Hotel on the mountain

Chapter 147 The Wheel of History Pushing Forward (2)

"Dear Mr. Albophy, we are very lucky to have your support in this critical moment. Your goods give us the courage to continue and the hope of life.

But the road of friendship must eventually come to an end. After many people have decided, we will terminate our business cooperation with you and offer you a precious gift for this sudden behavior.

I hope that we will still have the opportunity to continue to cooperate in the future, and I wish you good business luck. "

Jetro finished reading the letter and put it on the desk. Opposite him, Albophe was standing there. The short and stocky Albophy took two steps forward and placed a test tube bottle on the table next to the letter.

"Sir, this is the 'gift' they sent me." After that, he took two steps back and stood back to where he was.

Jetro reached out and picked up the test tube bottle, and saw a golden-white liquid surging inside. The flow of the liquid was very similar to that of the Mad Dragon Potion. The obvious difference was that the Mad Dragon Potion was black.

"In other words, the Dragon God Cult has developed their own crazy dragon potion?" Yetro turned the test tube twice and looked at it twice more. The more he looked at it, the more he was attracted by the golden-white surging appearance of the liquid. Attracted, I just felt that the water inside was sparkling and very beautiful.

"According to the information I have obtained - it is indeed the case, and..." Albofei stopped talking, seeming a little afraid to say.

"Go on."

"And..." Albofei bent down a little more, "The potion they developed is more effective than ours - their potion will not kill the dragon puppets, it will only make them weak for a while. "

Jetro was confused. He thought for a while and asked the guard outside the door to call Daoer Raya. Dao'er, who was still sleeping in the Dawn Suite No. 1, hurriedly changed her clothes and rushed to the Central Suite No. 3. As soon as she entered, Jetro poured her a glass of water and asked her to take a breather. .

"What's wrong?" Dao'er's flaxen hair had not yet been tied up, and was hanging naturally and smoothly behind her back.

"Come and take a look at the liquid in this test tube." Yetro handed the test tube sent by the Dragon God Sect to Dao'er, who put down the water glass and took it.

"It's very close to the production process of Mad Dragon Potion." Dao'er concluded at the first glance.

"It is an advanced version of the Mad Dragon Potion. It is stronger than our Mad Dragon in every aspect." Yetro added information for Dao'er, "You can ask Albo Fei for details. This is sent to him by the Dragon God Sect. of."

"Advanced version?!" Dao'er exclaimed in surprise, "Impossible!"

"Why is it impossible?" Albophey asked doubtfully.

"The raw material of the Mad Dragon potion is made from the lin powder of the Black Eclipse Dragon. The upper limit of the Black Erosion Dragon determines the upper limit of the potion's efficacy." Dao'er shook the bottle of potion and spoke excitedly, "As far as I know, there is currently no Any dragon in the record has the same ability as the Black Eclipse Dragon."

Jetro and Albophe frowned. Dao'er's sleepiness from the morning disappeared: "If this potion completely surpasses our Mad Dragon Potion, then its raw material... what kind of dragon is it? One has similar abilities to the Black Eclipse Dragon, but has never been recorded. A long-lasting cologne?”

"And the most important thing is..." Jetro and Dao'er looked at each other, then looked at Albo Fei who looked a little frightened, and said what Dao'er didn't say, "The Dragon God Sect, masters such A monster..."

"Chief Wood, since you are eager to talk about things, I will make things clear to you directly."

Harry, the bishop of Central Silan District, reached down and took out a red wine glass from the wine cabinet, pressing it on the bar. "This is the ancient dragon 'Steel Dragon' of your family."

Harley took out another wine bottle from the wine cabinet and poured some wine into the cup. "This is the period during which the steel dragon can still serve you. There is only a little bit left."

Harley shook the wine bottle she had just filled with wine again. There was no wine left in it: "This is your psychic control medium - it is gone."

Aina listened quietly without interrupting.

"And this steel dragon is also this wine glass. It is a wine glass that wants to drink water. You see-"

Harry held the handle under the red wine glass with his hand. The wine in the glass disappeared little by little, and he had no idea where it went. "The wine has been finished by the cup. But this cup will make it thirsty, especially after it tastes the taste of the wine, it likes to drink it more. Do you know what it will do next?"

Harley shook the red wine glass and asked Aina. Aina shook her head.

Harley held the handle of the glass, turned around gracefully, and raised the glass high. In this bar, the wine barrels that store a large amount of wine seemed to be pulled by the wine glasses. Each one turned on the faucet on their own, and a shot of wine spurted out from the barrels, forming a wine fountain against gravity. Into the water glass.

"Now you understand." Harley still held up the cup, and the wine poured into the cup was like pouring into a bottomless pit that could never be filled. She turned to look at Aina, as if she didn't expect the latter to give an answer, and said by herself, "The steel dragon will not return to the forest after losing control. It has fallen in love with the taste of psychic energy and cannot quit it. So it will plunder psychic energy everywhere - and the sources of psychic energy in the psychic control medium are the people in your territory one after another. "

Aina's face changed. This meant that the loss of the psychic control medium was not only as simple as losing the help of the ancient dragon, but also meant that a natural disaster monster would sweep across the entire Zhongslan area unless it was full or eliminated.

"What you said must be right?" Aina didn't want to believe anyone easily anymore.

"Clan Chief Wood, you can give it a try, or you can carefully read the information on your family, or ask the leaders of other families, and someone will always tell you this - human spiritual energy passes through spiritual energy. After being able to control the assimilation of the medium, it is like a drug to Cologne. If you haven’t tried the taste, you won’t miss it, but once you get involved, you can’t get rid of it.”

Hallie stopped the performance, put the wine glass in front of her, and the wine in the glass returned to the original level.

Aina stood up, she wanted to leave here, and rely on herself to deduce whether the facts were really what the Bishop of the Dragon God Cult said.

I saw Harley reminding Aina's back loudly: "Chief Wood, I will still wait for you here. When you come back with fear, I will tell you - I have a way to help you. Solve the crisis after the Steel Dragon loses control, so you must remember and come back."

Aina paused for a moment, then left without looking back, leaving Harry behind her to gently raise the corners of her mouth and drink the wine in the glass in one gulp.

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