed to jointly develop a city with us. This city is located at the bottom of the territory of the famous Yanlong couple in the south."

Jetro knew about the famous Yanlong couple in the south. They lived to the east of the "City of Golden Tombs". It was a magical city. After death, people like to hold their hands with their chests, wrap the body with a cloth belt, and put it in the coffin. , and pile gold in the coffin according to his status during his lifetime. Only the most distinguished can cover the coffin with gold.

To the east of the City of Golden Tombs is a peninsula that looks like land. To the right of this peninsula is the territory of the St. Rigo family of the Boyero Empire.

The Yanlong couple have occupied this large peninsula as their home base, always affecting the safety of the border cities between the two countries. So people called this peninsula Yanlong Peninsula.

"Father plans to cross the Sea of ​​Blood from the south to the bottom of the Yanlong Peninsula to build this city called 'City of Shamsha' as a transit station, and then cross the Sea of ​​Blood into Poyet The uninhabited land below the Luo Empire. At that time, my brothers can explore the vast land." Selina raised her lips and smiled bitterly.

Yanlong Peninsula is like an inverted triangle, with the three lower sides surrounded by a sea of ​​blood. The blood sea is not bloody, but it often has some red algae floating on it. People think that the sea surface is bleeding, so it becomes a blood sea. Although the no-man's land in the south of the Boyero Empire is not as wealthy as the central region where the royal family is located, the climate there is already very suitable for land reclamation.

When Jetro was silent, Selena continued: "So, Jetro, do you know? I am worth a city."

Jetro looked at Selina's face with some heartache. When a smart woman began to laugh at herself and take the initiative to animalize herself, he felt very sad. He didn't know why he felt this way. Maybe it was someone he knew. He couldn't be free, and it gave him a negative emotion.

"Jetro, I want to be able to have my own freedom like you. But I can't.

I am for the empire, for my family, and for the lives of my brothers. I had to go to a place I had never lived before and marry a man I didn't like at all. "Her tone was like burned ashes floating feebly in the air——

"And this man is naive, willful, and lives in his own world. He does whatever he wants without caring about other people's feelings."

The sunlight gradually drifted away. It shone in from the hole in the egg-shaped building and began to move the aperture inside the building. Several dead fish carcasses were floating on the water, with missing limbs, as if they had been thrown up by other big fish in disgust.

"Jetro, what do you think?" Selina asked softly. She was not as tall as Jetro, so she looked up at Jetro with an almost pleading look, "Am I right? Do you want me to do this?"

Selena's words were humble, as if she was looking for a sense of identity, and as if she was looking for a hope that had been extinguished by herself.

The service staff in the hot spring hotel was very confused. He didn't know whether he should step forward to stop the respectful guest's behavior, because he saw the fair-faced man with medium female hair, tearing the boy's clothes somewhat arrogantly. . He saw the boy trying to resist, but he still exhaled and stood further away, letting them deal with it on their own - none of the guests here could be offended by him.

"Raphael! I said no!" North yelled. He blushed and tried his best to ward off Raphael's hand, but his strength was obviously not as strong as Raphael's.

"North, you are not good. You used to be very obedient." Raphael grinned excitedly, a little crazy. He twisted away North's hand and went to pull off his clothes, saying, "Let's take a bath together, like before."

"Shut up!" North spun his body and struggled.

And Raphael still doesn't let go. He always wants to get everything he wants, and his past life experience tells him that he can indeed get everything.

So he fiddled with North's clothes more vigorously, and while the two were struggling, he suddenly saw a piece of yellowed paper slipping out of North's upper body.

Raphael knelt down curiously, picked up the piece of paper, and muttered in confusion: "Emperor's agreement? Jetro Raya and Nos Noah..."

"Give it back to me!" North Noah said anxiously. Before Raphael could react, he snatched the paper and ran away quickly.

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